Building a Pedagogy of Care with Social and Emotional Presence (YouTube, 16:27)
Sarah Rose Cavanagh and Josh Eyler ask deep and difficult questions and lead us toward some useful strategies.

How can we build a sense of community and share purpose in our classrooms? How might these strategies vary by teaching modality? How can you portray immediacy if not everyone is in the same room?
Pedagogy Nerds Assemble! Battling Big Myths about Teaching in Troubled Times (YouTube, 22:57)
Author of Geeky Pedagogy, Jessamyn Neuhaus challenges some myths and fears about teaching in the current climate.

She sees preoccupations with tech, obsession with content coverage, and "super-teacher" aspirations as three big challenges to overcome.
"I Hate Zoom but It's Still Good to See You": The Renewed Importance of Belonging and Connection for Learning (SoundCloud, 16:37)
In their conversation , Kevin Gannon and Cyndi Kernahan put our relationship with students front and center in their vision of the college classroom. Cyndi addresses race and belonging. Kevin talks about what it means to be "allies not adversaries".