McAllen First UMC

news & updates

November 2021

Upcoming Events

See what's happening this month.

Worship Service Spotlight

Church Family Sunday

Link to Contemporary Worship Service - Sunday, October 24th

Worship Service Podcasts

Click here to listen to the audio of the sermons:


From Pastor Laura

This Monday, Mary Dillon brought Shipley’s Donuts for the staff and office volunteers. You should have heard the joy and delight as we opened the box to behold the sight: warm, fresh donuts, smelling like heaven, and such a variety of sugary goodness. Everyone was happy Monday morning! 

I picked out a donut with cinnamon and sugar coating and as I held it, I thought of an old saying, “As you go through life make this your goal – look at the doughnut and not the hole.” 

This little ditty captures an important Biblical truth- the need to be thankful. I was reminded of the story of the 10 lepers who begged Jesus for healing (Luke 17:11-19). Instead of healing them right there, Jesus tells them to show themselves to the priest. They hobble away. I wonder, where they disappointed? They had asked for healing, but hadn’t received it, only another task.

No matter what they were feeling, they had enough hope to go where Jesus directed. As they do, they feel their bodies strengthening. They feel the sickness being beaten back. They look down and they are well, whole, for the first time in years! Well, you can imagine their joy. I’m not sure if they kept going to priest, probably, because that’s where they would be declared well and cleared to re-enter society. After that I bet they ran for their loved ones: spouses, little children, families, friends. I imagine tears, hugs, kisses. I see these men sighing with profound joy at being with their loved ones again after being alone and sick for so long. 

But one of them follows a different path. This man, seeing his healing, turns back. Before he finds the priest, before he hug his his family and friends, this healed leper returns to find Jesus, falling at his feet in gratitude. “Thank you,” I hear him weeping as he holds Jesus’ feet, “Oh, thank you.” He was the only one to say thank you, something Jesus remarks on with a bit of sadness- “Didn’t I heal ten men? Where are the other nine?” (Luke 17:17).

This is a season when we remind ourselves to be thankful. November is a month when our thoughts turn to gratitude. That’s a deeply biblical, extremely faith-filled way of being in this world. So let me challenge all of us, to seek out “the donut, not the hole.” To notice the good, the healing, the kindness of God. And then, before we run to enjoy it, to do this like the healed leper, fall at Jesus’ feet and say, “oh, thank you!”

Celebrating God's Blessings

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McAllen FUMC Day School News

A big THANK YOU to our volunteers who helped at our book fair! Teachers love to develop a mind one book at a time and the kiddos love the books!!

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Opening Our Church Home to the Community

It is so good to see our space being used to honor God by men studying the Bible. Bible Study Fellowship Evening Men are back studying the book of Matthew.

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Speaking of Bible Studies, Pastor Jon just finished an In-Person 8 week Bible Study and recorded each session for those that could not join in. Click here to start The Story of Us.

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It Was a Blessing to Celebrate October Birthdays!

Susan Hellums and Pastor Jon celebrated their October birthdays!!


We Were Blessed After Opening Our Doors In a Time of Need

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877th Engineering Battalion presented our congregation a certificate of gratitude for opening our doors to them in a times of need. (They also brought donuts!) -photo courtesy of S. Ruiz.

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Casserole Ministry

We are so blessed that a new ministry has started in our very own kitchen: The Casserole Ministry. Contact us at for more details.

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Word On Wednesday

is back in person every Wednesday starting at 3:30p.m and they are having a blast learning all kinds of different stories from the Bible. WOW was all about David and Goliath how God helps us stay strong and do amazing things for Him.

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Big Shout Out to Our FOLLOWeen Committee

for creating such a fun and safe event for our Church Family, neighbors and community. Of course none of this could have happened without the dedication from our volunteers!! If you missed out on the fun you can click on this link to see all the fun!

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Blessed to Blessed Others

We are collecting food for our annual Thanksgiving Baskets! Yes, we get to gather again to assemble our Thanksgiving Baskets, an annual event that blesses many.

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Remember to adjust your clocks!

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Starting on Sunday, November 14th in the Keystone room - across the way in the Education (South) Building.

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One of our favorite annual Youth Events is back! The Youth Christmas Tree with names will be set out on Sunday, November 14th.

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