Dear Parishioners,


Few of us have been subject to a king, and the few kings left in the world do not have the power over their subjects’ lives that a king in the Ancient Near East or the Roman Empire had. It is not surprising, then, that when Jews of that time imagined what it would be like for God to finally take complete control of the world, they used imagery of kingship and of great battles between good and evil. The most powerful use of that language, however, made its point by turning typical ideas of kingship on their head, as our readings today show.


In the first reading, Ezekiel sees that eventually the devastating reigns of Israel’s recent kings, as well as the kings of other nations who conquered Israel, would come to an end. God will be their king, but his reign will be not of pomp and majesty but of the kindest of shepherds, tenderly giving care to the most vulnerable of the flock.


For Paul, Christ’s resurrection signaled that the end times had begun, and very soon, he thought, Christ will reign as king. But again, he will be a king far different than the Jews were experiencing under the Roman emperors. Christ the King will bring not more money and prestige to the rich, but life eternal to those who belong to him. He promises just judgment both for them and for those who have oppressed them.


The Gospel tells us how to belong to Christ. Jesus’ parable of the sheep and the goats continues the theme of the messianic king who will judge justly. In the Roman Empire, honor was everything and money was able to buy you that. Money also bought what could only roughly be called “justice.” It is not money or power or worldly honor that gains one admittance to Jesus’ kingdom, however – it is acting like God, the Good Shepherd, who binds up the injured and heals the sick. To be with him and in him, Christ the King chooses quite simply those who give food, drink, clothing, and comfort to those most neglected.


It is a topsy-turvy kingdom, this reign of Christ, compared to the values of the wider society, both in ancient times and in our time. Choosing Christ’s kingdom is an act of both exceptional bravery and extreme humility. Let these thoughts be with us as together we receive the body and blood of Christ, our king.


Fr. Tad


  • Remember to silence, turn off, and put away your cell phones, tablets, and gaming devices prior the start of Mass. This includes chewing gum.


  • Keep in mind the Communion fast – we are to fast from food and drink (water and medicine excluded) one hour before receiving Holy Communion. Let us prepare our body and soul to worthily receive our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

  • When we are in the church (specifically in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament), we should keep our volume to a reverential whisper, if conversation is necessary. This is to promote prayer with Christ in the Eucharist and to prepare our hearts and minds for Mass. Community time is best for after Mass in the vestibule or outside the church. Thank you for your mindfulness.


Join us Friday, December 1, at 6:30 PM Mass. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will begin immediately afterward, and it will end at 7:00 AM the following morning with Benediction. All are invited to the delicious breakfast prepared by our wonderful crew.

"A thousand years of enjoying human glory is not worth even an hour spent in sweetly communing with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament." - Padre Pio

The Adoration Ministry is always looking for people who can commit to sitting with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for an assigned hour. For more details please contact the office. If you are not able to commit to a certain hour, you are encouraged to drop in for adoration whenever you can.

Outreach News

St. Joseph Christmas Food Drive

Feed a Family

Many in our community are experiencing extreme food insecurity. St. Joseph’s in Gilroy is currently providing food items to over 1800 people each week, and their needs are great.  Instead of gift cards or Christmas gift donations, St. Joseph’s has requested that this year we donate money to a food drive.

St. Joseph’s has the capability of purchasing large quantities of food items by the pallet load, and at a discount. Therefore, we are asking St Anthony parishioners to make cash or check donations and “Feed a Family” this Christmas.

We are suggesting a donation of $25, but any amount will greatly help.

We have been told many times that St. Anthony Church is one of St. Joseph’s largest supporters. Please give generously, and help make this a very Merry Christmas for a family in need.

Please make checks payable to St. Anthony Outreach, and write St. Joseph’s on the memo line at the bottom of the check. A member of Outreach will be available to take your cash or checks after each mass on Saturday and Sunday, December 2-3, and December 9-10. You may also drop off cash or checks in the parish office no later December 11.

May the Lord bless each of you and your families for your continued generosity, and may you have a blessed Christmas season!

The Youth Choir Needs You!

Girls and boys who love to sing are invited to join the Youth Choir.

