Pastor Connection December 19th 2024

A Note From Pastor Randy

It has become my recent practice at this time of year to reflect on Charles Dickens’ classic tale A Christmas Carol. Of the many film adaptations, my favorite is “Scrooge” starring Alastair Sim (1951). The made-for-television movie starring George C. Scott (1984) is also very good. I have the DVDs and usually watch both versions!

As for the original novel of 1843, I prefer the Penguin Classics edition with introduction and notes by Dickens scholar Michael Slater. I also try to catch Doug Brown’s reading of A Christmas Carol on Iowa Public Radio. It airs at 7 PM on Dec. 24, so most of it can be heard after our Christmas Eve service.

Why this fascination with A Christmas Carol? It captures the true spirit of

Christmas—something I try to capture every year. It is a story of redemption and transformation. Ebenezer Scrooge starts out as a miserly, greedy old man with no concern for the poor. Through his encounter with Jacob Marley’s ghost, and the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future, he is completely changed. He becomes kind, compassionate and generous to the poor.

My favorite line about Scrooge comes at the end of the story. “He became as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew, or any other good old city, town or borough in the good old world."


This transformation is available to anyone—including me. I can become a good friend, a good person in the good old city of Waterloo in this good old world. So can we all, when we give ourselves to the true spirit of Christmas.

Christmas Eve Service

At 6 PM on Christmas Eve, First Presbyterian Church, will celebrate a Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols.  Members, friends and guests are invited to join us for an evening of scripture, music and candle lighting as we celebrate the biblical story of the coming of the Messiah.

On the morning of Christmas Eve, 9:00 AM central time, a live broadcast of A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols can be heard by the Choir of King’s College, Cambridge, one of the world’s foremost choirs of men and boys.  You can listen to this live performance on IPR Classical 89.5 FM or online at

Please share our Facebook event to invite your family and friends! Click HERE

Christmas Joy Offering

Each year during the Advent and Christmas season, we lift up past, present, and future leaders of the church. God has blessed the church with incredible leadership in every time and place, but those leaders often need to be supported by their communities as well. This Offering provides support for Presbyterian church workers and their families in their time of need and leadership development and education for communities of color at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color.

We will receive the Christmas Joy Offering on this Sunday, December 22. Please write "Christmas Joy" in the memo line of your check.

December Session Highlights

Session met on December 17. Newly elected elder, Jackie Bass, was present as our guest.

Action items included the following.

1. Transferred Beth Klann to Covenant Presbyterian Church in Des Moines. Received Constance Miller by letter of transfer and Sherrianne Noyes by reaffirmation of faith. Dave and Peg Frushour had previously been received by letter of transfer.

2. Accepted the request of Steve Cose to be released from his term as deacon with thanks for his service. Asked the Nominating Committee to identify a candidate to be elected at the annual meeting in February.

3. Set the date for the Annual Congregational Meeting on February 16 after worship. Team reports are due February 1.

4. Approved a request from One City to hold two 5-week Momentum Training sessions in our building, contingent on the signing of a building use agreement with specific details (times, rooms, etc.). The first class starts at the end of August 2025 and the second class in October.

5. Approved the roof repair and price with 15-year warranty from Service Roofing Co.

6. Viewed and discussed the website logo designs and color suites proposed by 1Vision. Agreed with the direction the task force was taking.

7. Approved the 2025 Budget.

Pastor Nominating Committee Update

The Ministry Discernment Profile has been approved by the Committee on Ministry and is now online in the Church Leadership Connection website for ministers to look at our information. We are now looking at Pastor Discernment Profiles and deciding if we would like to talk with the pastors that have been shared with us. The process is ongoing. Please pray for our committee as we look at different profiles to find the best person for our church;

Marsha Platt

Winter Weather

As we come into the winter season, it is important to note our building closure policies. In the event of a Sunday service being canceled, Pastor Randy will consult with the Clerk of Session to make the call of closure. This will be communicated on KWWL as well as an email sent out.

The office will close when the Waterloo Schools are closed.

We wish everyone a safe winter!

Heifer International

It has become a Christmas tradition here at First Church to purchase animals for Heifer International as a way to give to our poorest international neighbors at Christmas. There is a lovely tree in the hallway where you can donate cows, chickens, pigs, goats, and even bees to a family in need of livelihood. The beautiful thing is that whatever is donated will be matched at Heifer 100% right now. Here is a little bit more about Heifer International:

Heifer's Mission

We work to end hunger and poverty in partnership with the communities we serve. Our programs support entrepreneurs around the world, creating lasting change from the ground up.

It begins with a seed investment of livestock or agriculture, followed by mentorship to help project participants build a business, and ultimately to gain access to supply chains and markets.

These families are able to earn a living income and continuously lift up their communities as they train the next generation of leaders.

By supporting and training the world's farmers, ranchers, and female business owners, we're investing in a new breed of success.

Mitten and Hat Tree

The Mission and Outreach team is once again planning to have a mitten and hat tree. There is such a need in our community for warm items.

Please get out your knitting needles, crochet hooks, or just purchase extra items when you shop. The tree is in Calvin Hall.

Thank you.

Words of Welcome

We're so awfully glad you're here

In this season of joy and cheer

From what I can see

We're like family 

And with family you've nothing to fear

They've told us we wouldn't last long

But I think they're totally wrong 

I've heard all the chatter

And the numbers don't matter 

It's our love that makes us strong. 

~Dan Davis

From Our New Website Partners

Love, Joy, and Fruitcake!

This Christmas, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your partnership. The folks at 1Vision Communications are reminded to cherish those nearest to us and to extend our hearts toward those less fortunate.  


