Vol. 3, Issue 1, March 7, 2019
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: Happy International Women's Day; Success Careers in the Trades event; What to expect from Generation Z.
Happy International Women's Day! Canadian women still have a long way to go to reach wage equity
As we celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th we are reminded that a considerable gender wage gap still exists for women.

A recent study from Statistics Canada called Earnings Inequality and the Gender Pay Gap in Canada: The Role of Women’s Under-representation Among Top Earners reports that incomes for the top 1% earning group increased in Canada from 1978- 2015, affecting women 
because they are under-represented in these groups. 

Over this time period the average incomes among the top 1% income group rose from $118,100 to $529,600, and from $306,700 to over 2 million dollars among the top 0.1% income group. 

According to the report, in 2015, women accounted for 54.2% of the bottom 90% income group, while they represented 23.2% of the top 1% income group, and 16.5% of the top 0.1% income group. 

Even though the representation of women in the top earnings groups increased from 1978 to 2015, their continued under-representation accounted
for a substantial and growing percentage of the gender gap in total annual earnings. 

Successful Careers in the Trades event held at St. Charles

Workforce Planning Hamilton was pleased to partner with VPI working solutions, and St. Charles Adult Education Centre to present the Careers in the Trade event on Monday, March 4/19.

The event took place to share information on apprenticeship programs and to encourage students and others to explore careers in the trades. 

Elementary and high school students and members of the community networked with employers such as Walters, ACS Valves and Canadian Tire.

Training programs were well represented by organizations such as Mohawk College, Threshold School of Building and Bruno's School of Hair Design.

Those attending heard three presentations. Jamie McMillan, the founder of Journeyman, an organization that promotes women in the skilled trades spoke about her experiences as an ironworker.

Angelo Cosco, Associate Dean, Marshall School of Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship at Mohawk spoke about training opportunities.

And last, but certainly not least...Judy Travis, Executive Director, Workforce Planning Hamilton shared details about the growing need for skilled trades people in construction, manufacturing and the motive industries.

Congratulations to all the organizers on a successful event!
Generation Z: What to expect from the newest addition to the workforce
Generation Z, the group born after the Millennials, is entering their early adult years and starting their young careers. What makes them different, and how will they approach things differently than past generations?

While generational differences cast a wide net and don’t necessarily apply to every individual, here is what demographers say are some key 
similarities and differences between Gen Z and Millennials.

Labour Force Information, Hamilton, January 2019
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca