
Elul 5783 - August 2023

With great siyyata dishmaya, last week began the 16th year of Yeshiva Nesivos Ahron. On Sunday and Monday we began to welcome back the second and third year bochurim and where excited to finally meet all of the wonderful new first year bochurim! 

On Thursday night the bochurim along with the Rebbeim and other members of the staff went on a trip to the Dead Sea. 

We are excited to announce the official kickoff of the Quarter Daf program. This innovative and exciting method of learning an easy and fulfilling amount of Gemara each and every day live from the Beis Hamussar in Chatzer Strauss, will be lead by Moreinu Rosh HaYeshiva Shlita Rav Moshe Binyomin Friedman. The program is set to begin this coming Monday the 18th of Elul IY"H. Please join us in our quest to connect to the Gemara on another level in just 15 minutes a day! Look out for more details to follow in the coming days.

The Rosh Yeshiva and Rabbi Skaist came to the Yeshiva for Shabbos to spend time with the Bochurim and enhance the Shabbos atmosphere. The home cooked meals where exquisite and uplifting with beautiful Shabbos Zemiros and a wonderful ambiance. 

The Learning began Monday afternoon, with Tuesday marking the first full day of limudim. The bochurim where excited to meet and start learning with their new Rebbeim.

Mazel Tov!!!

  • Mazal Tov to Shmuli Schwartzberg on his chasuna!

  • Mazal Tov to Moshe Levental on his engagement!

  • Mazal Tov to Yisrael Tennenbaum on his chasuna!

  • Mazal Tov to R' Isaac Friedman on the birth of a baby girl!

  • Mazal Tov to R' Yaakov Mankoff on the birth of a baby boy!

  • Mazal Tov to Rabbi Katz and his family on the birth of his grandson!

May we all only share simchas together.

If you would like to share your simcha or other announcement in future monthly newsletters, please fill out this form.

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The year is off to an incredible start, with one of the best atmospheres that we can remember in quite some time. We are very excited to see the bochurim continue to grow in all aspects of life. Wishing everyone a good rest of the week and a wonderful Shabbos!

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