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Monday October 14, 2019 - Monday November 18, 2019
The Majestic Life Marriage Ministry Team is hosting a pre-marital seminar for engaged couples or couples considering marriage within the next 12 months. This will be a 6-week interactive session geared to discussing all things related to marriage:

  • Uncover the misbeliefs of marriage
  • Learn to communicate with instant understanding
  • Discover the secret to resolving conflict
  • Master the skills of money management
  • Get your sex life off to a great start

The cost per couple to attend is $100 and includes text book, workbooks and relationship assessment.

Six Week Sessions Details:
-Begins: Monday October 14, 2019 - Monday November 18, 2019
-Monday's- 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
-Childcare will not be provided.
REGISTRATION CLOSES Monday October 7, 2019.

Please Note: The next session is tentatively scheduled for April/May.

Through the Bible  
Bible 101-108 are 11-week courses that will require the student to read at a rate of about two chapters a day. Each course will allow the student to discover, record, and share his insights from each chapter. 

The background and theme of each book are studied, and major biblical themes are traced. The student is exposed to proper principles of biblical interpretation and is required to work with them. The revelation of the Holy Spirit and the Author of the Scriptures is central throughout. 

Meeting Times are 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at 7:00 pm EST.

When: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 
Where: Healing Room in the Main Sanctuary 
Time: 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Go Gold Campaign
To Go Gold please follow these steps:
Step 1: Complete 2 classes
Step 2: Fill out a gift assessment form for Finding Your Fit in the ministry.
Step 3: Sign up to Volunteer for a Ministry of your Choice!

Children Church Ministry

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Majestic Life App Today!!!

We want you to connect to Majestic City!
Get connected to the Majestic City through our App,
 Facebook Page, Website  & Newsletter.

For more information visit and click on the Majestic City tab!

Scripture Memorization

October 2019

Psalm 100:1-3  King James Version (KJV)

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.  
Serve the  Lord  with gladness: come before his presence with singing.   Know ye that the  Lord  he is God: 
it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; 
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

Tips for Memorizing Scripture
Don't be Intimidated
Don't be intimidated by the thought of memorizing Scripture. God planned for us to do this and He's going to help us in our efforts to Know His Word. Everybody finds different methods to be helpful, but here are some suggestions to get started.

Write Your Verse Out 
Write your verse out on index card or half-card that you can carry around with you. Write both the topic and the reference out on the top, then write the verse down word-for-word. The topic helps you to bring the verse to memory when you need it in your own life or when you need to share God's Word with someone else.

Recite the Topic
Every time you're working on memorization recite the topic, t hen the reference, then the verse, and then the reference again. This will help you remember the reference with the verse.

Learn a Verse Phrase by Phrase
Learn a verse phrase by phrase, repeating what you've learned so far as you go. Start with the topic and reference, then the first phrase, then do all of that with the next phrase, and so on. Remember to repeat the reference at the end of the verse as well.

Carry Your Cards with You 
Carry your cards with you so you can review during spare moments, like during car rides, at sports practice, when waiting at appointments, or at your lunch break. You'll be surprised how much Scripture you can memorize on your commute to work and back.

Find a Partner
Find a partner to memorize these verses with, so you can help each other stay on track. It's great to pick someone from your local church  to work on growing in this together. 
Alway s be Reviewing Some of Your Past Verses
Always be reviewing some of your past verses as well so you can keep on thinking about them. It's great to carry around five at a time, four that you've already memorized and one that you're  working on.

Scripture Memorization for 2019
Matthew 6:33
February I Corinthians 13:4-7
March Galatians 5:22-23
April Psalms 1:1-6
May Matthew 22:37-40
June Matthew 5:3-10
July Psalms 27:1-3
August Review & Catch Up on Scripture Memorization
September Proverbs 3:9-10
October Psalms 100:1-3
November Colossians 3:15-17
December Isaiah 7:14

STEP 1 Accept Jesus Christ as Your Savior Today!
At the end of each service you are given the opportunity to meet with one of our leaders to pray with you and answer any questions that you may have concerning salvation.
STEP 2 Attend New Members Class & Volunteer Training
If you would like to join Majestic Life Ministries, you must complete New Member Class and Volunteer Training. These classes are held every 3rd Saturday from 10am to 2pm. We are excited to have you join us. We look forward to seeing you in New Members Class where you will learn more about the ministry and have the opportunity to have your questions answered.
STEP 3 Get Baptized  
Baptism Service is every 4th Wednesday at 7pm (except during the month of August). You may sign up by visiting  and click on forms. Select the Water Baptism form from the drop down menu. Complete the form and then click submit. You can also call the church Administrative Office Tuesday thru Friday from 9:30am to 3pm at 407-296-8587.
STEP 4 Attend Additional Classes
To continue in your spiritual growth and walk, take advantage of the following classes. 

