For Immediate Release

October 4, 2023

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Paving the Way continues

with Rogers Road resurfacing

On Wednesday, October 4, crews from Reeves Construction will continue Macon-Bibb’s Paving the Way program by resurfacing part of Rogers Road beginning about 7:30 a.m. This is an area that has been patched multiple times, and its condition now requires a multi-lane repaving. Commissioner Raymond Wilder, who represents the area, will be on hand for media interviews between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. near the intersection of Rogers Road and Michael Drive. The project should take most of Wednesday to complete.


“Rogers Road is one area needing to be repaved that I’ve heard about from a lot of people, and I’m glad we were able to expand our road improvement program in a way that made it happen sooner than expected,” says Commissioner Wilder.


Paving the Way is Macon-Bibb’s new road improvement project that includes repaving, patching, pothole filling, and restriping. This initiative is funded with nearly $15 million from the general fund, Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST), and state Local Maintenance & Improvement Grants (LMIG).


“For too many years, a lack of funding meant our roads deteriorated faster than we could fix them,” said Mayor Lester Miller. “We are putting millions more into this work to begin catching up by focusing on our worst roads.”


Macon-Bibb hired RoadBotics to study every mile of county-owned roads and rated them from 1 (best) to 5 (worst) based on potholes, cracks, structural integrity, and other signs of damage and deterioration. The roads that will be focused on during this first round of Paving the Way are the ones rated 4 and 5. 


“We are going to conduct another road study to create a list of the roads for the next round of this program, knowing that a road with a ranking of three will have deteriorated in the next two to three years,” says County Manager Dr. Keith Moffett.


The County has hired C.W. Matthews, Mid-States Striping, Professional Paving Services, and Reeves Construction to handle different aspects of this project. Some of the sections of road that have been restriped or patched include Jeffersonville Road, Masseyville Road, Recreation Road, Riggins Mill Road, Skipper Road, 7th Street, South Walden Road, Duffey Drive, and Lawrence Drive South.

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The Hub is Macon-Bibb County's source of information for employees, residents, businesses, and partners. With this regular e-blast, the Office of Public Affairs provides a consistent flow of information about the efforts and successes of the consolidated government and partners to strengthen Macon-Bibb as the Hub City of Middle Georgia.

Office of Communications

The Office of Communications include Media RelationsMaconBibbTV, and Customer Service. Its goal is to provide people information about the consolidated government and partner organizations,

and to give them the chance to provide feedback, ask questions,

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The Office has earned multiple

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Macon-Bibb County

Macon-Bibb County is the fourth largest city in Georgia. Created on January 1, 2014 after being approved by the voters, it is Georgia's newest consolidated government and serves about 155,000 residents and thousands more visitors.

Its governing body consists of 10 Commissioners, with the Mayor serving as its Chair and the Chief Executive Office of the administration.