Above all, we celebrate the hope and joy that arise from the greatest gifts of love, kindness, and compassion. May this spirit of harmony and goodwill fill your heart and home, bringing comfort and happiness now and in the days to come.  


Wishing you a blessed Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous New Year.


Blake, Dani, Jennifer, Josh, Leah and Roland


We are now live streaming our Worship Services every Sunday! The stream will start at 10:00 am on Sundays, and you can view it live on our YouTube channel wherever you have internet access!

If you are unable to watch the service live, the video will be recorded and you can watch at any time by clicking on the video on the YouTube page. The link is (Click Here) The video will also be posted on our Facebook page and the website on Monday mornings.

You can also find the link to the YouTube page on the church website.

Please click HERE for the Sunday bulletin.

We look forward to worshiping with you every week!

Church Calendar


Friday Dec. 20: 6:30 pm Gift of Life Worship Practice Gym

Sunday Dec. 22: 10:00 am Worship Service Sanctuary

11:30 am Gift of Life Service Gym

5:00 pm Sunday Supper Fellowship Hall

Tuesday Dec. 24: 6:00 pm Christmas Eve Service Sanctuary

Wednesday Dec. 25- Thursday Dec. 26: Church Office Closed

Friday Dec. 27: 6:30 pm Gift of Life Worship Practice Gym

Sunday Dec. 29: 10:00 am Worship Service Sanctuary

NO Sunday Supper

Wednesday Jan. 1: Church Office Closed

Friday Jan. 3: 12:30 pm 415 Walnut Collective

6:30 pm Gift of Life Worship Practice Gym

Sunday Jan. 5: 10:00 am Worship Service Sanctuary

11:30 am Gift of Life Service Gym

5:00 pm Sunday Supper Fellowship Hall

Monday Jan. 6: 6:00 pm NECC Painting Class Fellowship Hall

Tuesday Jan. 7: 9:00 am Bible Study

10:00 am Staff Meeting Church Office

2:30 pm Christian Nurture

5:00 pm Missions

5:00 pm Love INC Check in Meeting Fellowship Hall

Wednesday Jan. 8: 6:00 and 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsals Sanctuary

Thursday Jan. 9: Church Book Club Off-Site

Friday Jan. 10: Gift of Life Worship Practice Gym

Church Office Closed

The Church Office will be closed Wednesday Dec. 25 and Thursday Dec. 26 in observance of Christmas. It will also be closed Wednesday Jan. 1 in observance of New Year's Day.

Staff Out of Office

Pastor Randy will be out of the office on vacation from December 30 through January 5. Please contact the office, or Pastor Pat with any emergent needs.

Next Pastor Connection

Due to the upcoming holidays, the next Pastor Connection will be emailed and mailed on January 9, 2025. See you next year!

Pulpit Flower Volunteers Needed

We are accepting donations of flower arrangements for our Sunday Services. We currently have December 29th, and January 12th, 19th, and 26th available. If you would like to donate, please contact Amber in the office to find a date that works for you. You can call the office or email Amber directly. 319-233-6145 or Alternatively, you can let Nancy Valentine know on Sundays after service and she will relay your information to Amber. Thank you!

Elder Standing Team Assignments 


Stewardship and Finance:  Nancy Newhoff 

Mission and Outreach: Sally Davis, Mallory Sage, Sue Albright 

Christian Nurture and Fellowship:  Terry Sage, Dan Davis 

Worship and Music:  Mary Kabel, Marsha Muir, Sally Davis 

Personnel: Dan Davis 

Building and Grounds: Craig Cose 

Church Prayer List

New to the Prayer List:

Jordan Thomas, Sunday Supper Guest

Ongoing/Continuing Prayers:

Dee May

Marge Polacek

Janice Bellinger

Lyonel Pearce, Linda Wiles' son-in-law

Evelyn Boice

Karen Horsfall, Jan Bellinger's friend

Pat & Kari Narey

Jan Schwab

Steve Miller

Prayer for Member Households:

David & Mary Dutton

Diane & Stan Ernster

Cheryl Ersland

Prayer in the Presbytery:

Presbytery Staff

Rev. Dr. Annika Lister Stroope, Administrative Executive & Stated Clerk

RE Amgad Beblawi, Ministry & Mission Executive

Rev. Ian McMullen, Pastor to the Presbyteries

Jeannie Stolee, Office Manager

Laura Scheiber, Communications Associate

Prayer for Local Church:

First United Methodist Church, 614 Randolph St., Waterloo, IA 50702

Pastor Hojin Shin

Click HERE for their website

 Add to the Prayer List

Click HERE to submit a prayer request online. Our pastors will be praying for you and sharing concerns with the congregation as requested.

Online Giving

Make a secure donation online using your phone's camera with this QR code. Tell us in the "notes" if you would like to designate your gift.

Thank you for your generosity.

Church Family Birthdays

We celebrate our members with birthdays in December. If you get a chance, please join us in wishing them a very happy birthday!


04 David Ames, Addison Bovy

05 Alex Ames

08 Kathy McClain, Dan Paulsen

09 Ruth Meade

12 Pat Geadelmann

14 Dave Kabel

19 Peter Christensen

24 Brooke Jamieson

26 Darlene Roberts

27 Amber Gilles

28 Frank Swallow

30 Penny Bunger, Sherrianne Noyes

31 Jane Christense, Russell Gemoll

First Presbyterian Church 505 Franklin St | Waterloo, IA | 319-233-6145 |

Office Hours: M-Th 9:00am to 4:00pm

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