Dear St. John's family,

We have received a COVID-19 update from Bishops Ian and Laura, a portion of which is this sad and disappointing news as quoted: "In our previous communications with you we have encouraged you not to hold in-person, public worship through at least the Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 29. Current guidelines offered by both the Center for Disease Control and the White House ask that there be no in-person, public gatherings of more than ten people for at least the next eight weeks. We think this is prudent and appropriate counsel and thus strongly urge all parishes and worshipping communities in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut not to hold in-person, public worship for at least the next eight weeks, or through the fifth Sunday of Easter, May 10." By clicking here you can read the entire Bishops' letter of March 20 (COVID-19 Update #3).

Your wardens and clergy believe the unimaginable severity of COVID-19 warrants such extreme measures, and we will comply with the recommendations of Bishops Ian and Laura, as heartbreaking as this decision is. At St. John's, we will continue to make plans to live-stream our Wednesday mid-week service and our Sunday service of Holy Eucharist. We may be joining our sisters and brothers in the Southeast Region to do some additional services electronically together during the week.  

There will be much more information coming, especially regarding Holy Week and Easter services. The news of this elongated time apart brings great sadness, and yet we will walk through this together with God's help and with the help of each other. 

We continue to ask your prayers for all who are affected in any way by COVID-19 as our most recent email blast suggested—all those who are in danger of losing jobs, all whose health is at risk by the jobs they must do, all who are sick or live in fear, all who are isolated and lonely, all who are without safe lodging, all who are without food, those who are most vulnerable, those who must make difficult decisions for the safety of us all. In faith, we know that Jesus walks with us and abides with us in our struggles to understand what is incomprehensible. May we find strength in the love of God in Jesus Christ during this trying time. May you all be safe and stay healthy. 

Please contact Linda+ at 860-559-5070 or Fr. Benjamin at 614-561-8913 if you need assistance or pastoral support. We are here for you and only a call away.

Your clergy and your Wardens