Parish Celebration of the Feast of St. Matthew,

Apostle & Evangelist

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 17, 2023

"Follow me." (Mt 9:9)

In this edition:

Patronal Feast celebrations:

Bilingual Mass with Cardinal Gregory,

History Lecture & Study of Matthew's Gospel 

Choirs return & Fall Organ Recital

New Small Group Zoom Study of John's Gospel

SJ Retreat Update & Committee Meeting

This Weekend

Bilingual Patronal Feastday Mass

(English & Spanish)

11am Mass for the Solemnity of

St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist

Cardinal Gregory, celebrant

(Combined Cathedral choirs)

Hospitality in the North Conference Room follows Mass.

Masses this Weekend

Choirs return from summer hiatus.

Saturday, September 16 at 5:30pm Vigil (cantor & organ)

 Sunday, September 17 at 7am & 9am (cantor & organ)

11am (Combined choirs) & 5:30pm (Contemporary Choir)

Online Offertory options: PayPal FaithDirect


Let us pray:

—for the sick, especially Maria da Silva, John Guerriero, Elsa Henderson, Yvette Romero, Enmanuel Del Valle, Patricia Castro, Michael Harrill, Eileen Elvin, Geralda Masi, Katie Roland, Peter Tan, Wayne Mullings, Theodore Merkle, Jr., Debbie Fairchild Harding, Vic Harding, Mary & Carl Milewski, Therese Fergo, Maria Gianino, Yolanda Mendez Acevedo, Anne Rader, Robyn Nishimi, Paul Gruber, and Blanca Rose Juarez; and

—for the recently deceased, especially Mary Jo Kemp and Victoria R. Garcia.

To add to our prayer list the name of someone sick or recently deceased, email Msgr. Jameson. Please get permission before adding someone's name to the list of the sick.

Our Patronal Feast / Nuestra Fiesta Patronal

Our parish family celebrates the Feast of St. Matthew on Sunday, September 17, when Cardinal Gregory presides at a bilingual Mass at 11am (also livestreamed), followed by hospitality in the North Conference Room. Nuestra familia parroquial celebra la fiesta de San Mateo Apóstol el domingo 17 de septiembre, cuando el Cardenal Gregory celebra una Misa bilingüe a las 11am (también se transmite en vivo), seguida de hospitalidad en el salón de conferencias del norte. 

"The Cloud of Unknowing"

In this week’s Mystical Word, L.J. Milone gives a final reflection on the medieval English gem of mystical literature, The Cloud of Unknowing. READ THE REFLECTION

Sunday Meet-ups

  • Meditation Group meets on Zoom for a session at 1:30pm. All are welcome. GET THE LINK
  • Young Adult Coffeehouse (for those in their 20s and 30s) meets in the North Conference Room after the 5:30pm Mass. READ MORE

This year, the U.S. bishops are sponsoring a National Eucharistic Revival. The aim is to kindle love for the Risen Jesus in the Eucharist and revitalize the Catholic people’s participation in Sunday Mass. To this end, we present brief weekly meditations on the Eucharist until the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, June 2, 2024.

Oneness with God in the Eucharist

The good news is Jesus Christ is the unity of humanity with God. All people, through Jesus, are one with God, too. In the Eucharist, we know the good news of our most profound reality and truest identity: we are one with God. We know oneness with God in the Eucharist by remembering, sacrifice, and communion. The Eucharist is a remembering of Christ’s dying and rising. To remember means we are present and awake to God. It means we thank and praise God for Jesus Christ. We remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. “Sacrifice” means “self-gift.” Along with Jesus, we offer ourselves to God through Christ by the Spirit in the Eucharistic Prayer and seal it when we pray “Amen.” In receiving communion, we eat God. 

When we eat and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus, in the light of awakening, we remember our oneness with God. “In the light of awakening” means a state of mind in which we let go of all passing mental phenomena to be silently centered in God. It is summed up in the prayer word, “Amen,” which means “Let it be.” By sharing Christ’s body and blood we are one with all people, especially the poor. We express our union with them when we work for their liberation.

L.J. Milone

El Valor de la Eucaristía en la Familia

El Grupo de Oración en español se reune en el salón de conferencias del norte a las 7 de la tarde el martes 26 de septiembre por un Rosario seguido por una charla por Carla Ferrando. La tema es: El Valor de la Eucaristía en la Familia. Para más información envíe un email a Fátima Aybar o a Padre John Benson o llame la oficina de la rectoría al 202-347-3215.

Honoring our Patron Saint

Gospel of St. Matthew Study

Come to a study and prayer experience that began just this weekL.J. Milone offers this study of the Gospel according to our parish patron saint! We meet in the Great Hall Tuesday evenings, 7 - 8:30pm.


Patronal Feast Lecture: A Church for All of the City

Archdiocesan Director of Archives and fellow parishioner, Dr. Stephanie A.T. Jacobe, will speak on the history of St. Matthew's. Come and hear from our distinguished fellow parishioner on Wednesday, September 20, the Vigil of our Feast, at 7pm in the North Conference Room. READ MORE

Ministerio Hispano

¡Un regalo de fin de verano! Los jóvenes de San Mateo pasaron un cálido domingo del fin de semana del Día del Trabajo en Six Flags America. ¡Mantuvieron las cosas frescas en el parque acuático!


