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2022 USATF New England Open and Masters Pole Vault Championships

Register for the 2022 USATF New England Pole Vault Championships

Once again Westborough High School will be hosting the USATF New England Open and Masters Pole Vault Championships this Sunday July 31st. This meet is part of the full USATF New England Championship meet being held at Regis College on Saturday, July 30th.

There will be multiple flights and the fields in each flight will combine women and men and all age groups by performance. Last year the first flight started at 1.75m (5'09.00"), the second flight started at 3.40m (11'01.75") and the 3rd flight started at 4.00m (13'01.50").

We will make decisions on how many flights, what time they will start and what the starting heights will be after entries close. The first flight WILL begin at 10:00am sharp with warmups starting at 9:00am. 

If you are interested in competing at this meet you must pre-register using the link above. The registration deadline is 11:59pm on Wednesday July 27th. The entry fee is $25 and you must have a current 2022 USATF membership

We are also looking for some volunteers to help out with putting up the bar and setting the standards. If you can help out please let Coach Doug know - there will be some free PPVC swag in it for you :-)

As always if you have any questions regarding any of the information in this lengthy e-mail or anything else regarding the club for that matter please do not hesitate to contact us.

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