E-Newsletter of the
 October  2017 
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The USCCB's Subcommittee on Pastoral Care of Migrants, Refugees and Travelers works toward supporting and strengthening the pastoral care of the Church in the United States to ethnic communities of African-Caribbean, Brazilian and European Catholics as well as to people on the move such as: mariners and fishers, migrant farmworkers, airport workers and travelers, and communities of traveling shows from the circus, carnivals, race tracks and others.
Conclusions of the First National Congolese Retreat
by Bosco Miller, PCMRT Adviser
September 2-3, 2017

The Congolese Apostolate held its first ever National Retreat on September 2nd and September 3rd in San Antonio, Texas. After months of preparation, mother nature had its own plans: hurricane Harvey swept through. By the grace of God, we made it happen, there were people who drove all the way from Champaign Illinois to join us at the retreat. This was, by far, the most well organized Congolese religious event I ever witnessed.

The theme of our retreat was: "...May They Be One", John 17,21.  We focused on UNITY. Father Clay Mamvemba, a former Director of Liturgical services for Cardinal Monsengo and currently working on his PHD in Philosophy in Quebec City/Canada came to talk to us about Unity in Scriptures and he also examined the celebration of the Eucharist as a source of Christian Unity.

Dr. Valentin Ekiaka, Professor at the Mexican American Catholic College, helped us understand different types of parishes in America and how to get united with our local Church. He emphasized cultural integration and competency. Mr. Christophe of Dallas brought to our attention some of the causes of lack of unity within our communities and he also led us in charismatic prayer.

The Blessed sacrament was available for adoration and we also prayed the rosary together.  We had two Masses: on Saturday, we celebrated the Mass in the Zairian Rite as we are accustomed to back home, and the concluding Mass was on Sunday and open to all. Many non- Congolese came and joined us not only for the Mass but also for the reception. All those who came were agreed that we needed to meet annually for such uplifting spiritual gathering.

We made this happen thanks to the support of the Archdiocese of San Antonio, Knights of Columbus and to the efforts of our very own members of the Congolese Choir of San Antonio, who organized bbq fundraisers for the event. We provided nice bags with our Retreat logo to all participants. Each bag was stuffed with: a t-shirt, a rosary, a pen, a notebook, a badge, two booklets about the retreat info and songs for the two Masses we had. 

The Mexican American Catholic College was generous by providing us with free rooms and we provided sleeping accommodation and free meals for all.

Glory Be To God!

Reflection on PCMRT's Pastoral Visit to Migrant Farmworkers
by Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

This week many of us are participating in a week of prayer and action for migrants and refugees. But who are we really praying for?
Even though we are probably more connected than ever with phones, computers and other technology, sometimes it feels like we are further apart. Who are we and who are our neighbors?

Catholic Relief Services is honored to work with migrants and refugees across the world every day.

On October 22-26, 2017, CRS will join USCCB's Subcommittee on Pastoral Care of Migrants, Refugees and Travelers (PCMRT), migrant farmworkers and ministry leaders in Boise, Idaho for PCMRT's annual pastoral visit.

We will learn more about the migrant community here in the U.S., while sharing sacraments and outreach support. The local Church in Boise is always there for these migrants, but we can be, too, no matter where we live. These are our neighbors. They may not live next door, but we are all God's children.

The pastoral visits to migrant communities have been happening for over a decade, but this year there's even a deeper meaning. Pope Francis has called us to share the journey with migrants and refugees.

CRS is very happy to join with  Caritas Internationalis , United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and  Catholic Charities USA to reach out to migrants and refugees with love. We will listen, learn about their challenges, tell their stories, advocate and pray for them. Won't you join us?

Visit https://www.sharejourney.org/ for stories and resources. Follow the campaign on social media: #sharejourney


Strengthen the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees in your Parish
Week of Prayer and Action
October 7-13, 2017 

With open arms in a loving gesture, Pope Francis last week launched Share the Journey, a global, 2-year campaign in support of migrants and refugees. During a general audience on September 27, the pope urged us to "listen to migrants' stories." 

Now it is our turn to open our hearts and arms. Together, we will challenge the myths and negative perceptions about migrants and refugees by meeting them, sharing their stories, and finding common ground within our shared humanity. 

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is calling US to participate in a Week of Prayer and Action, October 7-13, 2017. A toolkit for leaders is available on the campaign website sharejourney.org . It includes stories, prayers and other resources to help your community participate in this historic campaign.
  1. The Parish Toolkit now offers the following concrete steps your parish can take to strengthen its pastoral care to migrants and refugees:
  2. Contact the  Subcommittee on Pastoral Care of Migrants, Refugees and Travelers(USCCB) to collaborate with a national Catholic association of religious and lay leaders that can assist you in ministering to ethnic communities and itinerant people landing within your parish jurisdiction at pcmrt@usccb.org or 202-541-3035.
  3. Sponsor your parish religious and lay leaders so they can participate in a Building Intercultural Competence for Ministers training (USCCB). 
  4. Contact the subcommittee for information on the latest study on the pastoral care of migrants, refugees and itinerant people in your diocese.
  5. Access copies of the bilingual manuals on Building Intercultural Competence for Ministers and the bilingual resource on Best Practices for Shared Parishes.

Share the Journey Campaign Prayer

Have mercy on me, God most high.
In my fear and loneliness, be my refuge.
Far from my homeland, I feel lost.
My heart is stirred by thoughts of the family I left behind.
O God, hear their cries and come to their help!
Calm the storms
of anxiety and doubt raging within me.
Go before me and guide my steps among a people I do not know.
May their kindness and compassion assure me that You are there to
welcome me.
Prayer developed by Cardinal Luis Tagle, president of Caritas Internationalis following his experiences meeting migrants and refugees helped by Caritas.

  • October 7-13: Week of Prayer and Action across the U.S. Parish Toolkit will be disseminated by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) with Information by PCMRT.
  • October 11-13: Center for Migration Studies Immigrant Integration Initiative Annual Conference in Los Angeles
  • October 22-26, 2017:  PCMRT's Pastoral Visit to Migrant Farmworkers hosted by the Diocese of Boise. Contact us for more information at PCMRT@usccb.org  
  • October 27-29, 2017: US Catholic Mission Association Conference in San Antonio. Stop by our PCMRT booth for contacts and resources for the pastoral care of migrants, refugees and itinerant people.
  • November 21, 2017:  World Fisheries Day - Activities in Washington DC Metro
  • December 12: Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe
  • December 18, 2017: International Migrants Day
  • January 4-7, 2018: XXVI National Gathering of the Circus and Traveling Show Ministries, St. Martha's Catholic Church, Sarasota, Florida co-sponsored by PCMRT and Catholic Extension. Contact us for accommodation assistance and more information.
  • January 7-13, 2018: National Migration Week
  • January 14, 2018 104th WORLD DAY OF MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES 2018
  • February 8, 2017:  St. Josephine Bakhita Day of Prayer to Stop Human Trafficking / Modern Day Slavery
  • February 15-18, 2018: Building Intercultural Competence for Ministers (BICM). Contact us for more information at diversity@usccb.org
  • February 18 - March 2, 2018:  Houston Maritime Ministry Training Program at the Houston International Seafarers' Center. Contact us for access to our scholarships.

 US Conference of Catholic Bishops 

Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church 

Office of Pastoral Care of Migrants, Refugees, and Travelers, (PCMRT)




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