Vol. 37: No. 43 ~ December 12, 2022
Official Announcements
Vicar for Religious

Annual Religious Jubilee Mass
The annual Religious Jubilee Mass took place on Friday, December 9, 2022, in the Mary Magdalene Prasch Chapel, next to the Pastoral Center, in St. Petersburg. Bishop Parkes presided at the Mass. Nine religious men and women, seven of whom were present, were honored for their years of service to God’s people. This year’s jubilarians are as follows:
65 Years of Religious Life:
Brother Dominic Sanpietro, CFC
60 Years of Religious Life:
Brother Chris Burns, CFC
Sister Catherine Cahill, OSF
Sister Miriam Cosgrove, OSB
Sister Elizabeth Crean, SNJM
Sister Florence Marino, IHM
Sister Dolores O’Brien, OSF
Sister Ann Regan, SNJM
Sister Veronica Visceglia, SSND
Many thanks to Sister Marlene Weidenborner, O.S.F., Vicar for Religious, for her efforts in coordinating this year’s Mass, which was followed by a luncheon for the jubilarians.

Congratulations to all those celebrating these milestone anniversaries!
Human Resources
Office of Worship Personnel Changes
Mr. Douglas J. Reatini, Director of our diocesan Office of Worship will be retiring effective December 31, 2022. In June 1997, Doug responded to God’s call to serve the Diocese of St Petersburg as Associate Director for the Office of Worship and was eventually appointed as Director. During the past 25-1/2 years, Doug has excelled at planning beautiful liturgies, forming liturgical ministers, and guiding our parish leaders in the Rite of Christian Initiation. He has had a profound impact on the life of our local Church by sharing his knowledge, experience, and faith.
We are forever grateful to Doug for his dedication, passion, and service to our Church and community.  Please join us in wishing Doug well and praying for his wellbeing and happiness as he embarks on this next phase of his life! Expressions of well-wishes and gratitude may be sent to Doug at his Pastoral Center address: P.O. Box 40200, St. Petersburg, FL 33743-0200, or by e-mail: djr@dosp.org.
Also, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Reverend Victor Amorose as the new Director of the Office of Worship, effective January 1, 2023. Father Amorose will remain pastor of St. John Vianney Parish, St. Pete Beach, but will also be joining the Pastoral Center staff on a part-time basis. Father Amorose is joining the Missionary Discipleship team, and we look forward to him sharing his gifts to further support the mission of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. He will be assisted by a full-time Associate Director of Worship, to be named once the position has been filled.
For the Faithful Departed

Let us keep the souls and the families of the faithful departed in our prayers:

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed
by the mercy of God, rest in peace!
Bulletin Announcements

View current information that can be included in parish bulletins here.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.
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Important Links
Rev. Msgr. Robert F. Morris
Vicar General
Diocese of St. Petersburg