Pathways Volume 17 | December 2024

What is MS CAP?

The Mississippi Client Assistance Program (MS CAP) helps individuals who are clients and client applicants of the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), Vocational Rehabilitation for the Blind (VRB), and Centers for Independent Living (CIL). 

MS CAP is administered by the Mississippi Coalition for Citizens with Disabilities (Coalition), an independent statewide nonprofit serving people with disabilities.

What does MS CAP do for Clients?

MS CAP can help clients in multiple ways, depending upon an individual client’s goals. Examples of how may help:

  • Provide information about client rights and responsibilities and promote self-advocacy
  • Assist clients in resolving communication problems with their counselor
  • Assist clients through informal negotiation or mediation
  • Assist clients in understanding services VR, VRB and CIL can provide and answer questions regarding service eligibility
  • Advocate for appropriate planning as students move from school to work
  • Work with MDRS and the Mississippi Statewide Independent Living Council to address systemic problems experienced by people with disabilities

When you might need help from MS CAP?

  • Determined that you are ineligible for services
  • Denied services you have requested
  • Offered fewer services than you may need
  • Closed your case without having met your goal

When should I contact MS CAP?

  • If you need information
  • If you need assistance working with VR, VRB or CIL services
  • As soon as possible after VR, VRB or a CIL makes a decision you believe is wrong
Learn more!

2024 Torchbearers Celebration

The Mississippi Coalition for Citizens with Disabilities held its annual Torchbearer's Celebration in November. We want to thank all our sponsors and contributors, and especially all the volunteers who helped make the night a success! We honored six people and organizations who do so much to improve the lives of people with disabilities!

MSPTI Welcomes Regina Moffett

We want to welcome Regina Moffett from Northeast Mississippi to the MSPTI team. Advocacy and supporting families of children, youth, and young adults with disabilities is important to Regina because she believes God created everyone in their own unique way. Her oldest son was not diagnosed with Dyslexia and Dysgraphia until he was 16 ½ years old. As a parent, she had to become his advocate to ensure he received the services that were required for his education. It is her passion to help other parents advocate for their children and young adults to achieve their dreams of furthering their education or obtaining a part-time job. Knowledge to activate for their children with disabilities whether physical or learning, and their children learning to advocate for themselves is very important to Regina. Her goal is to work with parents to provide guidance, support, and resources to help them navigate the challenges of raising children to be happy, healthy, and well-adjusted children, youth, and young adults.

Transition Tip Sheets


Transition Resources

Employment Checklist for Students (Ages 14-22) with Disabilities

This checklist can help you prepare for employment. This list below does not include every item needed and some of these may not apply to you since your employment goals are unique to you.

Download Checklist

Charting the LifeCourse – Health Care Transition  

Presented at the RAISE Summit, addressing transition to adult healthcare using the Life Course model. 

Download PDF

Advocacy Academy (Part 1)

Tuesday, January 7

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Click here to register

Section 504: Students with Special Healthcare Needs

Thursday, January 9

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Click here to register

Advocacy Academy (Part 2)

Tuesday, January 14

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Click here to register


MSPTI needs your input to help ensure that the information, training and support we provide meets the needs of Mississippi families. If you have used our services, please take a few minutes and complete our survey!

Take Our Survey!

MSPTI Resources

It's Still A Good IDEA
Tip Sheets
Archived Webinars
Visit our website!
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