Andi Holland
Executive Director
Volunteering is a work of HEART
I marvel at the goodness of God and all of the amazing people He has brought to Savannah Station. Time and time again, I am so humbled by the great people who volunteer and the heart, time and energy they share with us. Some are great connectors
putting us in touch with others that have a passion for our mission. Others just come out of the blue and donate or help in monumental ways at just the right time. Some, like Roy Mayabb of Mayabb Plumbing, have been helping us since we moved to our new home. Every time we call, he comes to the rescue, this time fixing an auto waterer for the horses. Most of the time he leaves with only a “thank you” for payment. Throughout
the summer we work on projects that require more time and more help. The projects list is always long and this summer included chainsaws and heavy lifting. We had some of the most wonderful volunteers came to help and my, did they work hard! We cleared out a bunch of old panels and gates and painted what seemed like miles of white fence. The Elgin FFA Officers even came and helped with the never-ending fence painting! We
also conquered a massive burn pile that had been taking up precious pasture space, thanks to our amazing volunteers and our wonderful staff.
So very blessed to be doing this with you!
When Connor came for his first class in September, he was harness strapped into his
wheelchair to hold his body upright. The first time we mounted him on a horse he
immediately fell forward onto the horse’s neck. In his first riding lesson the sidewalkers
were having to hold him up in the saddle, but maybe 10 minutes into the ride Connor
started holding himself up. What we learned from that experience was that it wasn’t
that Connor couldn’t hold himself up, he just wasn’t being asked to do so. Fast forward
to the end of the riding year in May, Connor comes walking into his class with assistance. His family is still in awe. Hope and Healing with Horses!
Celebrating Savannah Station's 10th Anniversary is this year's major fundraiser of the year. This fundraiser keeps our riders in the saddle receiving their weekly equine assisted therapeutic services at no cost to their families. This fun-filled event includes a live and silent auction, buffet dinner, cash bar, and lots of ways to help make a difference in the lives of our special riders! Individual Gala tickets are $75 and can be purchased in the office. The following link has a complete list of available sponsorship opportunities: 10th Anniversary Gala Sponsorship. Thank you for your support!
We are currently seeking donations for our Anniversary Gala's live and silent auctions. These can range anywhere from artwork to an experience such as skydiving, and everything in-between! Click on the link below for a list of items that can be purchased as a donation for the Gala auction
Summer Camp 2023
June 5th-9th, we held a Summer Camp for 12 families who have been on the waiting list the longest. We felt it was important to give these families some encouragement as they wait and let them know that they haven’t been forgotten. It was an extraordinary week! These campers experienced monumental change in such a short period of time. We witnessed strength building, confidence growing, peace in anxious bodies and truly miraculous changes. A non-verbal camper said more words in one week than he has in eight years of speech therapy. He said “walk-on”, “good Ruby” and other words that we use during the course of a lesson.
The teamwork by our instructors, volunteers, and horses was seamless! Thank you for making the incredible week possible!
Click here to read stories from parents and a volunteer about Summer Camp at Savannah Station and the impact it had in their lives.
Summertime Storytime!
Tuesday mornings in June and July have been a wonderful time for reading books to our horses. We all love it, including the horses! We have one student who wrote her own book about her adventures with the Savannah Station horse named Dutchess! So incredibly talented.
One of our parents, Kelly, says: Summertime... storytime is so fun! So grateful for this community of staff and volunteers that continue to pour into our Big Girl, Lindsey. They are so incredibly patient with her and their warm welcomes are never in short supply. She loves to drag them from horse to horse with a “Come on!” And making sure they see what she wants to show them. We even had the pleasure of having Andi Holland read a story to us! Thank you for taking time out of your day to spend it with our girl and others like her. It means so much!“
We have the best volunteers! There were some big projects we tackled this summer, one of those was breaking down and getting rid of our huge burn pile. We were able to remove pieces of metal that were taking up space in pasture 1 and the Elgin FFA came out and painted a large gate and some fencing. WOW! What a difference it makes. We were able to work on painting some more of our fencing and it looks AMAZING. Thank you for coming out and helping, we couldn't do it without you!
Weather permitting, we will continue to have work days through the month of July. Thursdays from 8am-11am, come ready to paint!
Peanut had his first outing as Savannah Station's Ambassador to Baptist Village of Oklahoma City. He was a true gentleman and brought huge smiles to everyone he encountered! The residents loved interacting with him and he seemed to be pretty happy about it too. We are looking forward to his next excursion at their Fall Festival in September!
Duncan is a resident at Baptist Village who has been bed bound for 5 years. When he heard there was a pony coming to visit he was more than thrilled to get the opportunity to meet Peanut! The staff brought Duncan outside in his bed to meet Peanut and they had an instant connection. Duncan told Peanut about a Shetland Pony he had as a child who was ornery and Peanut couldn't believe a pony would behave in such a way! Peanut was a true gentleman and Ducan could not have been any happier to meet him.
