Newsletter - March 18, 2024 | |
Nominations are Now Open for the 1st Katie Patterson Award for Excellence
in Physician Mentorship
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At last year’s MAFP Awards Luncheon in July, it was announced that a new award would be created in honor of Dr. Katie Patterson. Dr. Patterson mentored others by helping them achieve their career objectives through moral, social, and intellectual support. She was a gifted teacher who educated countless medical students and residents, hosting with enthusiasm rural rotations, obstetrical blocks, lectures, and mentoring.
The Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians is pleased to open nominations for the new award, The Katie Patterson Award for Excellence in Physician Mentorship.
This award will be given to a physician who actively provides guidance and encouragement to medical students or residents and contributes to the personal and professional development of future leaders in the field of frailly medicine.
In the words of Dr. Patterson's speech on July 18, 2017 as she accepted the gavel as MAFP President,
I see becoming President of the Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians as a chance to encourage my fellow physicians to rekindle their love of family medicine and renew their commitment to our specialty.
We will honor and remember Katie and allow her legacy to live on every year as we recognize a physician in her honor.
In addition, we ask that you nominate a fellow physician for Family Physician of the Year, Humanitarian Award, Military Award and New Physician of the Year. To nominate a member, please review the criteria for each award and complete the nomination form. The deadline for nominations is June 1 each year.
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Earlier this week, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced an advanced payment program for Part A & B providers who are impacted by the cyberattack against Optum/Change Healthcare. For more information, check out the CMS Fact Sheet and Statement. | |
Match Day 2024 Welcomes Largest Family Medicine Class in History | |
The 2024 National Resident Matching Program® Main Residency Match results announced today delivered the largest class of family medicine residents in history, with 4,595 medical students and graduates matching into family medicine residency programs. This year, family medicine offered 5,231 residency positions, 124 more than in 2023. | |
On Tuesday, March 5, the House Committee on Public Health and Human Resources debated House Bill 1490, that would have granted an “hours of work” pathway for APRNs to have independent practice rights, regardless of formal education, training, and certification. While some concerns regarding current collaboration practices and access to care were discussed, ultimately the committee voted to keep the physician - nurse practitioner relationship intact. The Senate Public Health Committee adjourned for the day without addressing any APRN independent practice bills. We thank everyone for their help. It was a wonderful team effort across numerous medical associations, and your voices made the difference. | |
It's time to reserve your hotel rooms and condos for the MAFP's 2024 Annual Scientific Assembly in Sandestin, FL. The event will be July 20 - 24. Browse the available rooms and make your reservations online using this link. Make sure you change the dates at the top to your desired arrival and departure dates to see everything available.
Registration will open in a few weeks, but please go ahead and make your reservations.
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MAFP Spring Conference Set for
Friday, April 12 - Sunday, April 14
MAFP’s Spring Conference features social activities and CME. Saturday is a day of CME sessions and exhibits. On Sunday, we offer a morning of CME with dismissal around lunchtime. The MAFPF’s Spring Fling for Residents and Students is held in connection with this event.
Discounted room blocks & early bird registration are ending soon!
MAFP has a discounted block of rooms for conference attendees reserved that is expiring March 24. These rooms are $155 plus tax per night. We are also offering a discounted member rate for Conference registrations which expires April 1.
Register today to take advantage of both discounted rates!
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We're excited to bring to you a lineup of speakers and the opportunity to earn 12 CME credit hours from this event. | |
Speaker Spotlight: Austin Barrett, MD | |
We are pleased to have Dr. Austin Barrett come share Common Lower Extremity Injuries where he will discuss:
- Identifying common injuries of the lower extremities
- How to begin initial treatment modalities
- Recognizing when to obtain further diagnostic imaging or orthopedic referral
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Dr. Austin Barrett, a Jackson native, is a an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine. He graduated with top honors from the University of Mississippi and obtained his medical degree from Emory University School of Medicine. Dr. Barrett completed his residency at the University of Mississippi Medical Center and furthered his expertise with a fellowship in sports medicine at the American Sports Medicine Institute in Birmingham, AL, working with Dr. James Andrews. Since 2013, he has been practicing at MSMOC in Jackson, MS, focusing on hip and knee injuries, and serves as head team physician for several colleges and schools in the area.
