Weekly Update - August 07, 2019
This communication is paid for by Our Church's Wider Mission
inthisissueIn This Issue...
EventTrainingA Message from PCC
HCWebsiteHartman Center
Thank you for your generosity!!
Shiloh Fall Retreat 
Lifelong Learning and Womens'/Men's Retreats - N EW
Generosity Resources
PCC Churches in the News 
Puerto Rico Disaster Relief - NEW
CNWebsiteCommunity and Justice Issues
The Youth Climate Movement Webinar
Community and Justice Resources
Farewell, Rev. Mary Schaller Blaufuss
Training and Ongoing Education
Northern Cluster Hymn Sing
Tea with MOM
Advent Planning for Clergy and Music Directors
MEF: Save the Dates for Clergy
Installations, Ecclesiastical Councils and Ordinations 
EventTrainingResources and Calendar
Important Links
Calendar and Save the Dates 
Contact Us!
PCC Office Staff
  • Rev. Carrie Call, Phd - Transitional Conference Minister
    email: ccall@pccucc.org / Phone: 717-652-1560 ex. 12 
  • Rev. Nora Driver Foust - Associate Conference Minister 
    email: nfoust@pccucc.org / Phone: 717-652-1560 ex.13
  • Rev. Patricia Dodds - Coordinator of Camps/Retreats/Youth Ministry
    email: program@hartmancenter.com / Phone: 570-506-0677
  • Scott Watts - Facilitator of Care to Clergy & Clergy Families
    email: swatts@pccucc.org / Phone: 717-652-1560 ex. 15
  • C. Paul Keller - Office Manager
    email: pkeller@pccucc.org / Phone: 717-652-1560 ex. 14
  • Laura Dalton - Administrative Assistant/Search & Call Assistant
    email: ldalton@pccucc.org / Phone: 717-652-1560 ex. 10
Prayers1Morsels of Excellence Archive
January - July Archive
Prayers1Open Positions
Prayers1Prayers for Penn Central Conference
Prayers1Support the Conference
 Support Penn Central Conference 
Contact information:      C. Paul Keller

email: pkeller@pccucc.org    phone: 717-652-1560                fax: 717-652-4769
web: http://www.pccucc.org      
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