Blue was born in 2005, Black and White Tobiano American Paint Gelding
Blue joined the Savannah Station healing team in 2016 and immediately became the heart throb of the barn with his quite way and his beautiful black and white coloring. Blue takes his job very seriously and with his broad back is the “go to” for our riders that need a little extra help with balance. He is also one of our most confident mounts for those now riding independently.
Lindsey's Legacy Story:
In 2016, when Lindsey began riding with Savannah Station she had some setbacks. With a horse change up and the help of our creative staff and volunteers Lindsey began her riding journey on a horse named, Blue. I don't really know why she chose him. She had this fascination with him from the start. His name was the first horse she could read and recognize. The first horse she had to greet every time we were there. Maybe it was his color, his sweet demeanor or that he was just this big hunk of love that she felt comforted by. From the start he was the one who helped her to be brave. It takes alot to try something new. It's uncomfortable, it makes you nervous, it can be downright scary but something about him made her want to try. Lindsey has had the best instructors, team of volunteers and family that have been there for her throughout every season of learning and expanding on her passion for riding. As Lindsey continues her love for all things Blue, riding, horse care and more, what better way could she honor her favorite boy and this incredible program at Savannah Station that has brought so much joy to her life. Because of YOU and your continued encouragement for Lindsey and her passion, YOU have helped Lindsey raise enough funds to sponsor Blue's stall! I am just utterly speechless at the generosity of so many who have gone above and beyond to help make this sweet gesture happen for her. It will forever mean so much to our family and especially to Lindsey. Every time she passes Blue's stall she will see her name right there next to his. Forever in writing, and the reminder of the journey they are on together. THANK YOU for all who have helped to support such an amazing program! To families like ours, it truly means the world.
-Kelly Sullins
Lindsey and her FAVORITE horse Blue!
1. What inspired you to volunteer? I retired a year and a half ago from my nursing career. I took a year off to travel and spend time with family. I then realized I needed to find something I could do with all my extra time. I prayed that God would place something in front of me that I would enjoy doing. On October 5, 2022 during my morning routine I grabbed a cup of coffee and was watching News 9. Jordan Dafnis was doing a Wellness Wednesday segment featuring Savannah Station interviewing Andi and was explaining all that they do. Jordan asked her about the volunteers and Andi said " we always need more". Well, I love horses and I love kids so I knew that this was my answered prayer. I immediately called to see what I needed to do to sign up but no one answered the phone because they were in a class session. I got dressed and drove out there and met Andi and the crew, filled out the necessary paperwork and started the next day and have been there ever since.
2. My favorite part is being able to provide physical and emotional support to the riders during their lessons. To see the kids faces and their interactions with the horses... their smiles, their giggles, their laughter and the joy that you see in them is priceless. I also enjoy spending time with the horses, just being in their presence is healing to my soul and spirit; mentally, physically, and spiritually.
3. What would you say to someone considering volunteering here? I really didn't know what to expect when I first started. I have a niece that has special needs so I know how special these kids are, but to see the interaction between the child and the horse does something to your heart and soul. The heart of a volunteer is never measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.
4. What do you like to do outside of your time at Savannah Station? Attending and volunteering at Life Church Yukon, spending time with family, spoiling grandkids, working in my yard, and enjoying time in nature, hiking and fishing. Also taking care of my sidekick Sadie, she is a Maltese and spoiled rotten.
1. What inspired you to volunteer? I wanted to find something that got me out of the house. I was looking for places that worked with animals and I found Savannah Station on Facebook. I am so blessed I did!
2. My Favorite part is the horses, the riders we get to help and the people that work and volunteer. I can't just choose one. Being there and helping is my therapy because I am always in a great mood by the time I leave, even if I was having a bad day before I got there.
3. What would you say to someone considering volunteering here? It will inspire you and lift you up just being around the riders and horses.
4. What do you like to do outside of your time at Savannah Station? Work and spend time with my family and friends.
There are lots of things happening at Savannah Station in the coming months so mark your calendars with the following dates, you won't want to miss out! More information will be provided through the website as each event gets closer or you can email for more information. Volunteers will be updated through Monday Message, if you have questions please email
10 Year Anniversary Gala August 18th, 6pm-10pm
Fall Kick Off Picnic August 31st, 6:30pm
Volunteer Orientation September 9th, 9am-Noon
Fall Sessions Start September 12th
OK State Fair Equine Empowerment Horse Show
September 20th, check fair schedule for class times
Cruise-In For A Cause Fundraiser September 21st, 5pm-9pm
Trail Ride Fundraiser at Honey Lee Ranch October 7th
Ground Class Session Starts October 9th
Chicken for Ca$h Fundraiser at Eischen's October 16th, 4pm-10pm
Senior Citizen Class Starts October 12th
Savannah Station's next Volunteer Orientation will be held on Saturday September 9th from 9am-Noon in the Diamond Arena at Savannah Station. No experience with horses or with special needs is required, just a heart willing to help others. Wear protective shoes and come ready to play in the dirt. Send RSVP to
Where miracles happen
in every class