Welcome to our August newsletter. Please visit our updated website at: http://www.aapca2.org

There are many new features that you may find of interest. Responding to member requests, we now have links to past pediatric grand rounds videos from UCLA as well as the calendar for pediatric and hematology-oncology grand rounds at CHLA. You will find upcoming events, such as our Town Hall meetings and our upcoming board meeting. There is also an active map to assist with locating the venues.
There is a tab with recent advisories from the Los Angeles Health Alert Network and the CDC, as well as information to help statewide influenza surveillance efforts by becoming a sentinel provider.
Our past Peds@CA2 eNews, archived chapter newsletters, Pediatric eNews, and the spring 2014AAP Infectious Diseases newsletter can be found under publications. And of course, there is a revised, easier to use section for joining or renewing your membership... as they say, "Tell a Friend."


This edition features two articles on the timely topic of unaccompanied immigrants from two different perspectives. One highlights the humanitarian issues written by our treasurer, Dr. Alice Kuo, and the other, from the viewpoint of the frontline practicing pediatrician, by our secretary, Dr. Chris Landon.


We have exciting news! Our very own San Bernardino County - High Desert area representative, Dr. Damodara Rajasekhar, is the 2014 recipient of the Presidential Award presented by the San Bernardino County Medical Society.  


As always, I welcome your comments and suggestions. Please consider attending our next board meeting on the evening of September 17th, which will be held in Tarzana, CA, with the consideration that you RSVP at least one week in advance, since dinner will be served. 


I hope you are enjoying your summer!



Paula Whiteman, MD, FACEP, FAAP

President, AAP-CA Chapter 2

Unaccompanied Child Refugees Coming into the U.S.

By Alice Kuo, MD, PhD, FAAP

Treasurer, AAP-CA Chapter 2

For the first six months of 2014, the number of unaccompanied children detained at the US borders in Texas and other southwest states swelled to an all-time high of 57,525, compared to 27,884 for the comparable time period in 2013, an increase of 106%. 

Adolescent boys between 13-17 years are most commonly seen; however, U.S. Border Patrol reports an increase in the number of girls arriving. In 2014, for the first time ever, the majority of the children are coming from Central America.  Read more...

Unaccompanied Children Brought to Ventura County

By Chris Landon, MD, FAAP

Secretary, AAP-CA Chapter 2

As a community pediatrician I have responded to requests for school physical screenings at schools; lectures to middle school classes for Career Day, and helped with camps for kids with asthma, diabetes, and cancer.  At one camp for asthmatic children I picked them up in their neighborhood. They scurried out. That night, in the tent, I asked them "How many of you have heard a gunshot?". They all raised their hands. 

"What are you most afraid of ?" - "To go outside."   Read more...

Upcoming Events

Board Meeting: September 17, 2014
Town Halls in September and October.

We thank you for your continued membership. Please follow us on Facebook and watch for new developments on our website.



AAP-CA Chapter 2

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