Para más información, envíe un email a Fatima Aybar o P. John Benson.

More Liturgy and Music

Thanks to all the engaged couples who offered themselves for a special blessing by Msgr. Jameson, Cathedral Rector, at last Sunday's 11am Mass, and to the congregation who participated with outstretched hands during the blessing.

Eucharistic Holy Hour

Come and be with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament at our monthly Holy Hour on Monday, September 18 from 6 to 7pm, with Confessions available during the hour.

Feast of St. Matthew (proper)

All are welcome as we celebrate our patronal feast (proper), Thursday, September 21, as a solemnity at all Masses (7:30am, 12:10pm & 5:30pm), with cantor and organ at the 12:10pm and 5:30pm Masses.

Mass for Migrants and Refugees

The 109th World Day of Migrants and Refugees is celebrated on Sunday, September 24 at 5:30pm at the Cathedral, with Bishop Menjivar presiding. VIEW THE FLIER | VEA EL VOLANTE

John Carroll Society Red Mass

The 71st Annual Red Mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral on Sunday, October 1 at 9am, and livestreamed on the ADW YouTube channel. It is open to the public but with very limited seating. Bishop Esposito is the celebrant and homilist. The 7am Mass is canceled that day. READ MORE

Sunday Afternoon Recital

We welcome Benton Schmidt for a recital of works of Olivier Messaien, Louis Viernes, J. S. Bach, and Olivier Latry on the Cathedral Great Organ at 3:15pm on Sunday, October 8. Join us in the Cathedral or via the livestream on our YouTube channel. Click on the image above for more on the artist and his program. m

Schola Auditions

The Schola Cantorum has openings for experienced singers in all voice parts. Director of Music Ministries Tom Stehle invites you to email him for more information or to arrange an audition.


Religious Education & Sacramental Preparation

RCIA Inquiry: Exploring the Catholic Faith

Wednesdays at 7pm

St. Matthew's RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Inquiry meets Wednesday, September 20 and most Wednesday evenings. FIND MORE INFORMATION

Catechists Needed

For the 2023-2024 year we need three catechists. If you are interested in serving as a catechist, please email L.J. Milone, Director of Faith Formation, or call him at 202-347-3215 x 530.

2023-24 Children's Faith Formation

Registration for Children's Faith Formation for the 2023 - 2024 year is open.

Registration form & Info packet

Adult Formation & Spirituality

New Monthly Reading Group on the Catholic Classics

St. Augustine's "Confessions" for September

Join in as we read and discuss three classics of Catholic Spirituality in this monthly series, beginning September 27 with St. Augustine's Confessions. Meetings are led by L.J. Milone from 7 to 8:30pm in the Great Hall.


New Small Group Series on the Gospel of John (Zoom)

St. Matthew's hosts a 6-session small group study by Little Rock Scripture Study on the Gospel of St. John on consecutive Monday evenings on Zoom beginning October 16, from 7 to 8:30pm. Register today and purchase the study guide.


October: Cathedral Book Club

Fr. Jack Hurley leads the Book Club discussion of "Characters of the Reformation" by Hilaire Belloc. Join us Thursday, October 26 at 7pm in the West Conference Room. READ MORE

Coming in November:

St. John of the Cross

This 6-week Tuesday evening course on the mysticism of one of the Church’s greatest teachers of prayer, St. John of the Cross, begins in November and runs through Advent. L.J. Milone is the teacher.


Social Justice

Our SJ Retreat participants and SJ staff members take a moment for a group photo. Deacon Isaac Sagastume (kneeling), St. Matthew's new transitional deacon for the 2023-24 year, gave an afternoon talk.

A Successful Retreat 2023!

We are immensely grateful for the turnout for this year's Social Justice Retreat last Saturday, which drew over 30 people and many new faces. Thank you for your interest and enthusiasm!

Social Justice Committee Meeting

Let's keep the momentum! All are welcome to attend a meeting of the Social Justice and Community Service Committee on Monday, September 25 at 6:15pm in the North Conference Room - our first committee meeting since the fall, and since Saturday's retreat!.

Inscripción de ESL de otoño

Los estudiantes pueden inscribirse en el  semestre de otoño de 2023del programa de inglés como segundo idioma de St. Matthew's de 6pm a 7:30pm los días de clase (martes y miércoles) hasta que las clases estén llenas. Las clases se llevan a cabo en St. Matthew's Education Center, 1726 N Street, NW. LEER MAS

Fall ESL Registration

Students may register for the Fall 2023 Semester of St. Matthew's English as a Second Language program from 6pm to 7:30pm on class days (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) until classes are full. Classes are held at St. Matthew’s Education Center, 1726 N Street, NW. READ MORE

Season of Creation 2023

On Thursday, September 21 at 6pm, the St. Matthew's Green Team invites you to join the Creation Care meeting on Zoom as we celebrate this year's Season of Creation (Sept 1 - Oct 4), with the theme: Let Justice and Peace Flow.


Website Events Calendar

Click here for our LIVE calendar of events with clickable entries that take you to full event descriptions.

Event Links for the Coming Week

See you 'round the Cathedral!





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For our registered parishioners: Have you moved? Gotten a new phone number? Been married? Had a child, or otherwise added someone to your household? IF SO, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SEND US YOUR NEW INFORMATION FOR OUR RECORDS. Thank you!

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