Brothers and Sisters,
Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. On this day, many Americans honor Dr. King's tireless advocacy for the civil rights movement by doing some form of  volunteer community service. As a result, a lot of the communications about the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday relate to civil rights and volunteerism. Many people may not realize that Dr. King also was a fierce advocate for unions and the rights of American workers.
Dr. King fought for workers' right to organize and believed that unions and fair labor practices were crucial to economic equality as the next step in the civil rights movement. He was assassinated in Memphis, Tenn., on April 4, 1968. He had been there on behalf of sanitation workers who were on strike for the right to unionize after two of their co-workers were crushed to death by a malfunctioning truck.
"We know that it isn't enough to integrate lunch counters," Dr. King told the crowd in Memphis at Mason Temple in March 1968. "What does it profit a man to be able to eat at an integrated lunch counter, if he doesn't earn enough money to buy a hamburger and a cup of coffee?"
Labor unions were important allies of the African-American civil rights struggle in the 1960s. Like Dr. King, many union members believed that the fate of workers of color was inseparable from that of white workers. He worked with and continued to build on the legacy of A. Philip Randolph, President of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, the first majority African American affiliate of the American Federation of Labor. Labor and civil rights advocacy worked jointly in seeking economic security, including the fair treatment of employees, safe working conditions, and fair wages and hours. As a result, American labor unions were among the earliest advocates for a national holiday honoring Dr. King.
On this Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, let's pause to understand the weight of responsibility we hold on our shoulders as proud union members. Our brothers and sisters fought tirelessly to establish the rights we enjoy today into our workforce. Like Dr. King, some even paid the ultimate sacrifice, fighting for the belief that working Americans should be treated with respect, paid fair wages, and operate in safe working conditions.
NATCA members are brothers and sisters in this fight. Together, we are stronger. Together, our collective voice is louder. We share in the progress they helped secure and will continue to fight for their legacy.
In addition to commemorating Dr. King's life and work, American labor organizations are joining together to recommit to his larger civil rights legacy. The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) is organizing a national moment of silence on Feb. 1 to remember the 50th anniversary of the death of the sanitation workers, the Memphis Sanitation Workers' Strike that followed, and the assassination of Dr. King. This moment of silence will launch the "I AM" Campaign , organized by AFSCME and The Church of God in Christ to advance racial and economic justice. It is modeled after the "I AM A MAN!" campaign associated with the 1968 strike in Memphis and the civil rights movement.
At the recent convention of t he American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) , affiliated unions unanimously voted to support this national moment of silence. NATCA is joining this movement. The NATCA National Office employees' union has organized a moment of silence to take place in Washington, D.C. Where possible, NATCA leaders are encouraging our locals to organize moments of silence with their members on that day.
You can learn more about the  "I AM" Campaign here. NATCA invites participating locals to share news about members participating in this moment of silence on NATCA's social media. NATCA members also may share their participation news on the "I AM" website  here .
In proud solidarity,

Paul Rinaldi, NATCA President
Trish Gilbert, NATCA Executive Vice President

NATCA Presents Administrator Huerta with Commemoration

It was NATCA's great privilege to present outgoing FAA Administrator Michael Huerta with this framed token of gratitude. It commemorates his tenure and dedication to collaboration with a copy of the collective bargaining agreement that codified collaboration as the way we do business, and a quote that has guided our working relationship: "Great vision without great people is irrelevant." 

He is one of those great people who has enabled great vision to come to fruition. In large part due to his strong, effective leadership, the relationship between NATCA and the FAA has transformed for the better. We are proud of the collaborative partnership we have built together. This collaboration has enabled notable progress on NextGen and helped build a stronger workforce. Together, we have maintained the U.S. National Airspace System as the safest, most efficient, most complex, and most diverse system in the world.

"No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another." - Charles Dickens

Savannah (SAV) NATCA member Mary Mayconich-Beasley provides the following update from NATCA's Southern Region brothers and sisters helping each other through the devastating effects of hurricanes in Puerto Rico:

Mike Koffarnus, Jacksonville Center (ZJX) stepped up to the plate when Mayconich-Beasley sent an email requesting the facility assi st San Juan CERAP (ZSU) FacRep Woody Camp in Puerto Rico. Not only did ZJX donate much-needed items, but they raised over $1,000.

