Paula J. Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP
President, AAP-CA2
Welcome to the January 2015 edition 
of our monthly Newsletter.


Happy New Year!


With the new year, we have a newly updated website. Please visit here to see it. Of note, some parts are still under construction.


Our Committee on Service, Education and Mentoring (CSEM) solicits papers, including original research and case studies from pediatric house staff. Each year, two winners are selected and receive a $500 award. Our committee had an extremely difficult task of choosing the winners of the 2014 award due to the high quality of the submissions.

Thank you to our CSEM team consisting of our secretary, Chris Landon, MD, FAAP, FCCP, CDM, our treasurer, Alice Kuo, MD, Ph.D. Med, FAAP, and past president, Bill Mason, MD, MPH, FAAP.  Scroll down in our newsletter to read the submissions from our winning residents and to learn more about them.  
Thank you to Member-At-Large, Susan Wu, MD, FAAP, for her generous contribution to our resident research awards program at our recent board meeting. Please let us know if you would like to contribute to this program as well, and enable us to give more awards to additional deserving candidates.


S. Michael Marcy, MD, FAAP
We are excited to announce our first Annual AAP CA-2 S. Michael Marcy Memorial Lecture, which was made possible by an extremely generous anonymous donor. To date, three donors have contributed to this AAP-CA2 memorial lecture fund. Thank you to Dr. and Mrs. Irwin P. Goldstein,MD, FAAP, to Joel I. Ward, MD, FAAP, and to our anonymous donor for your generous contributions.

Separate from this, the Marcy Family has asked us to specifically mention that those wishing to make a tax-deductible charitable contribution in the late Dr. Marcy's memory, to please do so by donating to our chapter, AAP CA-2. You may send a check made out to: AAP CA Chapter 2, specifying the S. Michael Marcy Fund in the memo line and send it directly to our chapter:

American Academy of Pediatrics
California Chapter 2
P.O. Box 94127
Pasadena, CA 91109

To learn more about the late Dr. Marcy, please read his in memoriam, or watch this video tribute.

Our 26th Annual Southern California Postgraduate Pediatric Conference, "Advances in Pediatrics" will take place at the Universal Sheraton in Universal City, CA on Saturday, April 25, 2015. Several of our speakers were featured in last month's issue. This year's conference will mainly focus on topics related to pediatric emergencies. Registration opens the beginning of February, 2015.

Mark Sawyer, MD, FAAP, will give the inaugural S. Michael Marcy Memorial Lecture, entitled: Emerging Infections: The Bugs Are One Step Ahead And They Are Moving. As Dr. Sawyer is on the Red Book Committee, he will also speak on  

Red Book: What You Must Read In The New Edition!


Elizabeth Sowell, Ph.D. will be speaking on the impact of prenatal exposures, such as marijuana, on later brain development. This is a very important and timely topic as more and more states legalize marijuana.


Please read our speaker's biographies in the conference block below. 

As you can see, our annual CME conference will be spectacular. Please save the date!


Enrollment is still open for our year-long asthma project. If you would still like to receive 25 points of MOC part 4 (plus 20 credits of PI CME), then contact the Chapter. Deadline to apply is January 15th, and the first learning session is at Providence Tarzana Medical Center on Saturday, February 7, 2015. Scroll below for more details.


Any special interests? Want to become involved at the National level? There are many committees with openings: Adolescence, Bioethics, Continuing Medical Education, Development, Drugs, Federal Government Affairs, Genetics, Hospital Care, Infectious Diseases, Membership, Native American Health, Nutrition, Pediatric Ambulatory Medicine, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, and Substance Abuse. The deadline for application submission is the beginning of February, 2015. The appointments start in July, 2015. Thus, if you have any interest, please contact the chapter for more information.


Please feel free to get involved locally by contacting our chapter 2 executive director.

Last, but not least, please scroll down for information about our upcoming Town Hall Meeting.



As always, I welcome your comments and suggestions. 




Paula Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP

President, AAP-CA2



AAP-CA2 Continues to Recruit Practices for Quality Improvement Project


AAP-CA2 is still recruiting practices interested in participating in the AAP Chapter Quality Network Asthma Phase 4 Project.  Nine pactices representing the Counties of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino are already involved.


Deadline to enroll is January 15th.  

The first in-person learning session will be on Saturday, February 7th. AAP leadership will fly from Chicago to train all participating teams.


Goal: To systematically change physician care practices in accordance with the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute's National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NHLBI/NAEPP) asthma guidelines


Using quality improvement methods, practices will make key practice changes with tools, assistance from a QI coach, and data to guide their progress. Data will be collected at the point of care using an encounter form that also provides decision support to clinicians. On demand data reports highlighting practice performance on multiple measures are provided to practices. Data collection on patient encounters over a 10 month period will track increases in percentage of patients receiving Optimal Asthma Care - a bundled measure that includes use of a standardized method to measure asthma control, a stepwise approach to treatment, provision of an asthma action plan, and persistent asthma patients on controller medications.

