Pediatrics Flyer

The official newsletter of the Department of Pediatrics
March 2021 | Issue 19
With the increasing availability of the coronavirus vaccine and the Spring-like temperatures, there is an optimistic expectation in the air that over the horizon, we might finally be seeing a "new normal" taking shape. Our approach in the Dept of Pediatrics has been to pursue a sense of "cautious optimism" as we define what this new normal will be for us in the coming months. Clearly, the response to the pandemic has taken its toll on everyone, both individually and collectively as a group within our department. We can't just turn the page and go back to how things were in February '20 since so much has happened and so much has changed. On the positive side, we've certainly learned a great deal about telehealth, working remotely from home, and figuring out how to stay connected and support each other even if we do not see others in the office every day. In addition, because of the social justice issues that have captured our attention, we have rediscovered our core values around being inclusive, welcoming of diversity, and our shared commitment to eliminate any health inequities and disparities in and around promoting child health. On the negative side, we've weathered a lot of disruption in our work, many of our plans (both personal and professional) went off the rails during the pandemic, and our finances have experienced a sluggish recovery towards reestablishing pre-pandemic levels. Characteristically, we've risen to the challenge in that we've trimmed our expenses, we've adopted new workflows, and everyone has been more than flexible in modifying expectations based on the information we have before us. In the spirit of cautious optimism, we've been laying out our financial and operational plans in our current budgeting process as we anticipate the new academic year starting July 1, 2021.
As we plan what the "new normal" will be, Dr. Pavia and I will be hosting a Town Hall on March 19 where we'll interpret the best, current information that we have about what the rising vaccination rates mean among our team in specific and within our community in general in the coming months. Please submit questions prior to the meeting if you can so that we can address what is on everyone's mind. You can send questions to [email protected] or submit them anonymously to the chair's suggestion box. If you cannot attend, the session will be recorded so that you can watch it and stay informed when you are best able to listen.

In summary, even though it's been "a heck of a year," we are really starting to see the storm clouds beginning to clear. We still have a lot of challenges to contend with ahead of us, but we should all be cautiously optimistic that we've got the creativity and can-do spirit within our Pediatrics team to create a "new normal" that keeps us on track to do the good things we are all committed to doing regarding service to children and families in our care. The "new normal" will likely develop and change several times, but it will always stay true to our core values and will certainly be shaped by what we've learned over the past 12 months. 
Welcome to the Team!
To see the new faculty and staff who joined us in February, click here.
For a pdf version of Dr. Hogan's announcement, click here.
Virtual Investment Meetings
Fidelity Investments and TIAA are offering free, virtual one-on-one consultations for faculty and staff of the Department of Pediatrics to discuss your retirement investments. 

Fidelity Investments 30-minute virtual and phone meeting consultations are available on March 18th and March 23rd.
  • March 18th Fidelity Financial Consultant: Brady Hunsaker
  • March 23rd Fidelity Financial Consultant: Teo Ngatuvai

Fidelity Investments is offering a quick 15-minute virtual help desk session at noon on each of the dates below for those who are unable to schedule a meeting. The Ask Fidelity session will cover the following topics and are open to questions & answers: 
  • March 18th at noon - Learn about your U of U Retirement Plan
  • March 23rd at noon - Navigating the Fidelity website and tools
  • April 13th at noon - Roth vs. Traditional
  • April 14th at noon - Learn about your U of U Retirement Plan

TIAA 60-minute virtual meetings consultations are available on March 23rd and March 24th.
  • TIAA Financial Consultant: Donn Fitch 

For instructions on how to sign up for any of the sessions above, click here.

Health Equity Research Core in the Woman and Child Institute
The following is taken from the Health Equity Research Core (HERC) initial newsletter to division chiefs.

Letter from the Chair
Dear colleagues,
The Department of Pediatrics is pleased to support the launch of the Health Equity Research Core. As an institution, we are deeply committed to creating an equitable healthcare system, and redressing disparities in child health. The Health Equity Research Core in the Woman and Child Institute was formed to catalyze and support research to understand and address pediatric health inequities in both the U.S. and global contexts. I am grateful to Drs. Ampofo, Watt and Keating for leading this charge, and I look forward to seeing the research endeavors that come out of this initiative. 
Angelo Giardino, MD, PhD
Department of Pediatrics Chair

About the Health Equity Research Core
The Health Equity Research Core supports research activities and programs that meet one or both of the following criteria: 
  • Research on child health in low- or middle-income countries and/or with marginalized populations in the United States
  • Research that aims to understand and/or address disparities in child health
The Core provides services to Pediatric faculty and collaborators in the following three areas: 
  • Generation of study ideas 
  • Peer review of grant applications
  • Networking of investigators
  • Mentorship of junior investigators and investigators new to health equity research
To request a consultation or support, email us at [email protected].