ZJX member Jay Cooney's daughter, Alexis, even donated all the money from her piggy bank to help our brothers and sisters in need.

Mary Matso, who lives in the Fort Lauderdale area, offered an SUV packed full of items needed in Puerto Rico. Several weeks earlier, Mayconich-Beasley asked Mark Beaton, Daytona Beach (DAB), to assist with onboarding at Jacksonville (JAX) because she was unable to do it. 

In an effort to join forces and juggle schedules, Matso drove four hours to DAB to deliver supplies to Beaton, who drove the supplies to JAX. JAX FacRep Chris Iresabal and his family then drove the supplies to SAV where Mayconich-Beasley was able to box them up and get them onto a relief flight to Puerto Rico.

"I just wanted to say these guys are awesome and made things happen," said Mayconich-Beasley. "The right people at the right time make things happen!"

To join the effort, please consider a donation to  the NATCA Disaster Relief Fund. All donations to this Fund directly support our NATCA brothers and sisters in need.

Also, NATCA is making it easier for members to continue giving. In addition to donating through the existing GoFundMe effortNATCA members now can spread out their contributions over multiple pay periods by donating through an automatic payroll deduction

NATCA is proud of the resilience and dedication shown by our members in the Caribbean. San Juan Tower member Kyrandgel Rios explained that minutes after Puerto Rico's governor announced that 50 percent power had been restored, power on the island once again was lost. Rios created a video to raise awareness about the situation in Puerto Rico and the essential services aviation safety professionals continue to provide during this crisis.  See video below.


Philadelphia locals look forward to welcoming NATCA brothers and sisters

Don't miss the chance to explore the perpendicular streets of the nation's birthplace & labor's heartbeat during the 17th Biennial Convention in Philadelphia, April 17-20, 2018. Check out the new NATCA Convention page and  register today!

Proposals will be mailed to all members at least 60 days prior the convention. The National Convention body will then vote on all proposals that are in order and properly before the body.  

If you have any questions please contact a  Constitution Committee member.  


A copy of the information below was mailed to every member's home address, in accordance with applicable law, during the first week of January 2018.

This is the Notice of Election and Election Rules for the election of the following officers of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, AFL-CIO ("NATCA" or "Association"):
  • NATCA President
  • NATCA Executive Vice President
  • Regional Vice President, NATCA Alaskan Region
  • Regional Vice President, NATCA Central Region
  • Regional Vice President, NATCA Eastern Region
  • Regional Vice President, NATCA Great Lakes Region
  • Regional Vice President, NATCA New England Region
  • Regional Vice President, NATCA Northwest Mountain Region
  • Regional Vice President, NATCA Southern Region
  • Regional Vice President, NATCA Southwest Region
  • Regional Vice President, NATCA Western Pacific Region
  • Regional Vice President, NATCA Region X 
The election shall be referred to as the "2018 NATCA National Election." In accordance with Article VII of the NATCA National Constitution, the NATCA National Election Committee ("NEC") has established rules, contained herein, for the 2018 NATCA National Election.
Section 1 - General Provisions

A.    Elections shall be held by referendum and all balloting shall be conducted via secret ballot.

B.    Write-in votes shall not be permitted.  

C.    Members shall have the option of voting electronically or by mail, unless the NEC determines that electronic balloting shall not be used. 

D.    Electronic balloting, if available, shall be conducted via the Internet. Members shall be required to register online to vote electronically. The NEC shall provide all members with information on how to register for electronic balloting.

E.    With respect to mail-in ballots, the following procedures shall apply:

1.     The official number assigned to each member shall be printed on the face of the corresponding official ballot return envelope.

2.     A list of the names of all members, together with their corresponding official numbers, shall be made available the NEC for the purpose of checking the voting eligibility of the members whose ballots have been returned prior to the ballot count.

3.     Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary as set forth herein, all ballots shall be returned to a predetermined depository to ensure the secrecy of the ballots, and the ballots shall be held there until the time designated for the counting of such ballots.

F.     Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, any protest or challenge regarding the conduct of the 2018 NATCA National Election shall be made in accordance with Article VII of the NATCA National Constitution.

