McAllen First UMC

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September 2021

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Worship Service Spotlight

Finding God in the Pulga

Link to Traditional Worship Service - Sunday, September 5th

The Pulga Sermon Study Guide


but [God] never left them without evidence of himself and his goodness. For instance, he sends you rain and good crops and gives you food and joyful hearts. Acts 14:17

Look for God in your everyday life today. Where did you see God? What do evidence of God’s goodness you notice?


“I saw God in the first vendor’s smile. She had such a pretty smile and I enjoyed communicating with her. She negotiated but was fair. She was willing to switch later and trusted us that we didn’t rip her off.” -Cindy Baldwin

When have you been reminded of God’s love in an interaction with someone? How might your actions today help someone else see God?


“I noticed God in the physical changes in the pulga establishment itself…I had dreaded going because I remember it as dusty, crowded, and hot. Turns out that it was now a wide, cemented walkway with high covered shade. Even the “ghetto Pulga” had paved walkways with tarp coverings. All the former memories and misgivings of my pulga experiences were keeping me from forming new opinions of a valuable form of selling and buying for the community I live in.” 

Where am I allowing to old experiences to cloud new and better experiences? Where am I judging based on old experiences and not allowing new ones to correct or improve my opinions of others? -Norma Marroquin 


“I saw one open storage stall full of stuff-nearly to the top! Whoever owns it, values its contents. I saw only junk." 

How do others see the stuff I value? Is it the memories that I see in them that I value? How do I see other people? How does God? Does He see what made them the way they are and see what they can become? Can I give them a chance? -Norma Marroquin


“I saw God in the negotiation. I sure do love to barter. It lets me get to know people and have a little fun. And it’s expected. It’s a challenge; the more challenging, the better.” - David Marroquin

David saw God in connection and challenge, two crucial aspects, not just with sellers at the pulga, but with God. God not only wants to connect with us, but challenge us! Allow God’s words to challenge and shape you today!

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From Pastor Laura

The other night, there was a story on the news about nurses at Methodist Healthcare System in San Antonio. These nurses, the report said, are working up to 100 hours every week. They are pushing themselves to keep going, but they are so, so tired. The head nurse, Jane McCurley, said she has been through floods and fires and riots. But she has never seen what they have seen in the past weeks. And the reason isn’t just the situation. It’s the people. Patients in the past weeks have lashed out at nurses, threatening them with guns, knives, and violent bodily harm.

Nurse McClure pleaded with the public, “Please be kind. Please don’t take your frustration out on us, we’re the people trying to save your loved one’s life.” 

Ephesians 4:31-5:2 has some beautiful words of guidance for times like this: Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. 

We, God’s children, are to imitate God. If we are bitter, angry, full of rage, speaking harsh words, slandering others… we’re not imitating God. I know, we see lots of these evil behaviors out in the world. And sometimes we are tempted to think that a bit of rage, some harsh words, would set things right. But they never do. God asks us to put away the evil behaviors and pick up the healing ones.

Choose kindness, tenderheartedness, forgiveness. Choose a life “filled with love.” That’s the example Christ gives. Even as they nailed him to the cross, Jesus, spoke words of love and forgiveness. Surely we can at least be kind and forgiving as we weather this exhausting season of life. 

This week, I’d like you to put one word in your heart: kindness. Go out of your way to be kind. Be kind in traffic. Be kind in line. Be kind on the phone. Be kind when you are frustrated. Be kind when you’re exhausted. Be kind to the other children of God you encounter today. They are, after all, your brothers and sisters. 

Celebrating God's Goodness

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Vacation Bible School

After only one day of VBS in-person, for the safety of the children and the volunteers, the learning and fun continued virtually.

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Spreading Kindness in Our Community

Through a CarePortal Request our Church was able to deliver a donated washing machine to this family. A father and grandmother caring for his 5 children. Thanks be to God!


First UMC sent brownies and Texas treats to the Staff at one of our partner schools Escandon Elementary in McAllen! Snacks for their meetings today! Prayers for these and all who teach our children! We love and appreciate ALL you do! Thank you Marlyn Olivarez for sharing your gift of baking and for Rebecca Olivarez for delivering! Thank you First UMC for your passion for serving!


Back To School Prayers & Blessings

It was so much fun to see our Church Family ready for the new school year. Not only did students and teachers receive a small reminder of God's love & goodness, they were prayed over and blessed.


Pastors welcome students and families for the new school year...and share prayers/blessings with teachers on the first day at the FUMC Day School.

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1st Day at FUMC Day School

We can’t “mask” how excited we are to be “bus”tin back in to school! Our halls are filled with love, laughter, and giggles. And the kids are eager to learn and grow. Cheers to an amazing, new, happy, and healthy school year!

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When You Give Kindness,

You Receive Kindness

We received thank you treats from the United States Army Reserve for opening our doors and sharing our space for a second memorial service this summer.

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School Supplies Collection

Speaking of kindness, we are spreading kindness in our community. McFirst prepared 27 boxes of extra school supplies for classroom teachers to assist children in need directly. Each classroom at Escandon Elementary received a box so the teachers can distribute to students in need without embarrassing the kids. Your generosity is showing kindness to hundreds of kids. *Extra school supplies left over from were organized, boxed and taken to Hendricks Elementary for their Counselor to distribute as needed.

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Kindness Gives Our Community

a Place to Gather

Troop 76 Scouts continues to gather every Tuesday night; Pastor Jon was there to offer prayers for the scouts after the loss of McHi's sophomore student.

Also, the soccer fields are full of kiddos almost every night!

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