AUGUST 29, 2022

Stay in tune will all the happenings going on
at Trinity Lutheran ChurchSchool


On behalf of Trinity's faculty and pastoral staff, we would like to welcome you back for another year of learning. 

Our ministry theme for this year is Let's Go: Know, Grow and Sow. The Bible passage connected with this year's theme is Colossians 1:9-10.

We hope that you have a great year and we are so excited to be joining you on this journey.


Trinity has many new faces on its staff, including Luke Beauchamp and Ashton Horn, who are our new full-time teachers.

Mr. Beauchamp is teaching middle school social studies, while Ms. Horn is teaching art and fifth grade.

We also have a new pastor. Pastor Nathan Grewe is serving as a part-time Associate Pastor, focusing on Family Ministry. Get to know Pastor Grewe in the provided video.

We also have several new upgrades to our playground, including a new Gaga ball pit. 


The reading of the vote was met with applause by the more than 100 people on hand on Sunday morning.

Trinity’s congregation unanimously voted to move forward with its Refresh, Restore, Repurpose building initiative.

Trinity now moves forward into a detailed design phase with the Aspen Group.

Stay tuned for more details regarding this exciting opportunity.


The PTL (Parent/Teacher League) is all about building connectedness.

A few years ago, a shift in focus was made that moved the group from being a fund-raising operation to one focused on building relationships.

Each year the PTL, made up of Trinity parents, plans several activities for all to enjoy.

The goal is that we have enough willing parents participating that each person only needs to be directly involved in helping plan one event.

We would love to have you join us in this important task of building relationships and fun at Trinity.

So, please join us on August 30 at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.

Together we can make this a fantastic year.


Trinity will be kicking off its Sunday School year on Sept. 11.

Sunday School begins at 9:30 a.m.

If you haven't had the chance to sign up your child, you can CLICK HERE.

Stay tuned for more details regarding Sunday School.


Parents now have the capability to fill out a Google Form to request School Counseling support for your child.

This form goes directly to our School Counselor, Mr. Utech.

The link is included HERE and will also be accessible on the FACTS SIS Family Portal in the Announcements section and in Resource Documents.


Congratulations to Trinity's 4-6 grade and 7-8 grade soccer teams on claiming championship at last weekend's Cougar Classic. 

Both teams went undefeated and pool play and posted 2-1 victories in their respective championship matches.

Both teams remainded undefeated with wins over Cedar Raapids and Newhall on Saturday.

On Sept. 9, Trinity will be hosting the Tiger cross country invitational. Everyone is invited to come cheer on the Tigers and get some Kona Ice.


Trinity’s kindergarten classes will be partnering with the LWML to assemble school kits for children


This will serve as the kindergarten class World Changer Project for this year.

The two groups will be collecting donations – enough for 40 kits – and then putting the kits together.

Each kit consists of a drawstring backpack containing 4 spiral notebooks, a pair of scissors, a box of crayons, 5 pencils and 5 pens, a handheld pencil sharpener, an eraser, and a ruler.

If you are able to help with donations, you can sign-up by CLICKING HERE.

This sign-up form will remain open until Sept. 17. Donations can be dropped off at the school before Sept. 19.


OPEN POSITIONS: Trinity is still seeking workers for its preschool program and after-school program. Contact the school office for more details. 

CHAPEL OFFERINGS: Trinity's first-quarter chapel offerings will support the Dominican Republic. Trinity's chapel service will be live-streamed on its Facebook page at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesdays.

NO SCHOOL: There will be no school on Sept. 5 because of Labor Day.

CONFIRMATION BEGINS: Confirmation begins this week - on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. 

MEN'S BASKETBALL: All men 18 years and older are invited to take part in Trinity's Tuesday Night pick-up basketball in Trinity's gym, beginning at 7 p.m. on Aug. 30. Please enter the school through the gym entrance doors off Marquette Street.


LUNCH MENU: Check out the lunch menu for Trinity by CLICKING HERE.

SCHOOL WEBSTORE: You can check out and purchase Trinity apparel in our web stores by CLICKING HERE.

SERVICE TIMES: Trinity's weekend worship services are at 5 p.m. on Saturday and at 8 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. on Sunday. Trinity also has a 12:15 p.m. service on the first and third Sunday of the month. Masks are required for the 12:15 p.m. service. Trinity also live-streams its 8 a.m. service on Sunday on its Facebook page.

SUNDAY SCHOOL, ADULT BIBLE STUDIES: Sunday School and Adult Bible studies begin at 9:30 a.m. and conclude at 10:30 a.m.
Trinity Lutheran ChurchSchool | 563-322-5224 |