UF Health The Villages® Hospital Auxiliary Foundation is pleased to announce the
7th Annual Hearts for Our Hospital
Big Bike Weekend
The Villages, FL
12 November 2022
(Register prior to August 15th for Early Bird Pricing - $55 / $25 10 miler)
Bike Expo on Friday and Saturday is chalk full of Fun with 32 Mile | 20 Mile | 10 Mile "Fun Ride" routes, plenty of well-stocked rest stops, and lunch and entertainment waiting at the ride finish;
Our "Ebikers with Heart" team will have ride leaders in each one of the 3 routes.
This ride will be through the Villages community w/ the Sheriff's dept at all major intersections. They are expecting 300-400 riders with all range levels and speeds welcome.
To receive communications from our team
Please register under Team Name: Ebikers with Heart
Riding Club: Pedego Electric Bikes
** We will have limited # of rentals available on Saturday - please reserve in advance.