Pastor Connection November 7th 2024

A Note From Pastor Randy

Many of you are familiar with Henri Nouwen and some of his writings on the topic of spirituality. You may not know that he once gave a lecture on stewardship which subsequently became a little book titled “The Spirituality of Fund-Raising.”

Nouwen defines stewardship as “proclaiming what we believe in such a way that we offer other people an opportunity to participate with us in our vision and mission.” This is certainly our emphasis at First Presbyterian Church. Our mission is loving God, loving one another, and loving our neighbor. Over the past few weeks, our stewardship team, with some help from others, has been inviting you to participate in this mission.

Nouwen goes on. Stewardship “is precisely the opposite of begging. When we seek to raise funds we are not saying, ‘Please could you help us out because lately it’s been hard.’ Rather, we are declaring, ‘We have a vision that is amazing and exciting. We are inviting you to invest yourself through the resources that God have given you—your energy, your prayers, and your money—in this work to which God has called us.”

Finally, in Nouwen’s view, when we request funds for our mission, we invite people to be part of our community. He writes that stewardship as a ministry “must hold out the real possibility of friendship and community . . . I wonder how many churches and charitable organizations realize that community is one of the greatest gifts they have to offer. If we ask for money, it means that we offer a new fellowship, a new brotherhood, a new sisterhood, a new way of

belonging. We have something to offer—friendship, prayer, peace, love, fidelity, affection, ministry with those in need, and these things are so valuable that people are willing to make their resources available to sustain them.”

Your pledge for 2025 not only sustains the exciting work to which God has called us, it gives you a share in the priceless things that our faith community offers. I encourage you to give Nouwen’s perspective some prayerful thought and bring your pledge card to worship on Sunday, November 10. If you are away on Sunday, you can mail your card. If you have never pledged before, this is an opportunity to start.

For a copy of the pledge card, please click HERE.

Stated Meeting of the Presbytery

  The 233rd Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of North Central Iowa was held on Sunday afternoon, November 3rd at Central Presbyterian Church in Nevada, IA. Approximately 50 were in attendance with another 20 or so online. After worship with Communion, reports were heard from the Synod, General Assembly, Tri-Presbyteries Council and numerous others.


A presentation was made by Growing Hope Globally which is a mission designed to help those with hunger needs to learn to help themselves. 


Sara Sutter from Lakeshore Center at Okoboji was happy to share that the building loan is now paid off and how grateful they are for the generous contributions. She will be sharing a full slate of upcoming activities very soon. 


CRE Diane Martin was recognized upon her retirement and Ruling Elder Deb Russom was commissioned during the meeting. Congratulations to both. 


A meal was served after the meeting by the ladies of the church. A huge thank you to all involved. 

Respectfully submitted,

Dan Davis, Elder

Pastor Nominating Committee

Pastor Nominating Committee has met several times in the last month. The Ministry Discernment Profile (MDP) has been revised to reflect changes in our Church the last two years. It has been sent to the Committee on Ministry for approval. Once they meet and approve the MDP it will be uploaded to the Church Leadership Connection for prospective pastors to review. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue this process.  

Marsha Platt, Chair Pastor Nominating Committee

Partners In Education Conferences

As a retired teacher, I know that cookies and other treats fuel great parent conferences. The conference days are long and sugar is needed for pleasant conversations.  Our Partners in Education at Cunningham Elementary will have conferences on November 12 and November 14. If you are willing to make 2 dozen cookies or bars, please sign up in Calvin Hall, call the church office, or email We need approximately treats for 80 staff. You may bring to the church on Sunday, November 10 or call me at 319-493-2015 and I will pick up.

Thank you for your generosity. Jean Seeland

Piecemakers Quilters

The Piecemakers will meet on Saturday, November 16, from 9:00 – 2:00. The Valentine wall hanging project has been rescheduled to our January 2025 meeting at the request of Carol. Instead, Mary Mumm will show us the layout for our Mystery Quilt. If you haven’t been working on the Mystery quilt, feel free to bring your current project to work on. It’s also time to bring your ideas/patterns for consideration by the group for 2025. We’ll discuss next year’s projects after lunch and our “sew and tell.” We are ordering pizza for lunch, so please RSVP to Jackie or Mary Mumm so we can plan appropriately. We will ask for donations for the pizza. Feel free to bring a salad or dessert to share.

PW Thank Offering

Dear Members and Friends of First Presbyterian Church

The scripture for the 2024 PW Thank Offering is from 2 Corinthians 9:11-12. “You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us; for the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows with many thanksgivings to God.”

This scripture passage written by Paul to the people of Corinth gives us a helpful guide to giving generously. Paul prays for God’s blessing upon the Christians in Corinth who give, and hopes that as they receive they are more able to give. All of this is done to glorify and honor God.

You may bring your offering to the worship service on November 17 or you may send it to the church office by November 30. Please make checks payable to PWC.

Your prayers and financial support of PW’s Thank Offering is an expression of

thanksgiving to God.

Together in Service

Ann Sage

Please click HERE to read the letter in its entirety.

The Deacons Care Fund

What is the Deacons Care Fund? Deacons have a Care Fund that can be used to minister to those in need in our congregation as described in the Book of Order. If you or someone you know has a need, please reach out to Rev. Randy Argall or your Deacon. Your Deacon will inform Rev. Argall and he will ask to talk with you either by phone or in person. Rev. Argall will listen to your story and offer prayer with you. Other services besides financial could be offered. Your request will always be confidential.