Dr. Krow Ampofo is a Professor of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, with a history of funded research in pediatric respiratory infections and global health. Dr. Ampofo completed medical school at the University of Ghana and maintains strong research contacts in sub-Saharan Africa. Dr. Melissa Watt is an Associate Professor of Population Health Sciences. She is a social-behavioral scientist who has a history of NIH funded research. Dr. Elizabeth Keating is an Adjunct Instructor in Pediatric Emergency Medicine. She serves as the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Global Health Fellowship Track Director, and is currently funded as an NIH Fogarty Global Health Fellow. 
HERC Pilot Grants
We have released a pilot grant opportunity for $25,000 awards to support research in our programmatic areas. To be eligible, you must have a faculty appointment in the Department of Pediatrics. A concept survey is due on March 17, and the final application is due on April 30. The application is available on our website.
Council on Children with Disabilities Scholarship Recipient
Congratulations to Natalie Darro, DO, FAAP from the division of Complex Care (formerly known as Physical Medicine & Rehab) for receiving a Council on Children with Disabilities (COCWD) scholarship. The COCWD is dedicated to supporting mentorship and leadership of pediatric trainees and early career physicians interested in careers caring for children with disabilities. As part of this work, the COCWD offers an annual scholarship/mentorship program that supports pediatric trainees and early career physicians in attending the AAP National Conference & Exhibition. 
Pediatric Education Enterprise Updates

Laurel Fortun has joined the Education Office as an Administrative Assistant. Laurel will support the Residency Program, coordinate Undergraduate Shadowing (when it is allowed again), and will provide some assistance with the various fellowship programs. Please join us in welcoming Laurel to the department!

We would like to give a warm welcome and congratulations to our new Med-Peds and Pediatrics Resident Chiefs! Ben Drum will be starting next academic year as the Med-Peds 2021-2022 Chief Resident. Kay Go and Rachel Macak have been announced as the 2022-2023 Pediatrics Chief Residents. 
Ben Drum, MD
2021-2022 Med-Peds Program Chief Resident
Kay Go, MD
2022-2023 Pediatrics Program Chief Resident
Rachel Macak, MD
2022-2023 Pediatrics Program Chief Resident
The Complete Clinician Model
Relationship building isn’t typically the focus of medical training but is a necessary skill for truly excellent clinicians. DeDee Caplin (Behavioral Health), Joni Hemond (General Pediatrics), Jared Henricksen (Critical Care) and colleagues developed a model to integrate relationship management skills into medical training, helping create a more well-rounded, complete clinician. The original peer-reviewed article, published in Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings, can be found here. You can also read a synopsis in U Health's Accelerate or watch the animated YouTube video.
Utah Researchers Illuminate Potential Precursors of Blood Cancers
Clint Mason (Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology), along with co-authors Julie Feusier from Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) and Sasi Arunachalam from St. Jude (formerly a postdoctoral fellow at HCI), describe an analysis of their data, published in Blood Cancer Discovery, from more than 7,000 patients diagnosed with leukemia and other blood disorders. Their findings provide new clues about mutations that may initiate cancer development and those that may help cancer to progress. Read the press article here. The original peer-reviewed article, entitled Large-Scale Identification of Clonal Hematopoiesis and Mutations Recurrent in Blood Cancers, can be found here.
Improving Autism Screening and Referrals with Electronic Support and Evaluations in Primary Care
Kathleen Campbell (Pediatrics Resident), Paul Carbone, Diane Liu, and Carole Stipelman (General Pediatrics) had their article on autism screening and referrals published in the March issue of Pediatrics. Read the article here.
Finding Meaning
By the Division of Pediatric Pulmonology & Sleep Medicine

The Division of Pediatric Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine was asked to provide insights this month on "Finding Meaning." To find meaning is a deeply personal journey which looks different for everyone. I have found meaning in experiences as small and simple as smiling at someone who seems sad to serving the homeless community or going on a humanitarian trip. I have found meaning during challenging times, such as losing a loved one to disease. Likewise, I have found meaning in the happiest of times, like gaining a new niece or nephew. Much like single threads being woven into a beautiful tapestry, who I am and what my life means to me has been shaped by small experiences day by day, hour by hour, and even minute by minute. Some days I may struggle more than others with how I feel I fit into the larger scheme of things, but I find comfort in knowing that finding meaning develops and changes overtime and doesn’t have to be figured out all in an instant.
-Ashly Buhler, Administrative Coordinator

Please enjoy various contributions from our division on "Finding Meaning":
Quotes from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama:

"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."
"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."
"If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito."
"My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness."
Comic and quotes provided by Derek Uchida, MD
This is where I feel like me. I am fortunate to have 5 acres up in the mountains just 100 miles from my home. Off-grid living. Minimal solar power for the necessities. My mind. My soul. My peace. My place. - Sue Meihls, RN
Resources for Finding Meaning
Ashly Buhler and Fadi Asfour, MD

A compilation of thought leaders on finding meaning and personal fulfillment

Adapted from an acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) exercise by to help you discover your core values and live a purpose driven and meaningful life.

