Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Newsletter
Message from the Chair
As we begin the new academic year, I would like to provide a warm welcome to our new Residents, Fellows, and Faculty. Additionally, we wish our graduating Trainees the best in their future endeavors. I am also pleased to announce the launch of our Wellness pages and resources available on our website.
The department is dedicated to fostering an environment that supports the mental and physical health of our Faculty, Trainees, and Staff. Our mission is to increase efficiency in the workplace, reduce stress, and provide resources to better manage an individual’s time and energy. We believe well individuals translate to a well team which in turn provides exemplary clinical care. We thank our department’s Wellness Officer, Dr. Stephanie Yang, for furthering our Wellness initiative, creating a detailed listing of available university resources, and being a champion for positive change. Please review and utilize our Wellness resources available on our website.
As we start anew, I look forward to our department focusing on Wellness practices in addition to our continued excellence and advancement in clinical care, education, and research.
Sarah M. Dry, MD
Professor & Chair, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Blood Drives
The UCLA Blood & Platelet Center will be planning Blood Drives in September at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. Schedule your lifesaving donation today. Check their website for dates as they may change with Covid-19 restrictions.
Halloween Costume Contest
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine will again have its Halloween Costume Contest. Prepare now and take pictures on Halloween and submit them by November 1st.
Gift cards will be awarded for the top 5 costumes.
Breast Cancer Awareness
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is a worldwide annual campaign to increase awareness and to promote regular screening and early detection of breast cancer to provide the best chance of successful treatment and cure.
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine has formed a new Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Department committee co-chaired by Jennifer Filipek, Dr. Danny Rodriquez, Dr. David Lu and Dr. Dawn Ward. The committee will advise the Chair.
UCLA Emergency Lab Services
The Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Core Lab staff at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center sprang into action within 24 hours to provide an emergency-intake site in Long Beach for unaccompanied migrant children.
Congratulations to all who participated.
Alex Martin, Director of Operations for Anatomic Pathology, has been selected as the UCLA Administrative Management Group’s 2021 Rising Star Award recipient. Congratulations Alex !
Congratulations to Shih-Mao Teng, recipient of the Justine Pomakian Memorial Award and Robin Dietz, Jr., MD, recipient of the Inaugural Maryam Sayah Memorial Award presented during the Annual Farewell Ceremony.
Dr. Grody, MD, PhD, Professor, Clinical Genomics, Orphan Disease Testing, Molecular Pathology, was selected as one of the 2021 recipients of the David Geffen School of Medicine’s Serge & Yvette Dadone Clinical Teaching Award.
Dr. Naini, MD, Associate Professor
Hepatobiliary Pathology, Gastrointestinal Pathology, was selected to participate in the 2021-22 UC Women’s Initiative for Professional Development. It included applications from10 UC campuses.
BURL - Bruin University Reference Laboratory Outreach Lab in Panorama City receives and processes all of the clinic's samples and has a draw station where patients can get their blood drawn. It is the hub to all BURL draw stations.
Juan Rueda, Admin Specialist
Clinical Lab Business Office
April 2021
Lisa Reynolds, AAIII,
CHS Reporting Office
April 2021
Lupita Geer, CLT
Immunogenetics Center
April 2021
Steven Zuniga, HLT II
Component Processing Lab
May 2021
Jessica Navarro, Admin Specialist
Cytogenetics & FCBM Labs
May 2021
Shirley Taam, Instr. Analyst
Olympic Lab
May 2021
Heidi Vasquez, CLS Specialist
Core Laboratory
June 2021
Rey Divinagracia, HLT II
June 2021
Veronica Mani, AA III
Faculty Support
June 2021
UCLA Health is partnering with the AHA for the 2021 Heart & Stroke Walk. The Teams Kick-off was August 4th. Join Coach Okawa and donate to the Pathology Team to help reach our goal for the Saturday, October 9th walk.
The Department has relaunched its Twitter Account. Join and follow us and contribute with content: invited talks, interesting cases, new publications, new grant awards.
The Emerging Infectious Disease Lab (EID) team was originally formed for treating Ebola but remains prepared for any emerging virus. They recently attended safety training in June.
In March the department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine underwent a College of American Pathologist inspection performed by the University of Florida Health. Thanks to everyone on our team in helping us pass!
Congratulations to the inaugural senior class at the Geffen Academy at UCLA. Krysten Rioveros was bestowed the honor of being one of the selected speakers at the graduation, alongside the commencement speaker, Oprah! Congratulations, Krysten!
Congratulations to the following Pathology staff who recently retired. Best of luck and thank you for your service to the University.
David Allison, Rodelio Arambulo, Rosanna Cabalar, Annetta Pierro, Shih-Mao Teng.
If you have content to share please email the