We are now transitioning to a monthly e-Newsletter, featuring Chapter specific information, such as our upcoming events, as well as an article of interest. This month we have the Grease sing-a-long at the Hollywood Bowl, a town hall meeting in Ventura County, and an instructive webinar on HPV, courtesy of a grant from the AAP, through a cooperative agreement with the CDC. 


This edition features two articles -- the most recent Otitis Media Guidelines as summarized by a contributing author, Dr. Allan Lieberthal and reflections from our immediate past president, Dr. DuPlessis. There is also a link to the results of our recent election.


We have vacancies for Area Representatives as we plan to expand throughout our seven counties. There is an immediate need to fill this position in San Luis Obispo County.  Please contact the Chapter, if you are interested.  

As we start our new leadership cycle, I welcome your comments and suggestions. You are invited to attend our next board meeting on September 17, location to be announced, with the caveat that you RSVP.  If you have ever had even the slightest inkling of getting involved with our chapter, then now is the time.


Enjoy the summer!

Paula Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP

AAP-CA2 President

Implementing the 2013 - Acute Otitis Media Guidelines

By Allan Lieberthal, MD, FAAP

Chair, Sub-committee on Diagnosis and Management of Acute Otitis Media

The key to the 2013 AOM guidelines published in Pediatrics (2013; 131; e964) is accurate diagnosis of AOM. If you make an accurate diagnosis, the rest of the guideline is straightforward.

The problem is that many, if not most clinicians, over-diagnose AOM.  Read more...

Maintaining The Drive And The Passion For The Chapter And For Our Children

By Helen DuPlessis, MD, MPH, FAAP

AAP-CA2 Immediate Past President 

It's traditional when Chapter newsletters correspond with the end of a presidential term for the outgoing president to list all of their accomplishments and hopes for the future, and near the end of this short piece, I will make those obligatory statements.  What I think is even more meaningful at this time ...  Read more ...

Save The Date!
Grease Sing-A-Long
A Chapter 2 Social, at the Hollywood Bowl
Sunday, July 13, 2014
7:30 PM   Tickets are still available.  See flyer

Town Hall Meeting

Wednesday, July 23, 2014 

6:30 - 9:30 PM


Herzog Wine Cellars in Oxnard

Speaker: Norman Lavin MD, PhD, FACE, FAAP

Topic: Precocious Puberty

RSVP by contacting Ventura Area Representative Teresa Scalise Sheahan, DO, FAAP at [email protected]


Dr. Lavin is Professor of Endocrinology and Director of Education in Endocrinology at UCLA Medical School.  See full biography

HPV Webinar - CME registration pending 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

7:30 PM - 8:30 PM


Space is limited.



Sharon G. Humiston, MD, MPH, FAAP

Professor of Pediatrics

Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics in Kansas City, Missouri


Webinar Details: See flyer

New Board of Directors
Did you miss the announcement of the 2014-16 Board of Directors?  Click here to view



We thank you for your continued membership. Please follow us on Facebook and watch for new developments on our website.



AAP-CA2 Chapter 2

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