    • 25 points of Maintenance of Certification Part 4 (MOC) credit Performance in Practice
    • 20 credits of Performance Improvement Continuing Medical Education (PI CME)
For more information, contact the Chapter by replying to this email.
To read the full description of this project, please Click here.


Resident Research Awards
The Committee on Service, Education, and Mentoring, presented the 2014 Resident Research Award to two exceptional Pediatric Residents during the past quarterly Board of Directors meeting, on December 10, 2014, at Huntington Hospital, in Pasadena. 

As shown in the images shown below, Committee Chair, Christopher Landon, MD, FAAP, presented each recipient with a certificate, and a check in the amount of five hundred dollars. Both Residents presented the results of their research to the Board of Directors.



Maria Ahmad, MD, with Chris Landon, MD, FAAP


Maria Ahmad, MD, of Kaiser Permanente, was selected for her research on:

Early implementation of hydroxyurea in sickle cell disease patients with conditionally abnormal transcranial doppler studies reduces morbidity associated with stroke and chronic transfusion therapyRead abstract





Christine H. Yang, MD, with Chris Landon, MD, FAAP


Christine H. Yang, MD, of Children's Hospital Los Angeles, was selected for her research on:

NASPGHAN guidelines for functional constipation compared to the current practices of pediatriciansRead abstract








The Committee on Service, Education, and Mentoring


AAP-CA2 Secretary, Chris Landon, MD, FAAP, FCCP, CDM

AAP-CA2 Treasurer, Alice Kuo, MD, Ph.D. Med, FAAP

AAP-CA2 Past President, Bill Mason, MD, MPH, FAAP.


Next Town Hall Meeting
Ken Saul, MD, FAAP  AAP-CA2 Member-At-Large

An evening with AAP-CA2 Member-at-Large, Ken Saul, MD, FAAP

Wednesday, February 11, 2015   -   Maggiano's, in Woodland Hills


Featured Speaker: Gary Goodman, M.D.

Director PICU, Children's Hospital of Orange County


Click to print flyer    Click to RSVP


Save The Date!
April 25, 2015
AAP-CA Chapter 2 Presents: 
The 26th Annual Southern California 
Postgraduate Pediatric Conference

Advances in Pediatrics

Saturday, April 25, 2015
Sheraton Universal Hotel
Universal City, CA



From Rady Children's Hospital San Diego, Department of Infectious Diseases will be Mark Sawyer, MD, FAAP. He is a Professor of Clinical Pediatrics and a Pediatric Infectious Disease specialist at the UCSD School of Medicine. Dr. Sawyer will give the inaugural S. Michael Marcy Memorial Lecture, entitled: Emerging Infections: The Bugs Are One Step Ahead And They Are Moving. As Dr. Sawyer is on the RedBook Committee, he will also speak on the Red Book: What You Must Read In The New Edition! For more about Dr. Sawyer, please READ MORE



Elizabeth R. Sowell, Ph.D. is Director of the Developmental Cognitive Neuroimaging Laboratory and Professor of Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California. She will be speaking on the impact of prenatal exposures, such as marijuana, on later brain development. This is a very important and timely topic as more and more states legalize marijuana. For more about Dr. Sowell, please READ MORE.


rom Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Department of Emergency Medicine will be Marianne Gausche-Hill, MD, FACEP, FAAP. She is a Professor of Clinical Medicine and Pediatrics, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and Vice Chair and Chief of the Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine as well as the Director Pediatric Emergency Medicine and EMS Fellowships. Dr. Gausche-Hill will talk about how to prepare your office for pediatric emergencies and discuss challenging real-life cases that have presented to pediatric practices. For more about Dr. Gausche-Hill, please READ MORE.





From the CA Poison Control Center will be medical toxicologist, Cyrus Rangan M.D. FAAP FACMT. He will be speaking on the latest drugs of abuse children and adolescents may be getting into as well as challenging toxicologic cases. Dr. Rangan is the Director of the Bureau of Toxicology & Environmental Assessment at the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. He is an attending and consulting Medical Toxicologist at Children's Hospital Los Angeles as well as a clinical instructor at the USC/Keck School of Medicine. For more about Dr. Rangan, please READ MORE.



From UCSF will be pediatric dermatologist Jeff Sugarman, M.D., Ph.D., FAAP, FAAD. Dr. Sugarman is an Associate Clinical Professor in Dermatology at UC San Francisco and in private practice as the Medical Director of Redwood Family Dermatology in Sonoma County, CA.  He will be speaking on "Rashes that are potentially serious or life threatening and their mimickers " as well as "Dermatology potpourri: Unknowns and case-based pediatric dermatology". For more information about Dr. Sugarman, please READ MORE.


Submitting Articles for Publication in Our Newsletter


Have you written original clinical work you would like to share?

Do you have any news you that would like to publish in our newsletter?

AAP-CA2 invites you to submit your ideas, accomplishments, news, pictures...

For article submission guidelines, please click here.


Thank you for your support
PO Box 94127 Pasadena, CA 91109
(818) 422-9877
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