Haven't found the perfect gift?
Find a gift you'll love, from a shelter you love!

Join us for our first ever "Holiday Barketplace".
Find the pur-fect gift for 50% retail value.

Wednesday: December 8th
11am - 3pm

Friday: December 10th
11am - 3pm

Saturday: December 11th
11am - 3pm

Wednesday: December 15th
11am - 3pm

Saturday: December 18th
11am - 3pm

Located at 13391 Garner Lane Chico CA 95973
Donate a Brick or Tile in someone's honor!

Be a part of our Journey! By choosing to support BHS’s Journey Home, you are helping us to expand opportunities for animal welfare and education. 

Please consider donating to one of our exciting Naming Opportunities and share your message with generations to come.
Thank You to Our Sponsors!