October 12th, 2023

Pastor Connection

 A Note from Rev. Feltman

Dear Members and Friends of First Presbyterian,

It was a sweet Sunday!!! We had a taste of the kingdom. I went home saying – it was good to be in the house of the Lord!

I am sure there was a collective sigh of relief Sunday evening from all who enabled this celebration to come to pass. You folks worked hard. It is okay for a pause but there are follow-up responsibilities. There were folks in the pews last Sunday who do not have a place to worship. Please re-invite them and encourage them to return. Please do not leave it to someone else. I am convinced there are literally hundreds of folks in the Cedar Valley who

appreciate sacred space, want to hear a choir, bell choir, an organ and see a preacher in a robe. Or they will put up with it because they sense God is up to something in and through First Presbyterian. I know there are people who have dropped out along the way but want to find the door to reenter a church. We have a place for them.

This Sunday I will begin a sermon series on the Apostle’s Creed. Please do not yawn, if it gets boring we will pivot. We will consider the first two words, “I believe”. It is a mouthful to say “I believe” in 2023. Hope to see you in church. Your presence is appreciated and needed and I believe God wants you there.

With love in Christ,

Dave Feltman

P.S. Please sign up for the retreat!! You will not want to miss it.

Contacting Rev. Feltman

Rev. Feltman will be in the office one day a week. He is hoping to address routine church business on that day. For care concerns you may call the church office or his cell phone, 319-231-3570; please leave a message if he is not able to answer.

Rev. Feltman will be in the office on Tue. Oct. 17th

Called to Leadership

The nominating committee is in the process of finding folks to serve as Elders, Deacons, and the Foundation Board. You can view the brochure insert HERE.

Please submit your recommendations to the office no later than October 15th, 2023. There are brochures in your Worship Bulletins.

Helping Hands Fund

The Helping Hands Fund, which we use to assist the community with their utility bills, is running low. If you can find it in your heart to donate to this much needed resource, it would be very much appreciated. More people are in need now than ever and our partner agencies are extraordinarily busy with increased assistance requests, typically due to inflation. If you would like to give, please write "Helping Hands" on the memo of your check.

Thank you for your generosity and care for our neighbors.

Retreat at Lakeshore Center on Lake Okoboji

First Presbyterian will be hosting a retreat Oct. 24-26. It will include the book A Guide to Prayer for God's Creation, and led by the book's author, Sam Hamilton-Poore. Please mark your calendars.

To view the brochure, please click HERE. There are also copies located in the office, and inserted in your Worship Bulletin. If you would like to sign up please place your completed registration and check in the offering tray or mail directly to the church. Thank you!

Lost and Found

There is a nice pair of prescription eyeglasses that someone left at the meal last Sunday. Please call the church office if you think they are yours.

Upcoming Meetings

Every Tuesday: Bible Study 9:00 a.m.

Every Thursday: Handbell Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary 6:00pm

Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary 7:00pm

Sun. Oct. 15: Worship Service 10:00 am

Tue. Oct 17: Bible Study 9:00 am

PNC 10:00 am

Stewardship & Finance 12 noon Church Office

Budget Prep Meeting 12:45 pm

Love Inc. 5:00 pm full building

Session 6:00 pm

Wed. Oct. 18: PW Meeting 9:30 am

Sat. Oct. 21: 415 Walnut Collective 8:00 am

*All meetings held in Calvin Hall unless otherwise noted.


We are now live streaming our Worship Services EVERY Sunday! The stream will start at 10:00 am on Sundays, and you can view it live on our YouTube channel wherever you have internet access!

If you are unable to watch the service live, the video will be recorded and you can watch at any time by clicking on the video on the YouTube page. The link is (Click Here) bit.ly/1stpresby

You can also find the link to the YouTube page on the church website.

Please click HERE for this week's bulletin

We look forward to worshiping with you every week!

Pulpit Flower Volunteers Needed

We are once again accepting donations of flower arrangements for our Sunday Services. We currently have openings October 22, November 19 & 26, and December 3 & 31. If you would like to donate, please contact Amber in the office to find a date that works for you. You can call the office or email Amber directly. 319-233-6145 or [email protected]Alternatively, you can let Nancy Valentine know on Sundays after service and she will relay your information to Amber. Thank you!

Church Prayer List

Ongoing/Continuing Prayers:

Betty Wexter, recovering at Wellspring

Donna Beaver, recovering at home

Jan Schwab

Steve Miller

Joe Fernau, Marie's son

Add to the Prayer List

Click HERE to submit a prayer request online. Our pastors will be praying for you and sharing concerns with the congregation as requested.

Elder Standing Team Assignments 


Stewardship and Finance:  Nancy Newhoff 

Mission and Outreach: Donna Beaver, Sally Davis, Mallory Sage 

Christian Nurture and Fellowship:  Terry Sage, Dan Davis 

Worship and Music:  Sally Davis, Mary Kabel 

Personnel: Tom Christensen, Dan Davis 

Building and Grounds: Craig Cose 

Thank You

Thank you all so much for your prayers, love, and caring for Iris and our family. You walked with us through three surgeries and an infection. Her quality of life is much improved already. We are so grateful for this church family who have loved us as one of your own. May God bless each of you mightily!

~The Gilles Family

Church Family Birthdays

We celebrate our members with birthdays in October. If you get a chance, please join us in wishing them a very happy birthday!


01 Katie Swallow

04 Gary Gilles, Isabelle Whyte

05 JoEllen Pruis

10 Emmalea Steere

11 Kimberly Jessen

13 Jerry Anders

14 Robert Dew

15 Linda Koleno

26 Gloria Frerichs

27 Sue Albright

First Presbyterian Church 505 Franklin St | Waterloo, IA | 319-233-6145 | www.1stpresby.org

Office Hours: M-Th 9:00am to 4:00pm

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