ONA Ministry Team - January 10, PCC CC - East, 2 - 3:30
Board of Directors Meeting - January 13, 10 AM - 2 PM, PCC - Board Room,
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday - PCC Office Closed - January 15
York Association Strategic Plan Presentation - January 21, 3:00 PM, Faith UCC, York
Commission on Ministry - January 22, PCC CC - West, 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Confirmation Retreat Planning - January 22, PCC CC - East, 1PM - 3PM
UEK Partnership - January 23, PCC CC - East, 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Conference Epiphany Worship Service - January 23, Mt. Zion UCC, York - 6:30 PM
Finance Committee - January 27, PCC CC - East, 9 AM - Noon
Clergy Convocation - January 30 - February 1 - DoubleTree, Lancaster
Big Splash Training - February 3, PCC CC - Board Room, 10 AM - Noon
Big Splash Presentations - February 11, PCC Churches, during worship
Harrisburg Association Strategic Plan Presentation - February 18, 2018, 2:00 PM, Colonial Park UCC
Board of Directors Hartman Center Committee - February 20, PCC CC - East, 6 PM - 8 PM
Lay Boundary Awareness Training - March 3, Trinity East Petersburg, 10 AM - 3 PM
Nominations Commission - March 7, PCC CC - East, 10 AM - 11:30 AM
ONA Winter Gathering - March 10, Colonial Park UCC
Confirmation Retreat - March 16 - March 18, Hartman Center, 6 PM - Noon
Advanced Boundary Training - March 20, Faith UCC, York, 9:30 AM - Noon
Lenten Pastor's Breakfast and Worship - March 22, Zion UCC, Arendtsville, 9:30 AM
Good Friday - PCC Office Closed, March 30
Clergy Spouse Workshop - April 7, Saint Paul's, Selinsgrove 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Clergy Spouse Workshop - April 28, 1st Carlisle, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Clergy Spouse Workshop - May 12, Hayshire, York, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Click to see our Web site for more details.
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Events, Training and More...
Association Links
Insurance Board Webinars
The following webinars are scheduled for 2018. These webinars are free and open to all. All webinars are scheduled to begin at 2 PM EST. To register for one of these webinars click on this link, and click on "Insurance Board Webinars":
Wednesday, February 7th: Preventing and Dealing with Sexual Harassment at Church (Praesidium)
Wednesday, April 11th: Risk Management for Camps (The Insurance Board)
Wednesday, September 12th: Trending Risk Management Concerns for Churches (The Insurance Board)
Additional webinars and recorded webinars available under the Online Learning section.
Hartman Center Golf Outing - May 12, 2018 - Fairview Golf Course in Quentin, PA
2018 Penn Central Annual Meeting - June 8 and 9, 2018
National ONA Gathering - June 27-29, 2018
Dallas, TX
Partners in Peace -
July 5, 2018
California University of Pennsylvania
Widening the Welcome (Disability Ministries) - November 1-3, 2018
Niagara Falls, NY
General Synod, 2019 - June 21-25, 2019
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Please check out the SAVE THE DATE Section
Under Hartman Center too!
Lancaster Theological Seminary - NEW
3 Great Loves |
3 Great Loves
There is now a section on the UCC site for you to share your 3 Great Loves.
Spotlight Awards are designed to lift up stories of exceptional individuals who are creating a more just world for all through love of neighbor, love of children and love of creation.
Those receiving a Spotlight Award nomination will receive a letter from UCC General Minister and President, Rev. John C. Dorhauer, a certificate and a special UCC gift. Spotlight Award winners will get a banner for their congregation, a plaque and a visit from Rev. John Dorhauer. Additionally, nominees and winners will be recognized on www.3greatloves.org, on ucc.org, in social media, in KYP and at General Synod 2019.
Please use these links and continue to share your stories with us! (Or if you prefer, send your story to
Stephanie and she can share it for you!)
We love seeing Penn Central Conference congregations connected, engaged and transformed through Christ's love!
Hartman Center |
Hartman Center News and Resources
FEBRUARY 11, 2018 LOVE OFFERING for Hartman Center - NEW
Every congregation in Penn Central Conference will soon be receiving a SNAIL MAILING with information for the February 11th LOVE OFFERING for Hartman Center. BUT you can open up that mailing right now electronically.
-Dave Bushnell, Hartman Center Advisory Committee member
Confirmation Retreat
The PCCUCC Confirmation Retreat is on the weekend of March 16-18 at the Hartman Center.
If your church is thinking about sending your confirmands, you are welcome to attend the next planning meeting on Monday, January 22 at 1 PM at the Conference Office in Harrisburg.
The focus of this year's retreat is discipleship. We will be encouraging discipleship through living faith, hospitality, personal mission, prayer and spirituality while lifting up our UCC "Be the Church" values: protecting the environment, caring for the poor, forgiving often, rejecting racism, fighting for the powerless, sharing earthly and spiritual resources, embracing diversity, loving God, and enjoying this life. Reverend Patty Dodds, Conference Coordinator of Camp and retreat ministries is facilitating the planning process. Please contact her for more information or to get your group added to the list of participants.
Conference Elementary Retreat
Mark your calendars for the Conference elementary retreat to be held May 4-6, 2018. More
coming soon!
----Elementary Retreat - May 4-6, 2018
Thank you for your continued support!
PCC-Bay |
Baptismal Fonts Needed
UCC Homes is looking for two baptismal fonts as neither chapel has one and they'd like to have it visible and available to use. If anyone has access to one and is willing to share, please contact Mark at
Schulmerich Handbells
Three Complete Octaves (37 Bells)
Prayer List and Devotional |
Still Speaking Devotional by Vicki Kemper
Well Pleased
And just as Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. And a voice came from heaven, "You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased."
- Mark 1:10-11
For reminding me I am beloved, I give you thanks and praise. May I please you today and every day.
Prayers for Penn Central Conference Churches
"Finally, brothers and sisters, pray for us, so that the word of the Lord may spread rapidly and be glorified everywhere, just as it is among you."
(2 Thess. 3:1)
Beginning in 2018, we have created a prayer list to invite you to pray with us as we pray for all of our congregations. Each week we will list names of various churches in Penn Central Conference hoping you will add them to your prayer list, and hold them in prayer throughout the week.
- Saint John's UCC, Bellefonte
- Peace UCC, Boalsburg
- Trinity UCC, Biglerville
- Zion UCC, Blain
Faith Connection Stories |
Passionately Declaring and Demonstrating the Courageous Love of Christ - NEW
We love to hear stories of Penn Central Conference congregations working within their communities to passionately declare and demonstrate their courageous love of Christ.
NEW - New Covenant UCC, Williamsport shares their year of mission and ministry in a
slide show showcasing their decision to become a Creation Justice church, their 40 day Lenten collection, meal packing, Cereal Sunday, mission trips, CROP Walk and more!
Faith Connection Stories
Archive |
Our Previous eNews
January 3, 2018,
December 27, 2017,
December 20, 2017,
December 13, 2017,
December 6, 2017,
November 29, 2017, November 22, 2017, November 15, 2017, November 8, 2017, November 1, 2017 October 25, 2017, October 18, 2017, October 11, 2017, October 4, 2017 September 27, 2017, September 20, 2017, September 13, 2017, September 6, 2017 August 30, 2017, August 23, 2017, August 16, 2017, August 9, 2017, August 2, 2017 July 26, 2017, July 19, 2017, July 12, 2017, July 5, 2017 June 28, 2017, June 21, 2017, June 14, 2017, June 7, 2017, May 31, 2017, May 24, 2017, May 17, 2017, May 10, 2017, May 3, 2017 |