Pathways Volume 10 | March 2023

MSPTI's Newest Team Member

MSPTI would like to introduce our newest Parent Educator in the Southwest Region, Octavia Carson!

"Joining MSPTI gives me the opportunity to educate parents, advocate for families, and develop a network that will benefit families impacted by disabilities in Mississippi," said Octavia. "I look forward to the many opportunities for collaborations and opportunities MSPTI offers."

Octavia is a graduate of Mississippi School for the Blind. She is an alumni of Tougaloo College and Jackson State University. She has a bachelor's degree in psychology with an emphasis in elementary education and a master's degree in special education with concentration in visual impairments.

Octavia is a board member of Project Start and the Mississippi Library Commission Talking Book Services. She is also a member of Jackson Public Schools P-16 Committee and the Jackson Public Schools Special Program’s Committee

We are extremely blessed and excited to have Octavia on our team!

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The Youth’s Role in Transition Planning

Tuesday, April 4

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Click here to register

Transition to Independent Living: What Parents Can Do Now

Thursday, April 6

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Click here to register

Transition to Adulthood: What Records Do I Need Keep

Tuesday, April 11

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Click here to register

Transition: What is an Exit Summary of Performance?

Thursday, April 13

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Click here to register

Transition to Adulthood: Who Plans and Why?

Tuesday, April 18

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Click here to register

Transition Guide: Self-Directed IEPs and Self-Advocacy

Tuesday, April 25

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Click here to register

Positive Solutions for Families: Tips for Families of Younger Children with Challenging Behavior

Tuesday, April 25

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

Click here to register

Making the Move to High School: Tips for Parents of Students with Disabilities

Thursday, April 27

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Click here to register


Procedural Safeguards    

Thursday, May 11

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Click here to register

Exploring Educational Options in Mississippi

Tuesday, May 23

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

Click here to register

Steps for Success: Making IEP Meetings Work            

Thursday, May 25

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Click here to register

Skills for Effective Advocacy    

Tuesday, May 30

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Click here to register

Section 504: Students with Special Healthcare Needs       

Tuesday, May 30

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Click here to register


Independent Living: Here We Come!    

Thursday, June 1

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Click here to register

Navigating the IEP    

Thursday, June 1

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Click here to register

Advocacy Academy (Part 1)       

Tuesday, June 13

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Click here to register

Advocacy Academy (Part 2)    

Tuesday, June 20

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Click here to register

Transition Boot Camp

Tuesday, June 27

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Click here to register

Power of a Personal Story           

Thursday, June 29

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Click here to register

MSCCD's Disability Awareness Day at the Capitol draws support from across Mississippi

Upcoming Trainings

Date: April 3rd

Location: Central MS Research and Extension Center

   1320 Seven Springs Road

   Raymond, MS 39154

Timing & Topics:

1:00-3:00 pm Assistive Technology Demonstrations (provided by TKMC and Project Start)

Learn about the latest and greatest assistive technology for educators, students, and employees that supports mobility, communication, vision, and performing acts of daily living. Hands-on demonstrations will be provided.  

3:30-4:30 pm Autism Liaisons at MSU 

Know a student with autism interested in college—what supports are available? Representatives from the Autism Liaison program at MSU will present about the program and tips for college readiness. Time will be allotted for Q&A.

5:00-6:00 pm What is ABA, and why should parents be involved?

ABA is the most recommended therapy for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Our presenters will discuss what services look like when receiving ABA and how parents and educators can be more involved. Time will be allotted for Q&A.


Date: April 28th

Location: TK Martin Center at Mississippi State University

325 Hardy Road 

Mississippi State, MS 39762

(GPS will lead you to gates; see for map and driving      

instructions to bypass gates)

Timing & Topics:

12:00-2:00 pm Assistive Technology Demonstrations (provided by TKMC and Project Start)

Learn about the latest and greatest assistive technology for educators, students, and employees that supports mobility, communication, vision, and performing acts of daily living. Hands-on demonstrations will be provided.  

2:30-3:30 pm Autism Liaisons at MSU 

Know a student with autism interested in college—what supports are available? Representatives from the Autism Liaison program at MSU will present about the program and tips for college readiness. Time will be allotted for Q&A.

4:00-5:00 pm What is ABA, and why should parents be involved?

ABA is the most recommended therapy for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Our presenters will discuss what services look like when receiving ABA and how parents and educators can be more involved. Time will be allotted for Q&A.

Date: May 15th

LocationNorth MS Research & Extension Center 

   5421 Hwy 145 South

  Shannon, Mississippi 38868

Timing & Topics:

1:00-3:00 pm Assistive Technology Demonstrations (provided by TKMC and Project Start)

Learn about the latest and greatest assistive technology for educators, students, and employees that supports mobility, communication, vision, and performing acts of daily living. Hands-on demonstrations will be provided.  

3:30-4:30 pm  Autism Liaisons at MSU 

Know a student with autism interested in college—what supports are available? Representatives from the Autism Liaison program at MSU will present about the program and tips for college readiness. Time will be allotted for Q&A.

5:00-6:00 pm  What is ABA, and why should parents be involved?

ABA is the most recommended therapy for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Our presenters will discuss what services look like when receiving ABA and how parents and educators can be more involved. Time will be allotted for Q&A.


These will be come-and-go events. No registration is required.

MSCCD's Families LEAD Advocacy Academy

provides training to families across the state

Sixty parents, professionals, and persons with disabilities completed the Families LEAD Advocacy Academy in January.

Families LEAD is a collaborative project of the Mississippi Coalition for Citizens with Disables (MSCCD), MS Parent Training & Information (MSPTI) Center, Mississippi Center for Advanced Medicine (MCAM) with Dr. Victoria Kivlan, Pediatric Audiologist, and Toni Hollingsworth, Project Director of the Mississippi Hearing-Vision Project (MH-VP). The project is funded by a sub-grant from the Mississippi State Department of Health. Families of children with disabilities will be provided stipends and travel reimbursement for their participation.

Families LEAD has three goals:

• Recruit and train family members of children/youth with disabilities and special healthcare needs as Positive Advocates, Peer-to-Peer Mentors, Family Trainers, and/or Family Leaders across the state.

• Provide technical assistance to ten trained Peer-to-Peer Mentors who provide support to matched families across the state.

• Support Family Leaders, Family Trainers, and Peer-to-Peer Mentors to engage in leadership positions locally, regionally, and/or at the state level.

Families LEAD will achieve its goals by using a three-tier process that trains families to become effective advocates, serve on groups, and become leaders.

For more information about Families LEAD, call (601) 969-0601 or email Brittany Greer, MSCCD Project Support Coordinator, at

Learn More!

MSPTI Resources

It's Still A Good IDEA
Tip Sheets
Archived Webinars
Take our Survey!

Be a Guest on Our Video Series and

Inspire Others

Do you have a personal story that would inspire and encourage others?


Are you a young adult with a disability that has grown into a strong self-advocate?


Please reach out to MSPTI to share your experience and be a guest on our video series Journey of a Disability Warrior: The Road's We've Traveled. We would love to hear from you and help speak your message of hope and perseverance!


If you would like to be a guest, please email 

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