G.    Any further appeals must be filed with the Secretary of Labor, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Section 7120 and applicable regulations.

H.    With respect to campaigning for office in the 2018 NATCA National Election, candidates shall comply with the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 and any NATCA   rules. Candidates may not seek or accept endorsements from individuals or entities outside of NATCA.


Section 2 - Nominations


A.    All nominations shall be made in accordance with Article VII of the NATCA National Constitution.


B.    Nominations shall be in writing and delivered via UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE CERTIFIED MAIL to: National Election Committee c/o NATCA General Counsel, 1325 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20005. Nominations must be received at the Association Headquarters by 5:00 p.m. EDT on Friday, March 30, 2018.


C.    To be eligible for candidacy, nominees must have been active NATCA members in good standing for at least one year prior to the close of the nominations period (March 30, 2018).   


D.    The Association Headquarters shall be charged with the safekeeping of all nominations and shall turn them over to the NEC.

Section 3 - Nomination Acceptances

A.    Nominees shall not accept candidacy for more than one office.


B.    Nomination acceptances shall be in writing and contain the following information:    


1.     The candidate's full name and, if desired, any special name to appear on the ballot;


2.     The candidate's Facility, his/her home or mailing address, and the last four digits of his/her Social Security number;


3.     The title of the office for which the candidate is accepting nomination; and


4.     The following certification, completed, signed, and dated by the nominee:

                             "I hereby accept the nomination for the office of ______________. I certify that I am not now, nor have been for the past 13 years, convicted of or served any part of a prison term resulting from conviction of robbery, bribery, extortion, embezzlement, grand larceny, burglary, arson, violation of narcotics laws, murder, rape, assault with intent to kill, assault which inflicts grievous bodily injury, or violation of Title II or III of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, as amended, or conspiracy to commit any such crime."

C.    Nomination acceptances must be returned to the National Election Committee, c/o the NATCA General Counsel at the Association Headquarters, 1325 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20005. Nomination acceptances must be received at the Association Headquarters by 5:00 p.m. EDT on Monday, April 30, 2018. Nomination acceptances not received by this time and date shall be declared invalid.    

D.    The NEC shall determine whether each candidate has correctly submitted his/her nomination acceptance and whether the candidate possesses the necessary qualifications for the proposed office. The NEC shall prepare a report listing each candidate and the office for which he/she has accepted nomination. Each candidate shall be marked "qualified" or "disqualified" on the report, based on the findings of the NEC. If a candidate has been deemed "disqualified," the reason for disqualification shall be stated in the report. The report shall be signed by all five (5) members of the NEC and submitted to the NATCA National Executive Board.

E.    The NEC shall notify any disqualified candidates, in writing and delivered by United States Postal Service certified mail, of the reason(s) for his/her disqualification. Disqualified candidates shall have the right to file a written appeal to the NATCA National Executive Board within ten (10) business days of the receipt of the disqualification notice. The NATCA National Executive Board shall review the appeal and issue a response within five (5) business days of receipt of the appeal.

F.     Once the nomination acceptance period has closed, a candidate may not withdraw from the race.

Section 4 - Balloting Procedures

A.    The NEC shall ensure the proper and timely preparation of ballots without partiality as to candidates. The names of the candidates for each separate office shall appear in alphabetical order based on the candidates' last names. Ballots shall contain voting instructions consistent with the provisions established herein.

B.    The ballots prepared at the direction of the NEC shall be the only official ballots. No other ballots may be used. The NEC shall maintain a record of the ballots distributed.

C.    Members shall return ballots via mail to a predetermined depository, which shall be paid for by NATCA, to ensure secrecy. No signature of the voter or other distinguishing mark may appear on the ballot. A signed or marked ballot shall automatically be ruled ineligible.

D.    To have his or her ballot counted, a member must be in good standing as of fifteen (15) days immediately preceding the close of the balloting.

E.    Ballots shall be distributed to the membership on Monday, June 25, 2018. Ballots must be completed electronically or, for mail-in ballots, received at the predetermined depository, by 11:59 p.m. EDT on Monday, July 30, 2018. Ballots not completed electronically or received in the depository by this time and date shall not be counted.

