Dear spiritual friends!
Post election, many are celebrating a huge win -- while others are struggling to deal with fear and the grief of loss. No matter how anyone feels about our president-elect and the unfolding changes, the country has spoken, and the decision has been made. While joyful for half the country and painful for the other half, I hope you will agree that we all need to let go of the razor-sharp judgment and cutting divisiveness that has been permeating our families, community and country far and wide. If we can't let go of distressing thoughts, perhaps we can dull them just a little, so we can begin our own path to healing.
While our choices and actions may change things on the political front, bitter thoughts will only poison our minds, depress our spirits, tear at our family and friendships and become the precursor for disease in our bodies.
I found this lovely quote that seems to be speaking to us now:
"Only humility will lead us to unity, and unity
will lead us to peace."
~ Mother Teresa
Humility is a great vibration to help us dissolve judgement and divisiveness. Can we be humble enough to seek understanding? This might mean laying down our swords from the political fight and finding a little compassion for one another. Did you feel like you made the best choice with the information you had? Consider that everyone else probably feels the very same way. We have all followed our hearts and find ourselves right here.
Humility might call us to look within for a little acceptance. Are you wanting to reconnect with family, friends and community who may have differing thoughts about the political landscape? Acceptance can help us move back into authentic communication in comfortable areas of agreement and begin to reconnect with loved ones again. Without acceptance, we stand in our corners of resistance, allowing the old grievances to continue churning through our minds.
Both victory and loss are fleeting
There is an old parable I would like to share. It is about an old king who asked his advisors and sages to provide a message that would help him move through any type of extreme despair or hopelessness. One long-time servant provided a message but said it must be kept hidden until the very moment he needed to read it. The secret message was then hidden inside a sacred ring.
Years later, the king's country was attacked, his army had clearly lost the war and he was fleeing for his life. His men were lost, and the enemy was about to chase him off a cliff. He remembered the ring and opened it to read the message, "This too shall pass". After reading the message, everything fell quiet. Apparently, his pursuers had become lost and proceeded in the wrong direction. The king was safe and filled with gratitude.
When the king returned home to the palace, he planned a huge feast to celebrate the victory with his people. He was happy, proud and ready to celebrate. The old servant came to him and said softly, "Even in this moment, look at the message again". The king replied, "Now I am a winner, people are celebrating my return. I am not in despair, not in a hopeless situation."
“Listen to this old servant,” the servant replied. “The message works not only in moments when everything is bad, but also in moments of victory.”
The king opened the ring and read: "This too shall pass."
Silence fell over him again, even as he was in the midst of the celebration. He understood the message. He was a wise man.
And then the old man said to the king; “Do you remember everything that happened to you? Nothing and no feeling is permanent. As night changes into day, so moments of joy and despair replace each other. Accept them as the nature of things, as part of life”
[paraphrased from 21 Days of Abundance, by Deepak Chopra, 11/2021]
Finding holiday peace
Holidays can be challenging, even for families who agree on most things. Why not bring a spirit of unity to your gatherings by choosing to focus on similarities rather than differences. Seek to understand those around you with a holiday mood of curiosity. It is natural to hold a fixed view of people we have known for a longer time. We may think of them as how they were last year or 10 years ago. This prevents us from seeing them as who they are today.
We are ever changing beings learning and growing from life day by day and can appreciate each other as such. A lovely step towards finding peace and renewal at the family gathering is to look our loved ones with a fresh perspective. Be curious to engage and understand who they are today. What inspires them? View everyone with compassion and if necessary, redirect conversations to the positive.
Be the sun
Harry Cohen, author of a book titled the same, invites us to "Be the sun not the salt." He says good feelings are contagious. Someone smiles at us, and we most naturally smile back. He promotes positivity and says we can make a difference in someone else's life with our expression, demeanor and friendly words. One of our basic human needs is to feel a sense of acceptance and belonging. The holiday season is a perfect time to bring kindness and forgiveness to our relationships with loved ones.
We can also bring more sun into our own energetic space by taking space during the holidays for quiet time. Just a few minutes away from the busyness and noise of the world can help us ground, realign with our own truth and reset our energy for what happens next. If those few minutes can be spent out in the sunlight, the benefit is multiplied. The sun brings lifegiving rays of energy that warm the soul and help us recharge our inner light.
Self-care is paramount during times of stress. It is easy to fall into self-critical thoughts when faced with too many challenges or an overwhelming schedule. The holiday season brings joyful connections and gatherings with family and friends, but it also comes additional commitments, travel or traditions that require more planning.
During this time, it is ultra important is to ask ourselves, "What do I need right now". And then listen. Do you need to grieve, cry or be angry? Do you crave to be in nature, feel like reading a book, or hosting a party? Follow your heart.
Harsh, angry or unforgiving thoughts cause harm only to our own spirt and body. Letting go of them is an act of self-loving kindness.
Pathways to unity
- Find humility
- Remember victory and despair are fleeting
- Find holiday peace
- Be the sun
- Take time for self-care
A lovely way to recharge and reconnect with spirit before the holidays or following times of stress - is with a healing meditation. This sacred space is for everyone and offered by donation, if you choose to make one.
See details below.