Cedar Island
Four Star Express
News From Our Room

Happy Friday Four Star Families!!

We hope everyone has had a great week! This week we got to practice cutting in our sensory area as well as bake some fabulous pizzas in our Four Star Pizzeria. We also got to paint some special fish with a unique tool, celery!  We got to go to the library for the first time today as well.  After your child has read their book, they can bring it back to school and place it in the blue bin in the cubby area.  Then they can get a new book the next time we go to the library!

Our first Non-School Day is coming up on Thursday, October 20th. A non-school day is a day when school is not in session but Four Star is still open for care. This year on non-school days, we will be providing care at Oak View Elementary which is right behind Cedar Island! You can use Door 4 for drop off and pick up at Oak View. Please click HERE to fill out a survey and let us know if your child will be attending that day. We will be decorating our own pair of binoculars and then using them on a nature walk! Our hours of operation will be 7:00-5:30 and your child will need a cold lunch from home as lunch will not be offered on the non-school days. Please fill out the survey by October 5th.

As a reminder, picture day in Tuesday, October 4th. You may order your pictures BEFORE picture day, by clicking HERE and and entering our school Picture Day ID: EVTZ6B9M4.  Paper order forms will come home with each student on Wednesday, September 28. Online orders are preferred. If you are paying with cash, exact change is required.


Last but not least, meet our classroom take home friend Lola the Llama!  Every weekend Lola gets to spend time with a new student in our Four Star class. When it’s your turn, make sure to take pictures with Lola and write a short paragraph about all the fun you had. This year, since we do not want to spread germs from house to house, you will get a “Flat Lola” to spend the weekend with!! The best part is that you get to keep your Flat Lola and have as many adventures with her as you want. When your child gets chosen, a white envelope will come home in their green take home folder. Inside will be your Flat Lola and an example Flat Lola page.  You can either create your own page and send it back to school, or you can email Ms. G your pictures and paragraph and she will put your page together. You can choose whatever is easiest for your family!! Then your child will get to share their page with the class. Click HERE to see Ms. G's weekend with Lola the Llama page.

We hope you have a great weekend!!

Snapshots of the Week

Peek of the Week

Week of September 26-30

Theme/ Focus:

Myself and My Family

 Weekly Objectives:



Sequence of Events


Matching One to One

Handwriting: Number 2


Contact Paper Leaves

Home Living:



Color Matching


Click here for our detailed Peek of the Week

Looking Ahead

Tuesday, October 4th

Picture Day

Thursday, October 20th

Non-School Day

Nature Day

Friday, October 21st

Four Star Closed


Don't forget to bring your: 

- Rest Time Items (If any were brought home)

- Tennis Shoes for Gym

- Weather Appropriate Clothing for Outside 

- Green Take Home Folder

- Water Bottle

- Lotion (if needed)

- If your child will be absent please call the room or send an email!

Cedar Island Four Star
Hours: 7:00-5:30

Between 9:15am-3:50pm, please use the Cedar Island front office for drop off and pick up.

Phone/Absence Line:

Program Manager:

Meet Our Team

Ms. G


Ms. M


Mrs. Fredricks



Inclement Weather Guidelines

District Lunch/Breakfast Website

Four Star Tuition Calendar

Health Awareness

Here is an overview of the daily health screening that

needs to be performed daily before arriving. Any individual

who is not well, should remain home until symptoms

improve. Symptoms need to be reported to a responsible

reporter. Staff and students are required to report positive COVID cases to the responsible

reporter. Kidstop/Four Star Express Program Managers are responsible reporters.