F.     Each member shall be entitled to a duplicate ballot and receive same, provided that he/she notifies the NEC by Monday, July 23, 2018. Envelopes used for duplicate ballots shall be marked "Duplicate Ballot" and shall be a different color than the envelopes used for the original ballots. Duplicate ballots shall be counted unless the original and duplicate ballot mailed to a member are both cast, in which case only the duplicate ballot shall be counted.

G.    If a member casts both an electronic ballot and a mail-in ballot, only the electronic ballot shall be counted.

H.    The NEC shall supervise the conduct of the election and take the measures it deems necessary to ensure a fair and impartial election.

Section 5 - Ballot Collection and Tally Procedures

A.    On the morning of Tuesday, July 31, 2018, a member of the NEC shall proceed to the depository and obtain all the ballots. Ballots shall be retained in the custody of the NEC until such time as they are checked and counted.

B.    The NEC shall tally all ballots and prepare a report detailing the results of the election, including a complete account of all ballots and a reconciliation of the ballots with rosters and verification lists of the membership. The report shall clearly detail any discrepancies discovered and include recommendations for the treatment of such discrepancies.

C.    The NEC shall commence the counting of the ballots on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 (the same day that the ballots are collected) and shall complete this work as quickly as possible. The report of the NEC shall be filed with the Association Headquarters no later than forty-eight (48) hours following the completion of the count.  

Section 6 - Runoff Procedures

A.    In the event of a runoff election, the NEC shall supervise the distribution of ballots. The ballots shall be distributed no later than sixteen (16) days after the NEC has ruled on challenges or protests of the election or, if there are no challenges or protests, within sixteen (16) days following the submission of the NEC's report.

B.    Any runoff elections shall be conducted in accordance with Section 4, herein. Ballots shall be distributed to the membership and shall be due back to the predetermined depository within thirty (30) days of the date of distribution. In the event that the thirty-day deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the next regular business day shall be designated as the deadline for the receipt of returned ballots. The NEC shall meet the following day to tabulate ballots and announce the results of the runoff election.  

Section 7 - Installation of Officers

A.    New officers shall take office on September 1, 2018. In the event of a runoff election, such officers shall take office thirty (30) days after the results of the runoff election are finalized.

NATCA Academy - 2018 Schedule

Representative Training 1 (RT1)
March 5-9 Las Vegas
Representative Training 1 (RT1) April 9-13 Las Vegas
Representative Training 1 (RT1) Sept. 24-28 Las Vegas
Representative Training 1 (RT1) Dec. 3-7 Las Vegas
Federal Contract Tower (FCT) June 12-13 National HQ, D.C.
LEAP March 5-7 Glen Rose, Texas
Oct. 2018 (Dates TBA)
Airlie, Va.
Training Review Board (TRB) April 24-26 Las Vegas
Training Review Board (TRB) Sept. 11-13 Las Vegas
Legislative Activism (LAT) Feb. 21-22 Las Vegas
Legislative Activism (LAT) Sept. 11-12 Las Vegas
Adv. Legislative Activism (ALAT) Nov. 27-29 National HQ, D.C.
Secretary/Treasurer (STT) April 10-11 Las Vegas
Secretary/Treasurer (STT) Sept. 11-12 Las Vegas

NATCA Academy Legislative Class Change

An Advanced Legislative Activism Training (ALAT) class has been added to the NATCA Academy Legislative Class schedule in 2018. The Basic Legislative Activism Training (LAT) class originally scheduled for Nov. 28-29, 2018 in Las Vegas, has been replaced with an ALAT class on Nov. 27-29, 2018 in Washington, D.C. at the NATCA National Office.  

ALAT is an involved, 2 1/2-day course with guest speakers from the Office of Special Counsel, NATCA's Government Affairs Staff, and Special Counsel to NATCA's President. 

NATCA Academy Courses are available for sign up on the  NATCA Membership Portal (except for LEAP, which is by invitation only).
Once you have logged in, select "NATCA Academy" from the quick links. Then, select "2018 courses." If you need any help with registration, contact the Coordinator for your region. Registrants will be notified within 35 days from the course start date of their status for the course. 
If you have any questions, please contact NATCA's Training Coordinator, Carolyn Kamara, at
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