Group Photo at the train tracks of Aushwitz-Berkenau

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Namaste Friends,

How do I sum up my life changing journey to Eastern Europe in just a few words? I've chosen a few photos which pretty much say it all. My mind still cannot fathom the mass murder killing machine that was diabolically and thoroughly perpetrated on our people. The vast scope of the movement by train of millions of Jews to Auschwitz was impemented with horrifying precision and visiting Aushwitz-Berkenau with the Israeli flag in hand was one of the most powerful moments in my life. Sharing songs of solidarity and peace there made the raging war in Israel a stark reality of our survival even more poinant and important.

The communities we visited were Prague, Krakow, Kielce (the site of a post war pogrom) Warsaw and Budapest. The Jewish communities of Prague and Budapest have mostly survived the atrocities and host growing Jewish communities and synagogues. Krakow is the most beautiful city teeming with Jewish life and a JCC along with 6 active synagogues that are revitalizing Judaism in Poland. Warsaw is a modern city, a Jewish empty shell, with wonderful monuments and museums as well as one synagogue left standing, a tribute to a place that was once the epicenter of the Jewish diaspora.

Throughout the journey I had the sense that while our people are coming back slowly to these places, we still exist quietly under the radar. I felt no danger but I did feel the underlying sources of Anti-semitism which are sill very much at play. Believe it or not, the US seems to be a much more fertile ground for hate than what I witnessed in Eastern Europe, with our guides and rightous gentiles mostly trying to make atonement for their role in our distruction. Seeing the current news about Israel and the reaction of the world has stirred up the hatred that masks itself in acceptance and platitudes. I am continually reminding myself that history can and will repeat itself unless we stand up for our right to exist and never forget that staying complacent nearly led to our complete destruction!

The Jewish life in Eastern Europe and Poland that existed, albeit with many rules and restrictions for 10 generations is mostly shattered. Museums, synagogues and monuments stand in memory of the millions of souls who became part of the dust of the earth. Below are a few of the hundreds of photos I took during the journey and I'll continue to post about the mission over the next few weeks. My prayer for our world is that we do not allow hate to destroy what we have worked so hard to achieve: to be a free people in our own land.

Gathering in solidarity and prayer is the best way to process what is happening. Join me Monday for a deep dive into prayers for peace and spend time in sacred healing community.

Many Blessings,

Reb Lisa


November 6th: Peace Practice

November 13th: Kislev New Moon Flow

November 20th: Healing Chair Flow

November 27th: OFF

Yoga Shalom is FREE and open to everyone seeking a safe space for gentle yoga and prayer embodiment. If you would like to make a donation to help support this healing space, please do so by clicking the button below. Your generousity is appreciated!

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Never Again!  By Lisa Levine

I hear the spirits crying out

calling me to take their breath

inhaling the horror felt

and opening a healing gate

where those who were murdered 

can rest in peace and know

we give them release

to fly and keep alive collective memory

and know they have not died in vain.

We remember everything

from the gates of hell we have returned

survived all they have thrown at us

because we are strong

Am Yisrael

connected to every breath and death

crying out from where they fell

we pray for an end to all the hate and vow:

never again! 

Here is my playlist of Peace songs on Spotify. Click and listen!
Listen HERE
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Train Tracks which transported millions to the gas chambers of Auchwitz.

The book of names over a million individuals marked with numbers tattooed on their arms and meticulously recorded by the Nazi death machine.

Train routes from Europe to the killing gas chambers of Auchwitz-Berkenau.

A secret synagogue in Terizin where Jews prayed until their transport to Auchwitz..We sang and recited Kaddish there. Powerful.

Yoga Shalom at Home #ThisHolyPlace
Rabbinic Pastor Cantor Lisa Levine 500 hr. RYT Yoga Alliance
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