Peace Means the Presence of Justice,
Not Just the Absence of War
PDF and Partners - Leaders in the Peace Movement
Approaching its fortieth year as a leading public foundation in peace and social justice movements, the Peace Development Fund continues to have a major impact. In 2018-2019, PDF made 249 grants totaling $2,619,539 to 126 organizations, with about 40 percent of those resources going to anti-war and peace organizations.

While in some ways this reflects PDF’s roots as a funder of anti-nuclear and peace organizing in the 1980s, it is also evidence of PDF’s continued leadership as a high impact funder supporting diverse peace-building organizations.
Women Leading the Way to Build Peace in Korea

Korea Peace Now and Women Cross DMZ
A recent report commissioned by a PDF grantee, Korea Peace Now, finds that international sanctions are not only failing to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula but are having a detrimental impact on North Korea’s most vulnerable. Christine Ahn, founder of PDF fiscally sponsored Women Cross DMZ, notes, “Nearly 4,000 people died in 2018 as a result of the delays caused by the sanctions of materials and aid coming into North Korea, a majority of whom were women and children."

The status quo of sanctions and militarization from male-dominated administrations and U.N. Security Council has not brought peace to this volatile region. Instead, the absence of a formal peace agreement to replace the 1953 ceasefire means that the Korean Peninsula continues to feel the impact of the Korean War nearly 70 years since its inception.
Women Cross DMZ and Korea Peace Now are charting a different, feminist path toward building sustained peace in the region. Notably, the 2019 bill, H.Res. 152, introduced by Rep. Ro Khanna of California, calls for a formal end to the Korean War and the inclusion of women and civil society groups in a peace process.

A recent International Peace Institute report highlights growing evidence that women’s involvement in peacebuilding makes peace agreements more attainable and durable. Women Cross DMZ and Korea Peace Now are building a global campaign to mobilize women not only to end this longstanding war, but to bring women into leadership to make sustained peace and security a reality. 
Indigenous People's Rights and Peace Development
Nimiipuu Protecting the Environment and Wicahpi Koyaka Tiospaye
The Peace Development Fund recognizes that attaining peace is not only about the absence of war or militarism, but requires the presence of equitable relationships among people, nations and the environment. This understanding of peace has enabled PDF to take a human rights, environmental and economic justice perspective in our grantmaking and capacity building programs.

The Sustainability Project (TSP) offers recent grantees and fiscally sponsored groups a three-year, capacity building training program focused on fund-raising, board development and financial management. Nimiipuu Protecting the Environment is a current TSP partner. Their mission is “to carry on time-honored sustainable environmental practices in the tradition of the Nimiipuu by facilitating and organizing individuals in group activities for the protection, enhancement, and promotion of Mother Earth.”
From protecting Treaty Rights to educating and empowering tribal members and youth leaders to address environmental issues, Nimiipuu Protecting the Environment is fostering social change in their community. Another indigenous rights organization and 2019 Community Organizing grantee, Wicahpi Koyaka Tiospaye, “strives to re-establish and foster understanding of Indigenous cultural traditions,” creating peace in the process. Their motto, “We are the Ancestors of Tomorrow,” reminds us that the actions of today to create lasting peace and justice define the future.

These PDF partners are creating the conditions for peace to prosper through just and equitable relationships among people, nations and the environment. 
Crowdfunding 101
Fund-raising Tip for #GivingTuesday
Crowdfunding is an alternative fund-raising method which aims to pool together multiple donations from people and organizations with aligned values or with whom you interact with online using social media.

The biggest crowdfunding day of the year is known as #GivingTuesday. Started in 2012 as a philanthropic response to the consumerism of Black Friday and CyberMonday, #GivingTuesday is a day of international charitable giving.

This year #GivingTuesday is on December 3rd. You can help jump start the Peace Development Fund's campaign by donating to support the frontlines of social justice.
Mark Your Calendars:

Social Justice Funding Pop-up - Boston 
November 20, 2019. 5PM – 6:30PM
Democracy Brewing will host our Boston Pop-up. Come meet PDF staff and friends and learn about social justice grantmaking. More information on Facebook. RSVP here.

2020 Community Organizing Grants
December 1, 2019
Applications open for the 2020 PDF Community Organizing grant cycle. They are due December 30, 2019. Read more about it here.  

Support the Peace Development Fund this #GivingTuesday
December 3, 2019
GivingTuesday is a day of international charitable giving. Please support PDF’s goal of raising $7,000 for Community Organizing grants by donating here
Thank you for your support.