What's Happening at Peace?
Weekly e-newsletter

November 11, 2018
Men of Peace Breakfast This Saturday

Our next monthly breakfast is coming up this Saturday, November 10  at 8:00 am. Guest speaker will be our shiny new staff member, Andrew Crist! Andrew will tell us his story and update us on Peace's youth ministry. Chef Jim and crew will whip up another fab breakfast. Bring a friend!
Adult Ed Studies This Sunday
Adult Ed Studies at 9:30 AM
Please join in during the  9:30 am Education Hour for Pastor Marty's intriguing class, " Emotionally Healthy Spirituality " as we explore how growing spiritually and maturing emotionally are intertwined. This class includes a video teaching by author Peter Scazzaro and a Scripture lesson and discussion by Pastor Marty.
Stop by the Great Room each Sunday through November to participate.

Adult Ed November 11 at 9:30 am  
Healing Broken Relationships
Healing a broken relationship can be tough. We are called as Christians to reconcile with one another, but how can we do that when some relationships feel beyond repair? In this study, we'll explore ways to heal broken relationships. Some relationships can be mended and people reunited, while others might never be rejoined. How can we seek healing from the broken relationship in our lives? Join us for great discussion and an encouraging study led by Katherine Richards. 
High School Youth Night November 11

Nerf High School Youth Night!
Sunday, November 11 from 6-8 pm

Calling all High Schoolers! 
You have been recruited to show your skills in a battle of Nerf ballistics. Do you have what it takes? Bring your Nerf weapons and get ready for some fun! Snacks and refreshments will be provided. 
Questions? Contact Andrew Crist: acrist@peacehome.org
Make A Prayer Shawl Monday Night
Want to be part of the comforting ministry?
Join us Monday night, November 12 at 7 pm in the Lobby at Peace. Learn to crochet, knit, or just learn how to make a prayer shawl.  Beginners welcome and instruction provided.
Contact Ruth Winter: ruthwinter@att.net
Clothing Drive Continues
Sunday November 11
Care & Share Clothing Drive
Thanksgiving Care & Share will be here soon!
We are collecting clean, gently-worn fall/winter clothes for all ages & sizes. Please put them in the GYM trailer which is located in the parking lot. It will be open during all  Sunday services until this Sunday,  November 11. Please do not leave items outside the trailer. If you forget to bring your items to church by  November 11, you can drop them off with us during our set-up  on Friday night on  November 16.

Volunteer For Thanksgiving
Care and Share-Sign Up In Lobby

Friday, November 16 and Saturday, November 17
Thanksgiving Care & Share Sign-up
Please sign up in the Lobby to volunteer for the set-up and distribution for our Thanksgiving event on Friday, November 16 from 6-8 pm and on Saturday, November 17 from
9:15 - 11:30 am. 
We also need a few helpers at the Elmhurst Elks location, (corner of Villa Ave. and St. Charles Rd,) to help pack turkey dinner boxes from  7:50 - 9:00 am on November 17. These turkey dinner boxes will be transported to Peace and given to our Care & Share families. Your help is greatly needed and appreciated. Questions?
Please contact  Rose Hopkins at  rmhopkins@comcast.net.
Christmas Care and Share

Christmas Care & Share is underway!  
Please consider becoming involved in one or more of the following opportunities by
 signing up at the Care & Share table in the Lobby or completing the volunteer form in your mailbox:
  • Adopt a Family or Individual - purchase gifts for an under-resourced family or individual. Average cost is $25-$40 per person.  Details available in the Lobby. 
  • Prayer Buddies - volunteer to pray for a family through May 2019. 
  • Personal Care Products - purchase personal care items as described in the "stockings" on the Christmas Care & Share poster in the lobby.  Each slip costs about $10.
  • Assist with setup and/or distribution - sign up to help with the setup (Friday, Dec. 7) and/or distribution of gifts (Saturday, Dec. 8).  Sign up sheets are located in the lobby. 
  • Make a Donation - make a financial contribution to Care & Share by designating a specific amount on your offering envelope or writing "Care & Share" on the memo line of your check. (NOTE:  Care & Share is not a line item on Peace's budget.  It is funded solely by designated contributions to "Care & Share".) 
Thank you in advance for supporting Care & Share. 
 families appreciate all we do for them!
Thanksgiving Eve Service November 21

Join your Family of Peace for our annual Thanksgiving Eve
Service on  Wednesday, November 21 at 7:15 pm.
Pie Reception After the Service!
A delicious pie reception will be held in the Lobby immediately following the service. If you would like to donate a pie, please sign up  in the Lobby. See you there!
Lessons and Carols Service December 2
Sunday, December 2 at 8:30 am and 10:30 am

A joyous service of Word and music! 
In our Lessons & Carols services, led by the Peace Choir and Orchestra, we will hear alternating Scripture readings and music. Our readings will begin with the Old Testament prophecies concerning the coming Messiah. These prophetic passages were written centuries before Jesus was born. Then we'll hear the powerful Christmas story, the beautiful account from the Book of Luke. Throughout, the choir and orchestra will present a wide range of music, from powerful anthems of celebration to poignant reminders of our need for this Babe of Bethlehem. And, of course, we'll sing many of our favorite carols together.
Come and join us for this special time of worship!
Preschool Aide Needed

Looking for a way to make some extra cash for the holidays? The Peace Community Learning Center is looking for a temporary
part-time preschool aide Tuesday-Friday 8:30 am -12 pm (potential for extra hours) from mid-November through December. Must be 18 years old with high school diploma.
If interested, please contact Anmaree Mora:
630-627-1135 or pclc@peacehome.org.
Middle School Youth Night November 16

Middle School Youth Night Friday, November 16 from 6-8 pm
Laser Tag!

Join us and bring your friends as we battle it out with laser guns!
Pizza and refreshments will be provided.
Meet at Laser Quest 1524-C Butterfield Rd. Downers Grove
Cost is $16 per person.
Contact Andrew Crist with questions: acrist@peacehome.org

In This Newsletter

Connect. Grow. Serve.

Worship with your Family of Peace

8:30 am & 10:30 am
9:30-10:20 am 
Education Hour

Path 2018
Join your Family of Peace as we read the 
Bible in 2018.
The Path: 

" Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."
~Colossians 3:23