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September 2019 - In This Issue:
September 3    

First Day of School
September 6
First Home Football Game, Payton vs Whitney Young at Lane Stadium, 2601 West Addison, 7:15pm
September 10
Local School Council Meeting, 6pm, Library
September 11  
Payton Community Meeting, 6pm, Library
September 17  
Curriculum Night
September 18

Boosters Meeting, 6pm, Library

F or more information on calendar items, visit   FOP's Participate page  or email us .
Principal Tim Devine

Payton Parents,
Welcome to the class of 2023 and their families, as you formally join the Payton community, and welcome back to our upperclassmen and families. We are so excited for the return of our compelled and compelling students.
On a campus, it is the faculty and staff who play the most critical role the formation of our student's minds and character. As such, I digitally introduce you to our new team members who will be amongst the guides for your children. The penultimate question I ask myself when considering persons positions in a school is this: "Would I want my own child taught by or in a school led by this person?" With the assortment of new faculty we have gathered, the answer is a firm and excited: "Yes." To wit:
  • Tiffany Childress-Price (Science): Tiffany earned BA degrees from The Ohio State University in Spanish and International Studies (Latin America). She then earned an MA in Secondary Science Education from Wheaton College and is presently pursuing a Ph.D. in Math and Science Instruction and Curriculum from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is a Master Teacher Fellow for the Project Science Education for Excellence and Equity in Chicago (SEEEC) at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Tiffany has previously served as the Civic Engagement Director, Science Teacher, and Science Department Chair at North Lawndale College Prep. H.S., as well as Science Teacher and Science Department Chair at Michele Clark STEM Academy
  • Aidan O'Down-Ryan (Science): a graduate of Payton, Aidan then earned his Bachelor of Science in Marine Science and Biology from the University of Miami, then earned his MA in Teaching Secondary Biology from the University of Chicago. He has interned at the Shedd Aquarium and studied great white sharks with OCEANS Research in South Africa. Aidan has taught Science at South Shore International College Prep. H.S., as well as Lakeview High School.
  • Mirelle Rivera (Social Studies): Mirelle earned her BA from Loyola University (Chicago) in History, as well as a BS in Secondary Educan. She then received an endorsement in English as a Second Language from National Louis University. She has taught at Washington High School, where she also served as Debate Coach and SAT Test Prep Coach.
  • Joella Birch (English): earned a BA in English and Teaching and an MA in English from Chicago State University, as well as an MA in Education Administration from Concordia University. Prior to joining the Payton faculty, Joella served as an English teacher at Marshall, Tilden, and Kenwood, where she also served as the National Honors Society Director, Senior Prom Chair, AVID instructor, and Majorette Coach.
  • Kari Bridgelan (Math): Kari earned her BA in Economics and French, with a minor in English, from the University of Virginia, and an AM in Math Education from DePaul. She has previously taught at Summit Preparatory Charter High School, Dawson School (Colorado), and Hinsdale South High School.
  • Jonathan Jacka (Computer Science): Jonathan's undergraduate studies at the University of Cape Town (South Africa) centered on English and History, then he earned his teaching credentials from the University of South Africa. He has since earned computer science certifications through Northern Illinois University and Illinois State University, as well as earning his endorsement in special education from the University of St. Francis. Jonathan has previously taught at Wheaton Academy, Chicago Tech Academy High School, Back of the Yards College Prep. H.S., and Solorio Academy.
  • Curtis Nunnery (Physical Education and Assistant Athletic Director): a graduate of Payton, Curtis then earned his BS in Kinesiology from the University of Illinois (Champaign-Urbana). Curtis completed his student teaching at Northside College Prep., then served as PE teacher, Athletic Director, and Head Basketball, Football, and Track & Field Coach at Emmett Till Math and Science Academy.
  • Marcella Bonnan (French and Spanish): Marcella earned her BA in Literature from the University of Wisconsin (Madison), and earned an MA in Education from Northern Arizona University, and she studied Spanish at Universidad Internacional in Cuernavaca, Mexico. She has developed curricula for the National Museum of Mexican Art and the Art Institute of Chicago, and she participated in the Harvard Graduate School of Education's Project Zero Classroom Program. Marcella has served as a French and Spanish Teacher, as well as the World Language Department Chair at The Chicago High School for the Arts.
  • Sonia Abrego (Counselor): Sonia earned her BA from DePaul in International Studies and Spanish, then earned an MA in Education Leadership and another MA in Counseling from Northeastern Illinois University. Sonia has served as a Counselor for Taft's International Baccalaureate and AVID students. Prior to that, she served as a Program Director at Malcolm X College, and Grant Coordinator at Joliet Junior College, and as an Instructor and Counselor at Youth Connection Charter School.
  • Dave Dvorak (Technology Coordinator): Dave earned a BA in Television from Columbia College, then earned an MA in Digital Communications and Media Arts from DePaul. He has served as Adjunct Faculty and Digital Operations Manager at Columbia College. Dave then served as Director of Technology at Sacred Heart and as a Technology Training Instructor at Association House.
  • Ben Xu (Computer Programmer): Ben earned a BA in Computer Science and a BS in Mathematics from Bucknell University, where his primary focus was software engineering and design. Ben is presently pursuing his MS in Computer Science at DePaul.
Beyond their biographies, each has a notable passion and talent for developing adolescents in dynamic ways. We are fortunate to be able to blend their skills as educators with the innumerable skills of our existing faculty. So, in total, we have 128 adults on campus this year whose charge is to aid and abet the growth of our 1,225 wonderful students. The team has formed. Let the academic year commence.
Go Grizzlies!