From Better Me with BodyByBree, Season 1 Episode 20
Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's memoir describes life in Nazi death camps and its lessons for spiritual survival. Based on his own experience and the experiences of others he treated later in his practice, Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it, find meaning in it, and move forward with renewed purpose. Frankl posits that our primary drive in life is not pleasure, but the discovery and pursuit of what we personally find meaningful.
Ashley Boyington
Pediatric Education Enterprise

  1. When did you join the Department of Pediatrics? September 2013
  2. What's your favorite part of your job? I love working with my amazing team and I love that I get the chance to be innovative and work with other innovative people who are making changes that will better the training experience of our future doctors. 
  3. Do you collect anything? Do clothes count? I have enough outfits to dress an entire village.
  4. What are your hobbies and/or talents?  I love shopping at the D.I., garage sales, and vintage markets to find old unique pieces of furniture or décor to refurbish and decorate my house with.
  5. What are you currently reading, watching, or listening to?  Podcasts: Morbid, Dateline, and Crime Junkie
  6. Who or what inspires you? Too many people to name. I find the most inspiration in seeing people be selfless and doing random acts of kindness on a daily basis.
  7. What is your favorite way to decompress after work? Cooking dinner, having a glass of wine, and watching some ridiculously absurd reality television show.
  8. If you could snap your fingers and become an expert in one thing, what would it be? I wish I could become an expert at talking to people effortlessly. I am super shy and get really nervous until I really know someone.
  9. What is something you learned recently? Bruce Herman recently helped me discover that more people take vacation the week before Memorial Day, not the week of.
  10. If you could share a meal with any three well-known individuals, who would they be? Keith Morrison, Betty White, Mindy Kaling.
  11. What do you consider your superpower? I am a wizard at puzzles (schedule puzzles have been my specialty while working for the Department of Peds).
  12. What are your guilty pleasures? Banbury Cross chocolate donuts
  13. What’s something you saw recently that made you smile? I saw my son conquer his fears and swim on his own for the first time. 
  14. What is something that might surprise us about you? I am very competitive (grew up with 4 brothers) and have mad gingerbread house making skills. I even kicked Pamela Carpenter's butt this past year in the competition. 😊
Recognize Someone for a Job Well Done!
The department has an online tool you can use to show appreciation for other members of Pediatrics and recognize them for exemplifying the PROMISE behavior standards: People Centered, Respect, Ownership, Making a Difference, Innovation, Safety, and Excellence.

Recognitions will be published in an upcoming issue of the newsletter. Please note: if a submitter's name is not given, we will not publish the comment. However, the submitter's name will remain anonymous in the newsletter.
The link to the recognition form can be found on the department intranet home page, or click the box below.
This Month's Recognition

Loidali Del Rio Calderon & Bryson Johansson - Clinical Enterprise
Recognized by PCH Outreach Operations Manager
Holy cow, you have an incredible team! Huge shoutout to Loidali and Bryson, they were so friendly and taught me so much as I sat with them. They provided so many resources that will be beneficial to South East Idaho. They even provided their cells for the team to call if they ever needed anything.

Marilyn Jones - Clinical Trials Office
Recognized for People Centered
Thanks for taking on some extra work to help the DCC with a project that was outside of your regular job duties. You were so willing to help us temporarily fill in a gap in our workflow due to position changes within our department. We are fortunate to have a hard worker like you. You bring great value to our company. Shine on!

Coral Nolen & Traci Hare - General Pediatrics
Recognized for Innovation
A BIG thank you to both Coral and Traci for taking the initiative to take the lead for the first presentation for the Department Admin Lunch & Learn series for 2021. The presentation for resources and tips and tricks for remote work was very thoughtful, well put together, and well received. We appreciate ALL you do for the Division of General Pediatrics and the Department of Pediatrics.

Mary Pautler - Critical Care
Recognized for People Centered
Mary is a pleasure to work with, she is an amazing director who is very responsive, in tune with PMs and eager to help when it is needed. 

Ruby Roller - Administration
Recognized for Innovation
Ruby is always finding different ways for providing efficiency in the Department. She has opened many eyes to using TEAMS, FORMS and other various systems. While change is difficult for most people, she shows you how trying something new can help in the long run. 

Nicole Williams & Beth Esparza - Clinical Enterprise & Nephrology
Recognized for Making a Difference
Nikki and Beth both took the initiative to clean the Eccles breakroom refrigerators without even being asked. While they have been slightly neglected during the last several months given the pandemic, this helped jump start incorporating this back into our maintenance routine. Thank you so much Nikki and Beth for doing this not so fun task! It made a huge difference in our breakroom overall!  
Dr. Giardino wants to hear from you!
If you have any ideas or concerns you'd like to share with Dr. Giardino, please submit your comments to his suggestion box. The link can be found on the department intranet home page in the "Contact Us" tile, or send a suggestion now by clicking box below.