E-Newsletter of the
 November  2017 
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The USCCB's Subcommittee on Pastoral Care of Migrants, Refugees and Travelers works toward supporting and strengthening the pastoral care of the Church in the United States to ethnic communities of African-Caribbean, Brazilian and European Catholics as well as to people on the move such as: mariners and fishers, migrant farmworkers, airport workers and travelers, and communities of traveling shows from the circus, carnivals, race tracks and others.
November 21, 2017

It seems like yesterday that World Fisheries day was established in New Dehli, India. It seems like yesterday that I shared the excitement with fishermen from around the world in forming our organization-The World Forum of Fish Workers and Fish Harvesters (WFF). It seems like yesterday that the world started an annual event that celebrated the profession of commercial fishing.

On November 21, 1997, fishermen from eighteen countries left their boats and traveled to New Dehli, India. Strangers, bonded by the Oceans, met to establish a new organization. The creation of the WFF was founded on the common principles of sustaining the fisheries; sustaining the fishing communities; advocating for social justice and preserving the cultural history of fish harvesters and fish workers. Fishing representatives from 18 countries signed a declaration advocating for a global mandate of sustainable fishing practices and policies. The representatives from the United States that participated in this milestone were Angela Sanfilippo from Gloucester, MA; Barbara Stickel from Morro Bay, CA and myself.

"Yesterday" was twenty years ago. The first World Fisheries day was celebrated on November 21, 1997! Each one of us can reflect on what the last twenty years have meant for us in our professional and personal lives. Lots of ups and downs, lots of happiness and sadness and lots of successes and failures. As fishermen, we look back at the past twenty years with a perspective based on economic, ecological and social values. We measure our profession with unique indicators and principles. Our workplace are the Oceans and lakes which cover about 75% of Earth. This workplace has many challenges which are based on natural systems. Skills and knowledge are needed to harvest food that is constantly changing location and abundance. Equally important is the vulnerability to changing conditions. 

Fishing has been around for a very long time-thousands of years. So, twenty years is a small amount of time relative to the chronicles of fishing in world history. We know that the Bible has several references to gospels which describe the importance of fish and fishermen. Nowadays, fishing is the focal point of many policies, regulations and nutritional interest. Many times we take for granted that food will be always available and plentiful. 

Many times we do not understand the source of food and how food travels through a supply chain. Commercial fishermen bring you a variety of seafood which is unique to the region. They do this with pride using skills that they have learned working on the back deck of fishing boats.  Often catching fish is a spiritual way of life and serves as a symbol of culture and heritage. World Fisheries day illustrates the importance of fish as food and the role of the fishermen in providing us with this nourishment. This pride continues today.
Unfortunately, twenty years has brought us calamities and losses. Many fishermen have died working or pursuing their quest of teaching others the economic, ecological and social importance of sustaining the fisheries. Disasters-natural and man-made-have taken a severe toll on the fisheries and fishermen. The inhumane treatment of fishermen held captive on boats has become prevalent in the last twenty years.

Fortunately, twenty years has brought a lot more awareness to fishermen, the fisheries and the coastal communities. Recently (October 1-7, 2017), the Vatican, through its maritime ministry-the Apostleship of the Sea-organized a World Congress in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.  The conference, Caught  In The Net, gave an overview of abuse onboard fishing vessels. Many organizations gave presentations on how they are addressing the human rights violations. I am very grateful that Pope Francis is addressing these human rights issues on fishing boats. It is in alignment with his goal of equality and reinforces the meaning of World Fisheries day to advocate for social justice and fair labor conditions in fishing.  Ocean health and fishing comes with a price which is recognized on World Fisheries day. This day helps us understand the vulnerability of the fisheries to disasters and water quality.

World Fisheries day welcomes us into the livelihood and experiences of fishermen-a union that is held together by the circle created by the Oceans. It gives us an insight into their culture, their lives and their knowledge.  Twenty years ago, in New Dehli, this bond established solidarity. Solidarity between fishermen replaces hopelessness and loneliness.  It overcomes despair and fear.

Each year on November 21, we return to where it all started twenty years ago. It defines a path, twenty years in the making, which has brought us closer to the bounty of the Oceans. Looking forward, this path will bring a heightened awareness to the plight of the Oceans' resources and to those that spend their lives bringing us seafood. It truly brings out the goodness of the Oceans and those that bring us seafood.

Pietro Parravano, Chair, Fishing Committee Apostleship of the Sea
Half Moon Bay, CA  Events

XXVI National Gathering of the Circus and Traveling Show Ministries
January 4-7, 2018, Sarasota, FL

The Staff of the Subcommittee on the Pastoral Care of Migrants, Refugees and Travelers gathers annually in Sarasota, Florida with an association of traveling show ministers from across the nation that seek to evangelize, catechize and serve the traveling communities of the circus, the carnivals, race tracks, rodeos, and other traveling shows.

This group of ministers is formed of priests, deacons, sisters and lay leaders serving thousands of Catholics and non-Catholics in the U.S. that, because of their traveling lifestyles, cannot take part in the normal life of a parish. Many of them are youth and young adults that are hungry for the presence of the Church and that also need to be evangelized, catechized and have access to the sacraments.

There is also a large Hispanic population of travelers that not only need the same unique pastoral outreach for travelers, but that are in need of that cultural specific ministry as well. 

Please contact David Corrales at dcorrales@usccb.org  if you would like to register to attend this event to learn more about this unique ministry. 

The registration deadline is Wednesday December 6th, 2017.

Thanksgiving Prayer

Lord, we thank you
for the goodness of our people
and for the spirit of justice
that fills this nation.
We thank you for the beauty and fullness of the
land and the challenge of the cities.
We thank you for our work and our rest,
for one another, and for our homes.
We thank you, Lord:
accept our thanksgiving on this day.
We pray and give thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord.
R: Amen.

Thanksgiving Prayer, Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers 


 US Conference of Catholic Bishops 

Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church 

Office of Pastoral Care of Migrants, Refugees, and Travelers, (PCMRT)




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 All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright holder.