Tim Devine

Opportunities to get involved September and throughout the school year!

Thank you Student Registration Volunteers  for welcoming our students back to school and processing paperwork for over 1,200 students.  We greatly appreciate that  over 70 parents took a couple hours from their summer vacation to pitch in.  Payton would not be able to do this without your help!  A special thank you to parent, Carrie Kuberski, for taking the lead in organizing this most important back to school event.  

Thank you Freshman Pizza Party Volunteers and Parent Pals for your enthusiastic welcome to the newest members of the Payton community.  Thanks to  Nashema Simpson for such an exceptional job as the Freshman Pizza Party lead!

Raffle winners were notified by email
Congratulations! Your winning items can be found on the counter in the office.  

Curriculum Night Volunteers, Tuesday, September 17, 2019, 5:00-5:45 pm and 8:00-8:30 pm
Volunteers needed to help sell spirit wear and teacher wish list items at Curriculum Night, Tuesday, September 17 th .  Volunteer shifts are from 5:00-5:45 pm and 8:00-8:30 pm.   Click on this link to  sign up to volunteer for Curriculum Night 

Homecoming Dance Chaperones, Saturday, October 5, 2019, 6-10pm
Parent/guardian volunteers are needed to chaperone the homecoming dance on Saturday, October 5 th .  Two shifts are available, 6pm-8pm and 8pm-10pm.   Click on this link to  sign up to chaperone the Homecoming Dance.

Co-Chair Opportunities  
There are still opportunities to co-chair a Friends of Payton event for this school year. From spirit wear sales to Freshman Physics Day at Great America all FOP programs and events are made possible thanks to those who take on the lead position. 

As a co-chair you will work with another parent/guardian as well as the FOP Volunteer Directors to solicit volunteers and coordinate the details particular to each event. Some positions have one or two openings. If you have a friend you'd like to work with, consider signing up together.  See the Volunteer webpage for details.

2019-2020 Volunteer Opportunities  
Is there a specific event or program that interests you?  Click on the link 2019-2020 Volunteer Opportunities to let us know which events you would be interested.  

See   Payton Volunteer page for more information.

CPS Level 2 Volunteer Application
All volunteers MUST have a CPS Level 2 certification and approval from Payton.   If you have CPS Level 2 certification from another CPS school, Payton MUST be  added to your CPS profile and Payton needs a copy of your Photo ID on file.   Bring your ID to the main office or upload it using the link below.   Please go to the  CPS Level 2 Volunteer Application   for steps to register.  See   Payton Volunteer page  for more information and to  submit your Photo ID.    For questions, please contact .

Payton Community Meetings
Principal Tim Devine kicks off each Payton Community Meeting with an informal talk about what's happening at school. All parents and guardians of Payton students are welcome and encouraged to attend our monthly meetings.
Where: Literacy Center (Payton's library on the first floor)
Time: 6 pm - 7 pm
2019-2020 Upcoming Meeting Dates
    • September 11, 2019
    • October 9, 2019
    • November 6, 2019
    • December 11, 2019
    • January 8, 2020
    • February 5, 2020
    • March 4, 2020
    • April 1, 2020
    • May 6, 2020, 
    • June 2, 2020 (Note: June 2 is a Tuesday.  All other Payton Community Meetings are on Wednesdays.)
Friends of Payton Potluck Save the Date:  Friday, October 18, 2019

Teacher Wish List 
The Teacher Wish List provides an opportunity for parents and community members to give all or part of the cost of an item to enhance a faculty member's class, a department program or any item not covered in the budget. The teachers have provided a list of more than 91 items this year, from classroom ink, bus fares and novels to a new dance floor and stationary bike. Gifts of all sizes go a long way to enhance Payton classrooms and curricula. Be sure to check out the Teacher Wish List and donate online using the following link:

Pavers for Sale
To  Purchase a Paver click HERE.   Memorialize your student, their class, club,  team or organization in a visible and  enduring way. Purchase an engraved paving  stone to be placed in Payton Plaza.  Proceeds help fund student programs at our
school.  Three sizes are available and the pavers will be placed over the summer on the southwest exterior of the school grounds.  Thank you for your support! Contact Grace Shin at with questions. 

