Lent 2021
Peace be with you!
Well, Lent 2021 is off to a memorable start! Last week’s storm battered our region. Like many people, the Catholic Center lost power, experienced broken pipes and flooding, and now we are trying to clean up the mess. This tough situation also is teaching me things: When the fire department came by to turn off our water, I told them how frustrated I was about the damage to our building. Unimpressed, one of the crew members told me that he and his team had cut water to over a hundred homes. Our problems were real, but not unique. His reaction reminded me of our social existence. God made us as social beings called to live in communion both with God and with our neighbor. Authentic human living involves living in communion.

The traditional Lenten works of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are meant to draw us out of the selfishness of sin. These practices give us a path toward communion without having to go through a natural disaster! To help you live out these practices this Lent and return to a more authentic life with God and with neighbor, check out our site dedicated to Lent:  www.smucatholic.org/lent.

Know of my prayers for you all during this holy season. Even as we rebuild, I look forward to seeing you at the C for reconciliation and for Mass!

In Christ,
Fr. Wade Bass
Director and Chaplain
Catholic Campus Ministry at SMU