The ability to read music is not required, but patience and persistence are assets!

With the holidays approaching, we will be singing at the 10:30 Mass 

on Dec. 3 (The First Sunday of Advent), Dec. 24 at 4 p.m. (Christmas Vigil Mass), 

and Jan. 7 ( Feast of the Epiphany). Even if you can't attend all these Masses or 

all rehearsals, please come as often as you can. What better way to praise God 

and advance His Kingdom than to lead the congregation in these services?


Join us Tuesdays, 4 to 5:30 p.m.


Email :  [email protected]

or phone: 408 268 3937 (landline - no texting)

if you have questions.


The Pastoral Care Ministry of St. Anthony Parish will be hosting their annual Advent blood drive on Saturday, December 9, 2023. The Stanford Blood Center will be taking donations in the Big Church parking lot from 8:30 am until 12:15 pm.

Whether you are a first time donor or a seasoned giver, please consider rolling up your sleeve this Advent Season. Did you know the Stanford Blood Center is the primary source of blood here in the Bay Area?

A single donation can provide life saving blood products to as many as three individuals in need. In person sign-ups will be held after each mass on the weekend of November 25-26th. Don't want to wait, contact Corinne Jarrett ([email protected] or 408-892-3152) today to get on the schedule. You can also sign up on-line by visiting the Stanford Blood Center website.

Thank you all for your continued support of such a worthy cause.

Save the Date for La Posada

Our parish will be hosting a traditional Posada on the 16th of December at 5:15 pm. Join us while we recall the journey of Mary and Joseph as they searched for lodging before the birth of Jesus. A procession, potluck dinner, and pinatas will round out this special evening. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors. Mark your calendar and watch for more details!

Religious Education Classes at Saint Anthony Parish began in September, but it's not too late to register. Forms are available in the turnstile in the vestibule or in the parish office. The cost is $80 per child.


Any questions, please call Katrina Votaw at (408) 927-8224.


We hope your children will join us this year!!

Thank you to those who were able to attend the Mass of Consolation. It was wonderful to see the community gathering together to give each other strength and hope toward healing.

In the month of November, please consider lighting a year long candle in memory of your loved one. Your loved one's name will be placed on a small metal plaque below your candle. Forms are available in the vestibule, or you can call the parish office for information (408-997-4800).

The 2024 Mass Intention Book

The 2024 Mass book is available

A very special prayer practice that is offered at every Mass is a Mass Intention. Intentions are offered for many reasons, for the living and the dead. Masses can be offered for birthdays, anniversaries, illness, special intentions and answered prayers. Consider remembering a loved one this upcoming year. If you are looking for a specific date for the Mass, call soon to reserve your date so that it isn’t taken. Contact Edith Baretta at the parish office ~ (408) 997-4800; email us at [email protected]

A donation of $10 is suggested. 

Father Tad encourages you to praise and pray by singing at Mass. Here’s a chance to familiarize yourself with the songs planned for Sunday, Nov 26 and Dec 3.

Click. Listen. Sing along. We look forward to hearing you!


8:30 MASS


We Will Follow (Nov 26)

Ready the Way (Dec 3)


Bread For The World (Nov 26)

Your Light Will Come, Jerusalem (Dec 3)



Hymn to Christ the King (Nov 26)

The Body of Christ (Dec 3)


I Will Lift Up Your Name (Nov 26)

Emmanuel (Dec 3)


10:30 MASS



Christ, Shine In Our Lives (Nov 26)

Ready the Way (Dec 3)


King of My Heart (Nov 26)

Your Light Will Come, Jerusalem (Dec 3)



Hymn to Christ the King (Nov 26)

The Body of Christ (Dec 3)


He Is Exalted (Nov 26)

Emmanuel (Dec 3)


Vigil Mass, November 25

"Little Church" McKean Rd


Sunday Mass, November 26

"Big Church" McKean Rd



Weekday Mass:

Tuesday - Friday


Visit the parish website for updates and other news
Visit our Website
Contact Us

St. Anthony Parish

20101 McKean Rd

San Jose, CA 95120

(408) 997- 4800