3rd Quarter Matching Gift Challenge
$31,000 Matching Gift Challenge to fund the ever expanding M3-Africa ministry.
Amount given or pledged in response to the Challenge: $0.
Total funds raised: $0
Thanks so much for partnering with us in fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus!!
If you feel led to help with this, please send a check to the address below or you can give online through our website.
You can designate your gift to either the general Africa needs,
Or to the African Bible Fund.
M3 is a 501c-3 nonprofit organization, and all of your gifts are tax deductible.
Thanks so much for praying and giving as the Lord is leading you.
You can make a safe and secure donation in the following ways:
You can give safely online at: www.mentoringmen.net. Click the "Donate" tab at the top of the home page. Here is the link to that page: DONATE
Or, you can send your gift to:
1213 Culbreth Dr.
Wilmington, NC 28405
If you wish to make a donation specifically towards
our leadership/disciple-making training abroad in
Africa, or:
If you wish to make a donation of common stock or
any other type of unconventional gift to M3, please
contact me directly at: thad@mentoringmen.net
For more information concerning the financial standards by which we operate, visit the ECFA website by clicking this link: ECFA Homepage