Peñasco ISD Weekly Update
Due to the rapidly-changing nature of the Covid-19 crisis, all school plans are subject to change based on orders from the governor and recommendations from scientific health organizations.
PISD will be offering afterschool programs starting the week after Labor Day. Programs include art, gardening, robotics, yoga, and more. All of these programs will offer ways to participate online! For more information about after school programs, visit the Community Schools page on the district website:
Two programs are described below. Questions? Contact Community Schools Coordinator Michael Noll:, 575-779-1466.
PISD is partnering with the Embudo Valley Library and Northern New Mexico College on a Robotics program. Robotics doesn't just mean mechanical people and dogs! It also means using coding tools to create animation!
Starting the week after Labor Day, PISD will introduce a weekly program for students from 3rd-7th grades to learn to animate using Scratch on their Chromebooks. They will be mentored by students at NNMC.Plus, high school students will have the chance to work with the Northern mentors to learn Scratch and then help the younger Peñasco students.
All that is required if your student's Chromebook and an Internet connection.
PISD is partnering with the New Mexico Acequia Association on a school garden (located on the other side of the baseball field). On Friday, we planted lettuce, kale, radishes, spinach, and turnips. Students will have the opportunity to work in the garden by watering, weeding, and harvesting vegetables!
Check Your Mail and Email: Peer-Helping Program for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades
PISD is excited to bring a new program to the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. Natural Helpers is a peer-helping program that trains students to be one another's first line of support. The program is based on the premise that when young people have problems, they most often turn to friends whom they trust for help and that, within every school, an informal "helping network" exists. Natural Helpers seeks to identify this informal network of young people who represent all the different subgroups within schools and provide training and support to those who are already serving as helpers.
A survey will be sent this week via email and physical mail to all students in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. The information collected will help PISD select students to participate in the program. Please fill it out! If you have any questions about the program, contact Community Schools Coordinator Michael Noll:, 575-779-1466.
Cell Phone Coverage Survey
Do you pay a cell phone bill but aren't sure you're getting the service you pay for? Do you need to go outside or connect to WiFi to make a call? Or, do you have a provider you're happy with? PISD is collecting info on Peñasco-area residents' cell phone coverage and plans to help communicate our area's needs with companies, the state, and the federal government. Everyone living in the Peñasco area is encouraged to fill out the survey, not just families with children in the Peñasco schools.
For more info and to find the survey, click here or go to the PISD website:
PISD has given Kit Carson Telecom the contact info of families in the district who do not currently have Internet access. If you're not sure if you're on this list, contact Michael Noll:, 575-779-1466.
The district is sending login info to students. If you have not been contacted or if you have trouble with any of the items below, contact your teacher or IT Director Darren Griego:
Welcome Our Teachers and Support Staff!
The next few newsletters will be introducing our new teachers and support staff!
Stephanie Noll
High School English/Language Arts
Why did you want to become a teacher? I wanted to become a teacher because I always loved reading and writing but thought English class was pretty boring. When I was in high school, I watched my classmates struggle to enjoy or appreciate that class, and I started thinking that there had to be a better way to teach the class, to help students find books that actually would interest them and assign writing that would give them a chance to express themselves. As a teacher, that's my goal.
What do you like most about teaching? I really love getting to know my students--who they are, what they like, their hopes and dreams. I started teaching in Houston over twenty years ago, and I continue to keep in touch with several of my students who I taught then. Watching them become successful adults has been incredibly gratifying and inspiring.
What is a fun fact that your colleagues and students might not know about you?
I have competed in three triathlons.
What do you like to do best outside of work?
Outside of work, my favorite activities include reading, writing, hiking, and camping.
Anelisia Pena
I completed my undergraduate degree in biology in May of this year. For the 2020-2021 school year, I will be a part of the Three Rivers Teaching Quality Partnership program, where I will be a graduate student working with a teacher as my mentor. Working with a mentor will help develop my skills in the classroom to set me up for success when I become an instructor. I am familiar with Penasco High School as I spent the 2019-2020 school year as an assistant basketball coach for the girl’s team. I enjoyed my time last year at Penasco, and I am looking forward to spending the 2020-2021 school year here again.
(Check here for updates from the state.)
(Check here for activities and videos for kids.)
Have Questions or Concerns?
The district has set up an email address specifically for questions and concerns:
If you have suggestions for the newsletter, contact Michael Noll:, 575-779-1466.