Ideas and tips to get along and get stuff done-------- ---- -March 21, 2024

Pay What You Want for my eLearning Courses

I developed three high quality online courses and priced them at $198 each. Yet I haven't felt super good about that because I'm afraid they are unaffordable for many people. I believe that the world needs less strife, more collaboration, and skilled group facilitators. This is me wanting to help with that.

Starting today I am removing barriers and offering my eLearning courses on a pay-what-you-want basis. I want EVERYONE to have access to these courses.

My eLearning courses are designed to not only provide practical tips and tools, but to help you see things in new ways and to inspire you to significantly improve your abilities. Take one of these courses and increase your value to your groups.

These courses apply to both remote and in-person groups. Each course is online and self-paced. Learners tell us that the courses take 2-4 hours. Some learners leave time between the Chapters to reflect and practice. Others race right through in a single session. And some jump around and do bits and pieces. These courses let you learn your way.

Which one will you choose? Try one. For whatever price you want.

Learn all about them here

Pay What You Want for my Tips Videos, and Handouts

For many years I have been making and posting free resources to help groups make good decisions.

I have made 147 how-to videos on communications, conflict, meeting facilitation, collaboration, and many related topics. These videos were made on location in meeting rooms, on side-walks, and in all kinds of settings. They are mostly 2-3 minutes and have transcripts.

I have made 168 one-page tips on all aspects of group dynamic and getting along in groups. Each one describes a timeless principle and then a practical tip that you can use right away.

I have made 27 handouts which I use in my training sessions. Available to you.

You can search these resources by keyword and you can organize them by category, by date, or alphabetically.

For the first time ever I'm requiring a membership to access these resources and I'm hoping for financial support from some of you. Yet I'm also fine with you becoming a member for free.

One way or another, please show your support by signing up for unlimited access to all these resources. Please join the Good Group Decisions community. Sign up here.

Pay Nothing for my monthly Training Talk Shows

What's the difference between a consensus decision and a majority decision? Why is consensus harder to achieve? What are the benefits of consensus over other methods? What are the key ingredients for successful consensus decision making? What are the steps? The attitudes? The role of the consensus leader?

Coming right up

Wednesday March 27

In this free Training Talk Show I'm going to answer these and related questions. And I'm going to provide tips and techniques.

And I’m going to ask you to share YOUR strategies. It’s a TALK Show; so we’re gonna talk about this. We’re going to learn from each other. And support each other. And after the session I will provide each participant with Highlight Notes from what we discussed, including links to resources.

My Training Talk Shows are always free. Always interactive. Just 50 minutes online.

WEDNESDAY, March 27, 2024, 1pm MaineTime Register Here

Pay Nothing for Craig's News on How to Get Along

Over three years ago I started publishing this newsletter and you can read every past article for free right here. Anyone can receive future editions for free right here.

I don't claim to have special insights that you can't find elsewhere on the internet. These newsletters simply convey Craig-ness with my particular spins and curated content to help groups make good decisions. I get a lot of good feedback. People seem to like them.

Please forward this email to friends and colleagues

More Links To Help You Get Along

Craig's One-Page Tips
Craig's How-To Videos
Craig's News Archive
Craig's Book
Land Acknowledgment
Email Sign Up
Make Shift Coffee House
Craig's eLearning
Quaker Messages
Written and published by Craig Freshley. Thanks for walking along with me.
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