Bible Institute Class Schedule

Prayer Classes                   2nd, 3rd, & 4th       Sundays              9:15am-10:15am
Perfecting Class                 1st & 3rd                Wednesdays       7pm - 8:30pm
Through the Bible              1st & 3rd                Wednesdays       7pm - 8:30pm 

S TEP 5 Serve by Joining a Ministry
There are many opportunities to serve at Majestic Life. We want you to find the one that best suits your passion, personality, and availability. If you have already joined Majestic Life and are ready to serve, select one of our ministries by reviewing and completing the application in the Volunteer Brochure.

Calendar of Activities
October 2019
King's Kids Children's Church
Children's Church available for children (Ages 8 weeks old to 6th grade) during the 10:30 am service only. Please sign in your child at the Youth Building before service. Children's Church is NOT available on Wednesday nights.
1st Sunday 8:30am & 10:30am 
Communion Service
Every 1st Sunday we partake in Holy Communion at both the 8:30 am and 10:30am services.
2nd Sunday 8:30am & 10:30am 
Poetry Sunday
Join the Poetry Ministry today and have your poems read every 2nd Sunday. Submit your poems at or to Deacon Riccardo Hutchins.

Sign Language Class 
1st & 3rd Saturday at 10 am
All are welcome to join us as we learn American Sign Language to reach out to the
deaf community.
Adult Dance Ministry
Tuesdays @ 6:45pm in Main Sanctuary
Youth Dance Ministry
Wednesdays at 7pm in the Event Center.
All are welcome to join the Dance Ministry.  Please come out and try out for the team.
50 and Over 
Ministry - Wisdom In Action
1st Monday at 7pm   
 If you are 50 and over, join WIA for a time of fellowship and fun.                                        

Medical Team 
3rd Sunday 9:45 am to 10:25 am

The Medical Team will meet the 3rd Sunday of each month from 9:45am - 10:25am.
Carpentry Ministry
1st & 3rd Saturday at 10am
Bring your youth, young men and women out to learn  carpentry skills, including the fundamentals of building such as measuring, marking, cutting, nailing, tools and aids, building tips and building diagrams. Classes held in Modular Buildings.

Marriage Ministry
3rd Friday  at  7pm
Marriage Ministry is a place where you can strengthen your marriage through the interactive seminars and meetings.  Discussions are always meaningful and challenging.
I GNITE Young Adult Ministry
1st & 3rd Friday at  7pm
Young Adults ages 18-35 years of age. Join us for interactive sessions that will strengthen
 your faith. MLC Young Adults going to college we want to stay connected with you during the upcoming school year! Please forward your contact 
information by signing up in the lobby or emailing it

YOUNG ADULT PARENTS - Attention college students and parents of college students. The Ignite Young Adult ministry would like to reach out to our college students by sending care packages and cards throughout each semester, as a reminder that your church family has not forgotten about you! You may be out of sight, but never out of mind! This offer extends to those students away from home, as well as those who are still "roughing it" at home with parents. Please stop by the information desk in the lobby to register. Also, for those with a heart to give, please feel free to offer donations of any kind to be sent to our students.
Hospitality Meeting
2nd Sunday After 10:30am Service

The Hospitality Team will meet the 2nd Sunday of each month immediately following 10:30 am service.

Women's Ministry - Jewels of Christ 
4th Friday of Each Month 
When you attend Jewels of Christ 
you can  expect  to grow in your 
giftings and  truly understand your 
value and who you are in Christ.
Outreach Ministry
4th Saturday at 1pm
The Prison Ministry, Evangelism  Ministry, and Nursing Home Ministry 
have joined together to  become the  Outreach Ministry
They meet the 4th Saturday of   each month at 1pm. 
All are welcome to join as we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Street Evangelism 
2nd Saturday @ 10:00 am
Feb, March, May, June, July, Aug, Sept. Nov.

Prison Ministry @ CFRC MU
2nd Tuesday @  8:00 am
Prison Ministry @ CFRC EU 
3rd Saturday @ 10am 

Nursing Home Ministry every 
 2nd & 4th Saturday @ 10:00 am -11:00 am


Important Contact Information

If you have experienced loss of a family member, have been hospitalized or are just needing support, please contact the Administrative Office (even if you verbally share with a leader) so that the church is informed and the information may be shared with Pastor and the Pastoral Care Deacon Team. 


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Check out Pastor Riva's Facebook page each week for daily inspirational messages and updates on Majestic Life's church-wide events. You can find her page at 
Pastor Riva Tims.  Because there are fake pages using Pastor Riva's name and likeness, please make sure you select the page with the blue authentic check mark that is located by her name.



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