Pax Pres eNews & Events

Join us this Sunday for 9:30 a.m. worship as Rev. Matt Pooley begins the "MADE. Done. Becoming." sermon series and shares his message: "I Believe."

Online Worship
Worship Bulletin
Online Giving

Sunday, January 21, 2024 is designated as Pax Pres Per Capita Awareness Day. Per Capita is the amount of money that each church pays to the Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly for each active member of its church. The 2024 Per Capita Amount in the National Capital Presbytery (NCP) is $48.56 per member. For 2024 budgeting purposes, Patuxent Presbyterian Church's membership is 401. To offset 2024 Pax Pres operating expenses, each church member is requested to voluntarily make 2024 Per Capita designated donations to the church. For more info, click here.

Financial Contributions for 2023 will be sent out to the congregation at the end of January via email. Please make sure your email is correct in Churchteams. If you wish to receive a paper statement, please email: or speak with Becky Goodrich.

GriefShare is a 13-week grief recovery group for those who are recovering from the death of a loved one. The loss does not need to be recent. It combines a video presentation, group discussion, and workbook material. Each session is self-contained, so you do not have to attend in sequence. This small group is open to the community. (The final day to sign up is Wednesday, January 24th.)

Start Date: Wednesday, January 10th (13 weeks)

Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Location: Patuxent Presbyterian Church Room 110 (Lower Level)

Leaders: Heather Wolfe (LCMFT) and Kathryn Rivers

About GriefShare
Register here

Secret Sisters Program 2024!

Look for the sign-up sheets in the Narthex. Deadline: January 28th for turning in your sign-up sheet; the program will begin Sunday, February 14th and run through February 2025. Contacts: Carolyn Huff and Stephanie Thomson. For questions, call Carolyn at 240-495-6615.

WAG January event: Join us for the Working Adults Group (WAG) Mac 'n Cheese night TOMORROW, January 19th at 7:00 p.m. at the Joshua House. Please bring your Mac 'n Cheese for a taste off! Or bring a different side dish to share. For questions or child care needs, please reach out to Katie Karlow at:

The JOY Group will gather for lunch THIS Sunday, January 21st at 11:30 a.m. Please RSVP to Barbara Engle by January 19th at:

Have you been looking for an opportunity to volunteer but aren't able to commit a lot of time? Love to serve? Then Children's Church is the place for you! Lessons and materials are provided - we just need you! Please contact Tina Watts for more information and to sign up at: 301-862-4775 or

Time for Young Disciples volunteers needed! All are welcome, no experience is required! Let's build bridges between the generations to help guide our youngest church members to grow in their faith, service, and love. Click here to sign up for January, February & March!

The Pax Pres Deacons will host the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 13th, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall and ALL are welcome!


IF:PATUXENT is a ministry for women.

Ladies, please plan on joining us for the amazing IF:Gathering livestream event on February 23rd (7:00-9:00 p.m.) and 24th (10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.) at our church.



Seating is limited, so purchase tickets today!

$50 (ages 14 & up); discounted price for college students is $15.

Questions? Please contact:

For info & registration

Wrapping Arms 'Round Many (WARM).

Pax Pres will host guests of the Wrapping Arms 'Round Many (WARM) program from March 3rd - 10th. A training session, led by WARM Representative Dolly Griffin, will be held for ALL volunteers on Tuesday, February 6th at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Chris and Kristin Lawrence are the site coordinators (240-577-9488 or 240-577-9357); Stephanie Thomson is the WARM Mentor (301-904-2248); Rachel Portillo is the Recruiting Coordinator (410-610-4602); Cherie Crescini is the Kitchen (Dinner, Breakfast and Cleanup) Coordinator (301-904-6994). Shifts will be established for church members who are willing to offer a welcoming and supportive presence for our guests. Please sign up in the Narthex!


  • Prayers of the People: click here.
  • ePrayer - To request prayer from our church family: click here.
  • Milestone birthday coming up? To appear on the Pax Pres Facebook page, please send your photo to:
  • Pax Pres Mobile App - to download, click here!
  • The Prayer Room is located through the church office in the Associate Pastor's office. Following worship, someone is available to pray with you individually and in private. Bring your needs or your praises. Come and pray.
  • Has your phone number changed? Please make the change to your profile in Churchteams or call the church office at: 301-863-2033 and we will gladly add your updated information for you!
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