Click here for more information about Donating to support Payton.  

Need to update your email address? --  Be sure to include student name and year  of graduating class as well as your first and last name  and send to Thank you!
Follow FOP on Social Media


Dr. Erica Bauer, Director of Student Engagement.
What is a Director of Student Engagement?
Hello Grizzly Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome back! My name is Erica Bauer and I am the Director of Student Engagement. What does that mean? It means that I work to ensure that all of our students can fully engage in the Payton community with a focus on educational equity.
I do this work in two primary ways. First, I work with a team to design, implement, and evaluate our support structure called Supporting Student Success, or S^3. S^3 exists to proactively identify barriers academic, emotional, physical and/or cultural barriers to student learning. Second, I analyze our school's data to identify educational inequity in our academic outcomes based on social groupings such as race, gender, and socioeconomic status. That is, I work to identify what aspects of how we educate our students creates barriers to their learning in relation to who they are and how they feel.
Finally, as the Director of Student Engagement, I lead our parent speaker series called We are Payton Parents. Each session occurs in the Payon library from 6:15 - 7:30 pm and is led by an organization or individual with expertise in a given topic.
Please mark the following dates in your calendar. This year, I hope to make all sessions available electronically to address the challenges that many face to travel to Payton these evenings.
September 25th | Meet your Payton Advisory Leaders
October 23rd | Talking to Students about Race
December 4th | Teens and Dating in the 21st Century
March 7th | The Parenting-Teens Conference
April 1st | Technology, Social Networking, and the Phone
May 6th | Teens and Mental Health
Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions, concerns or ideas about enhancing the Payton experience for your child.
We are different. We are one. We are Payton.

As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at
CLASS of 2020 NEWS:  Vaccination Requirements
Reminder to all rising seniors.....  Per the Student Health Examination and Immunization Code, any student entering the 12th grade must have proof of having received two doses of meningococcal conjugate vaccine prior to entering the 12th grade. The first dose should be on or after the 11th birthday and the second dose should be on or after the 16th birthday. If the first dose is administered when the student is 16 years old, only the one dose is required.  This is an attendance requirement!

Incoming Freshman- Please provide complete immunization records and a physical exam that has been done within 12 months of the first day of school.  This is an attendance requirement!
You can email proof of immunization directly to the nurse at
Please email Nurse Mary with any questions... .  
Thank you, 
Mary E. Soeding, RN, BSN, MSN, PEL-CSN  Certified School Nurse,  Walter Payton College Prep-  Wed, Thur & Fri
2019-2020 Payton Family Directory: Available Soon
Mobile app with contacts
Friends of Payton (FOP) manages the Payton Family Directory, a mobile app providing contact info for current students' families. The app is free and automatically accessible to Payton teachers and staff. 

How to Get the Directory:  If you used the DirectorySpot app last year, then the school's new directory is already on your device and no further action is required.
For new teachers and others who haven't downloaded the mobile directory yet, please follow these instructions:
  1. Go to Apple's App Store or to Google Play and download an app called "DirectorySpot."
  2. At the log-in screen, enter your email address as the username. You must type in the same email address at which you received this email.
  3. Click the RESET PASSWORD link.
  4. Check your email for a message from DirectorySpot with a link to create your account password.
You can also access the directory from DirectorySpot's website.

About the Directory
  • To make changes to your directory listing -- faculty are in the directory, too -- please email FOP's directory volunteer, Tein Atkerson, at
  • Friends of Payton (FOP) updates the directory regularly. When changes are made, the new info is automatically delivered to all users within seconds.
  • The directory is made available ONLY to current faculty and family members of Payton students. FOP does not provide the directory to anyone not directly affiliated with our school.
  • Learn more about the DirectorySpot app in the user FAQs

Girls Cross Country 
The Payton cross country team has had a great summer of training and is ready for the season. We have over 50 hard-working girls out for the team, and there is so much talent across the board. We have been moved back down to 2A, which means our team goal will be to qualify for the IHSA sectional and state meets later in the Fall. Our first big meet is the DePaul Prep Invitational on September 14th. The girls will be in the running to do very well at this competition. Go Grizzlies!

