Vol. 38: No. 26 ~ July 24, 2023
Office of the Bishop
Clergy Change
Most Reverend Gregory Parkes, Bishop of St. Petersburg, announces the following clergy change, effective July 24, 2023:
Upon notification by Very Reverend Joseph O’Reilly, I.C., Provincial Superior, Institute of Charity (Rosminian Fathers), Reverend Henry K. Sebastian, I.C. from Parochial Vicar of Blessed Sacrament Parish, Seminole.
Office of the Chancellor for Canonical Affairs
Decline to Sign Petitions for Dangerous Pro-Abortion Ballot Initiative
An extremely grave initiative is underway in Florida that seeks to erase pro-life protections by banning government regulation of abortion in our state constitution. A network of abortion activists are working to gather petition signatures to have a pro-abortion constitutional amendment placed on the statewide ballot in the November 2024 election. In order to do so, they need nearly 900,000 thousand signatures and are working right now in communities across Florida to collect them.
This amendment is deeply concerning because it will allow all abortions to be obtained until viability and includes a broad "health" loophole, essentially allowing abortion on demand up to birth. The amendment would hinder the Florida legislature’s ability to protect women and children from abortion. It could also nullify current laws requiring parental consent before minors obtain abortions and a 24-hour waiting period prior to abortions, as well as the 15-week and 6-week abortion laws recently passed by the legislature.
Floridians should not sign the petition. Declining to sign is not impeding the democratic process; it is taking a stand against what would be a terrible state policy. The FCCB is following developments in the initiative process closely and diligently preparing to help defeat it. Continue your prayers for the protection of the unborn and spread the word to your spheres of influence.
Thank you for helping to protect and respect all human life, especially the most vulnerable. To see more resources and information from the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops, please go to https://flaccb.org/.
Office of Marriage and Family Life
Free Clergy Online Seminar about NFP, Fertility and Faith
Couple to Couple League's MyParishNFP is offering a free online LIVE seminar on August 9, from 4-5 p.m. EST, for Clergy, Seminarians and Parish Staff where you can ask a Catholic doctor almost anything about NFP, contraceptives, fertility and faith. The panel of Catholic doctors include: Dr. Lester Ruppersberger, Dr William Williams and Dr. Lauren Rubal. This clergy webinar is held twice of year, free of charge, to provide clergy members with the latest medical and scientific information about NFP and Fertility. Register here.
Building a Eucharistic Marriage
Launch a program in your parish for married couples and watch your community thrive…Building a Eucharistic Marriage is a 7-part online video series that connects 7 areas for therapeutically strengthening your marriage with 7 areas of deepening your relationship with Christ through the Eucharist. There are options for couples who want to purchase an individual copy for home use or for parishes who would like to purchase a license for running the video series at their parish. The Parish License comes with a leaders’ guide, unlimited participant guides, as well as advertising options and participant discounts on their own copy of the program.
Special Offer for Parishes in the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Click on this link to purchase the course for 20% off the original price of $250.00.
Office of Intercultural Ministry
Save the date! Fifth Annual Diocesan African Mass
The African Catholics Ministry invites all to celebrate the Fifth Annual Diocesan African Mass. The Mass will be held on Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 12:00 p.m., at St. Paul Catholic Church, 12708 N. Dale Mabry Hwy., Tampa. Come and experience the celebration of the Catholic liturgy with diverse African languages and cultures. A reception will follow the Mass with samples of African food. For more information, please contact David Kadiri at (520) 822-6822.
Office of Communications
Pope Francis Invites us to Put the Eucharist at the Center of Our Lives
Pope Francis begins the July 2023, Pope Video saying, “If you are the same at the end of Mass as you were at the beginning, something is wrong.” In his July prayer intention, which he entrusts to the entire Catholic Church through the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, the Holy Father invites us to place the Eucharist at the center of our lives.
Radio Station Spirit FM
Spirit FM Hopesgiving Fundraiser
The Spirit FM Hopesgiving Fundraiser runs August 21st-25th. Please consider joining us as a partner with your gift of a dollar a day. Your gift increases the chances that another soul will learn of the Lord’s amazing love through our ministry.
For the Faithful Departed
Let us keep the souls and the families of the faithful departed in our prayers:
Mrs. Sue Carol Rudis, mother-in-law of Mrs. Patty Rudis, Human Resources Manager of the Diocese of St. Petersburg
May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed
by the mercy of God, rest in peace!
View current information that can be included in parish bulletins here.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers.
GulfCoastCatholic.org is a news website to help Catholics know, live and share the faith. You’ll find articles that inform and, hopefully, inspire.
Rev. Msgr. Robert F. Morris
Vicar General
Diocese of St. Petersburg