MAFP will offer Translation to Practice on 3 Spring Conference sessions, so attendees can earn 6 extra CME hours, in addition to the 12 offered at the meeting if you complete the commit to change form. We will have the forms at the MAFP desk for your convenience.
What is t2p®?
“t2p®” stands for Translation to Practice® and is a three-step process that complements CME activities approved for AAFP Prescribed credit. (Elective credit activities are not eligible). t2p® offers learners the opportunity to apply what they learned in the CME activity, and document how learned concepts were translated into practice as part of a three-step process:
- Step 1: Commitment to Change—Learners complete a Commitment to Change statement stating what it is they wish to change in their practice.
- Step 2: Implement Change—Learners implement indicated change into practice.
- Step 3: Post-Activity Response—Learners evaluate whether the implemented change resulted in improved patient care.
What is the purpose of t2p®?
AAFP seeks to approve activities for CME credit that are designed to improve a physician’s ability to provide quality patient care. The result of quality education is better experienced when put into practice, and t2p® creates an opportunity to purposefully apply learning following participation in a CME activity.
Are credits awarded per activity, or per presentation within an activity? How many credits may the learner claim?
Learners will receive two Prescribed credits for the full completion of a t2p® activity. t2p® is awarded at the session level. Therefore, learners may engage in as many t2p® activities as made available; however, it is up to the CME provider organization to determine the number of sessions it has the capacity to offer t2p® for since each session with t2p® must be tracked individually.
For example, a live meeting approved for AAFP credit is considered one CME activity. The CME provider organization determines, at the time of application for AAFP credit submission, how many and which sessions will have a t2p® component. As a result, learners can participate in a t2p® activity for each session with a t2p® component within.
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2024 Documentation and Coding Overview | |
On February 6, Dr. Nick Ulmer provided a high level overview on documentation and coding changes for 2024. The webinar covered a review of both inpatient and outpatient, CMS E&M clarification, understanding the HCC risk coding overhaul, telemedicine updates, and more. If you didn't get a chance to join the webinar live, the link is provided below for you to watch at your convenience. (Webinar link is compatible to view on a desktop, but may give issues when trying to watch from a cellphone.) | |
Managing Lipids and Other ASCVD Risk Factors: A Lipidologist's Perspective | |
April 13, 2024 | Sheraton Refuge Hotel | |
The time is here for our 2024 Spring Fling and we can't wait to see you there! The Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians Foundation is sponsoring the 10th annual Future in Family Medicine Spring Fling specifically designed for medical students and residents. The Spring Fling is a great opportunity to network while gaining exposure to speakers, topics, and procedural skills you might not have access to during medical school or residency training. There is no charge to attend the conference. | |
How Family Physicians Get Paid
Debt Management and Financial Planning
Medical Marijuana 101
Treatment of Anxiety and Depression
New Physicians Panel
Interviewing Tips & Secrets
Exploring the Specialty of Family Medicine
What to Look For in a Residency
Medical Marijuana 101
M4 Panel
Plus: Splinting & Casting Workshop and more!
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Students and residents have the opportunity to run for Resident Board Member or Student Board Member. You must be present to run. Campaign speeches will be given and the election will take place on Saturday. There will be a New Board Member Orientation during the conference. More information and the application can be found on our Spring Fling page. | |
The Spring Fling event is free to students and residents each year, with the option for MAFP Members to sponsor a student or resident when paying for their registration. Thank you to the following members for their 2024 sponsorship:
Meghan Case, MD
Rickey Chance, DO
Anthony Cloy, MD
Wade Dowell, MD
Randy Easterling, MD
Cierra Green, MD
Thomas Horton, MD
Tobe Momah, MD
David Moody, MD
Paul Pavlov, MD
Richard Randolf, MD
Michael Sanders, MD
Sue Simmons, MD
Brent Smith, MD
Terri Teague, DO
Patrick Whipple, MD
Student sponsorships may be purchased with your Spring Conference Registration. If you have already registered and would like to sponsor a student, please email Caley Dawkins at publicawareness@msafp.org.
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Director for the Office of
Mississippi Physician Workforce
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UMMC is on the hunt for their next Director for the Office of Mississippi Physician Workforce. For more information, click the photo above. | |
Schedule a Lunch & Learn Today | | | | |