Payton Girls Cross Country team practice.

Boys Cross Country
The Payton Boys Cross Country team has also been training hard.  They even had a fly over visit during one of their first practices by the U.S. Navy Blue Angels.  The team is raising money for basic new equipment to help at meets.  See this link to donate to the team.  Thank you for your support!

Left: Boys Cross Country training at the Montrose Track with a Blue Angel flying overhead. Right: excitement over the early success of the FanAngel fundraiser!
Boys Soccer
The Boys Soccer teams have already started their seasons and are all undefeated!   The JV team had back to back games for 3 wins over Elmwood Park, Ridgewood HS and Latin.  Look for more news next issue!

Left: JV Boys huddle before their first game against Ridgewood HS. Right: After the team won 2-1 over Latin.  

Girls Tennis

Girls tennis prepares for first match on September 5th vs. Lincoln Park

2019-2020 Walter Payton College Prep Football Team
In a back and forth offensive showcase, our Payton Football Grizzlies handed the Tinley Park Titans a stunning 41-40 defeat in Friday night's season opener. It the first time a Payton football team has defeated a perennial suburban powerhouse.
Led by the crisp passing (3 arial TD's) and commanding athleticism of quarterback Sage Shindler, running backs Damian Goodman and Cortez Savage took turns slashing and pounding their way through a tough Titan defense with Damian scoring five of Payton's six touchdowns and Cortez racking up yardage reminiscent of last year's conference championship game against Kenwood.  

In an ironic twist, this see sawing game in an epic offensive battle was ultimately decided by a Grizzly defensive stop of a potential game winning Titan try for two points.  The Grizzly defensive achievement came after the Titan's touchdown in the waning two minutes bringing them to within one point at 41-40. 

Join your fellow Grizzlies at the FIRST HOME GAME will be this Friday, September 6th at 7:00 pm in Lane Stadium. Support the Grizzlies by purchasing your season pass this week at school and don't  miss any of the exciting action. Go Grizzlies!

Season Passes and FREE T-Shirts! 
Again this year, we are offering FREE GRIZZLY NATION T-Shirts with the purchase of Season Passes, while supplies last.  Season Passes get you into all regular season home football, basketball and volleyball games and are sold two ways: 
  • Family Pass ($200): Includes a FREE t-shirt for each of your Payton Students, season passes for the whole family and 2/3 of the money goes directly to your team of choice.   
  • Student Pass ($20): Includes a FREE T-Shirt and season pass for your student. 
* We will start selling passes Thursday 8/22 at the Freshmen Parent Orientation and Pizza Party.  Get your passes while we still have t-shirts to give away.
Pay via:   Square or cash.
Indicate the sport(s) you'd like your donation to support in the 'notes' section of the Square donation.
Drop off cash and pick up passes & t-shirts at Coach Klupchak's office (room 126).  
Payton Booster Association   
Our next meeting is Monday, September 16th in the school library at 6pm.

if you aren't receiving Payton Booster Association emails and would like to opt in, please email and follow us on twitter via @PaytonBoosters or on our booster page 
News & Photos from the past month shared by the Payton community

To submit articles and photos, send to by the 25th of the month.  All content is subject to editorial approval.  Images should be sized for social media (2.5 MP or less, Medium size) and articles should be less than 200 words.  Thank you!
In celebration of Walter Payton College Prep turning 20 years old in 2020, F.O.P. would like to recognize all of the Faculty and Staff throughout the year for their commitment and dedication to our school and to our students.  

September WPCP Faculty/Staff of  The Month

David Adamji - Ass't Principal
Rebecca Annunzio - Phys Ed/Health Teacher
Marisela Collazo - Lunchroom Manager
Thomas Demke - Building Engineer
Allison Gillick - English Dept Chair
Leigha Ingham - Science Dept Chair
Kevin Lee - Math Teacher
Marcia Nickeas - Library Ass't
Lance Paulsen - School Counselor
Sarah Spencer - Special Education Teacher
Share Your News with the Payton Community  

To share your news with Payton families, please contact FOP's newsletter editor

Heather H. Bennett, FOP VP Communications & 
Newsletter Editor at 

Include your article as a Word attachment or type the text into the body of your email. Please keep articles less than 200 words and send photos as separate attachments under 2.5 MP. Submissions are due the 25th of each month.  

Need to update your email address?  
Send your name, student's name, student's class year and updated email address to  Thank you!
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