Pastors & Church Leaders Conference May 7-9, 2024

At Alton Bay Christian Conference Center

Sponsored by the Eastern Regional Association and the Maranatha Advent Christian Conference

Speakers: Chris Date of Rethinking Hell

Justin Nash, director of Communications for ACGC.

Chris will be doing several presentations on Conditional Immortality. While not an Advent Christian, Chris is a winsome and effective proponent of Conditional Immortality among Evangelicals. We have asked him to be with us for two reasons: First, to serve us as a refresher on the Biblical basis and importance of Conditionalism. The sponsors think this is something our pastors and church leaders will find beneficial and a great introduction for those who may not be familiar with the distinctive doctrine we hold. Second, Chris is both passionate about Conditional Immortality and committed to a sound Biblical and Evangelical theology. We are confident his passion and balanced theological perspective will provide encouragement for our pastors and elders to strengthen their grasp of and commitment to teach Conditional Immortality with renewed vigor and conviction.

In addition to a Biblical/Theological focus we wanted to have two other emphases for your encouragement and edification. Justin Nash will be giving two lectures on the Pastor’s Spiritual Life and Matters of Ecclesiology. He will focus one lecture on the necessity for Pastors and Church leaders to establish solid friendships with respected and trusted mentors. He will highlight the Biblical warrant for mentorship and provide practical “how-to” steps to implement these important relationships. He will also present a lecture on the Biblical basis and importance of church membership. Is membership in a local church Biblical and what bearing does it have on church life, the ordinances and church discipline?

In addition to the presentations and discussions, there will be time for fellowship and recreation.

This conference is also open to church elders and SundaySchool teachers, women’s ministry leaders and those who are co-laborers in positions of responsibility in their local churches.

The cost to attend is $25.00. Scholarship assistance is available for those who might find this a burden due to the travel costs. We do not want anyone who would like to attend not do so for this reason. Please consider availing yourself of this resource and mark your calendars. More details will be forthcoming.