Free Concert: Metropolitan Chorale November 17

UNI Glee Club Concert

Tickets have been purchased for the UNI Glee Club Concert on Friday, Dec. 6 at 7:30 pm. There will be a sign up in Calvin Hall if you would like to attend. The costs are covered by the Christian Nurture Team, 24 tickets have been purchased. Please join us for a night of great music!

Welcome Sunday December 15

Session has set December 15 as the Sunday we will welcome new members during worship. A reception will follow in Calvin Hall. If you know someone who may be interested in joining our church family, please let them know about this date and share their names with the church office or Pastor Randy.

There may be three different scenarios that bring new members to us.

1. Baptized persons who are transferring membership from another Christian church are received by letter of transfer.

2. Baptized persons who are coming from active membership in a church that does not issue letters of transfer are received on reaffirmation of faith.

3. Baptized persons who have ceased to participate in the life of the church, but who now desire to participate actively in it, are restored to membership through reaffirmation of faith.

At the center of the liturgy used during worship, we ask all being welcomed to answer four questions.

1. Trusting in the gracious mercy of God, do you turn from the ways of sin and renounce evil and its power in the world? I do.

2. Do you turn to Jesus Christ and accept him as your Lord and Savior, trusting in his grace and love? I do.

3. Will you be Christ’s faithful disciple, obeying his Word and showing his love? I will, with God’s help.

4. (After reciting the Apostles’ Creed with the entire congregation) You have publicly professed your faith. Will you be a faithful member of this congregation, share in its worship and ministry through your prayers and gifts, your study and service, and so fulfill your calling to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? I will, with God’s help.

December 15 is the third Sunday of Advent, typically given to the theme of joy. What joy it will be for us to welcome new members on that day!


We are now live streaming our Worship Services every Sunday! The stream will start at 10:00 am on Sundays, and you can view it live on our YouTube channel wherever you have internet access!

If you are unable to watch the service live, the video will be recorded and you can watch at any time by clicking on the video on the YouTube page. The link is (Click Here) The video will also be posted on our Facebook page and the website on Monday mornings.

You can also find the link to the YouTube page on the church website.

Please click HERE for the Sunday bulletin.

We look forward to worshiping with you every week!

Church Calendar


Thursday Nov. 7: 6:15 and 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsals

Sunday Nov. 10:

10:00 am Worship Service, Stewardship Sunday Sanctuary

5:00 pm Sunday Supper Fellowship Hall

Monday Nov. 11: VETERANS DAY Office is OPEN

6:00 pm NECC Painting Class Fellowship Hall

Tuesday Nov. 12: 9:00 am Bible Study

10:00 am Staff Meeting Church Office

10:30 am Deacons

12 Noon: Stewardship & Finance Church Office

2:30 pm Christian Nurture

5:00 pm Missions

5:00 pm Love Inc. Full Building

Thursday Nov. 14: 9:30 am Church Book Club offsite, contact Mary Kabel

6:00 and 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsals

Saturday Nov. 16:

9:00 am Piecemaker Quilters Fellowship Hall

Sunday Nov. 17: THANK OFFERING

10:00 am Worship Service, Stewardship Sunday Sanctuary

5:00 pm Sunday Supper Fellowship Hall

Pulpit Flower Volunteers Needed

We are accepting donations of flower arrangements for our Sunday Services. We currently have December 15th and 29th, and all of January available. If you would like to donate, please contact Amber in the office to find a date that works for you. You can call the office or email Amber directly. 319-233-6145 or Alternatively, you can let Nancy Valentine know on Sundays after service and she will relay your information to Amber. Thank you!

Elder Standing Team Assignments 


Stewardship and Finance:  Nancy Newhoff 

Mission and Outreach: Sally Davis, Mallory Sage, Sue Albright 

Christian Nurture and Fellowship:  Terry Sage, Dan Davis 

Worship and Music:  Mary Kabel, Marsha Muir, Sally Davis 

Personnel: Dan Davis 

Building and Grounds: Craig Cose 

Church Prayer List

New to the Prayer List:

Evelyn Boice

Dr. Patrick Hitchon, Don Broadston's friend

Ongoing/Continuing Prayers:

Karen Horsfall, Jan Bellinger's friend

Gary Catterson

Connie Leeper

Don Broadston

Pat & Kari Narey

Jan Schwab

Steve Miller

Prayer for Member Households:

Dennis & Penny Bunger

Tom Campbell

Marvin & Carol Carroll

Prayer in the Presbytery:

Amity Presbyterian Church, 1803 Highway D65, Reinbeck, IA 50669

CRE Darryl Widmayer

Prayer for Local Church:

Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 627 W. 4th St., Waterloo, IA 50702

Father Paul Htai Naw

Click HERE for their website

 Add to the Prayer List

Click HERE to submit a prayer request online. Our pastors will be praying for you and sharing concerns with the congregation as requested.

Online Giving

Make a secure donation online using your phone's camera with this QR code. Tell us in the "notes" if you would like to designate your gift.

Thank you for your generosity.

Church Family Birthdays

We celebrate our members with birthdays in November. If you get a chance, please join us in wishing them a very happy birthday!


04 Gary Lee, Melanie Smith

06 Alexander Quirk

07 Richard Platt

16 Don Schwab

22 Dennis Bass, Loren Sommerlot

23 Sue Halvorson

24 Debbie Miller

26 Ivy Gilles

28 Laura Christensen, Andy Frerichs, Janis Shea

First Presbyterian Church 505 Franklin St | Waterloo, IA | 319-233-6145 |

Office Hours: M-Th 9:00am to 4:00pm

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