From the Halls of First Pres | Josh Stewart | |
Dear friends,
Before kids are old enough even to pronounce it right, parents want them to be able to lisp the words, "Thank you." Meister Eckhart once said, “The most important prayer in the world is just two words: ‘Thank you.’” When my beautiful wife informed me that she signed me up to run the Turkey Trot 5K, I replied through clinched teeth, “Thank you.”
Such a simple, fundamental, and powerful phrase.
Saying “thank you” goes deep.
The Bible teaches us to “give thanks in all circumstances.” This has far reaching implications. Thanksgiving is not just a holiday or a bumper sticker. For people of faith, thanksgiving is a way of life. No one said it’s easy. No one said it’s a free ticket to a perfect life. Personally, I find it much easier to gripe and complain than it is to give thanks. I need people in my life to remind me to be thank-full in all circumstances. In my experience, oftentimes it’s our young people who remind me of the importance of gratitude. In fact, I found a note this week in my Evernote filing system about something profound one of our students said in Youth Group a number of years ago: “live your life as a ‘thank you note’ to God.” What a wonderful way to put it! How grateful I am to belong to this close-knit community of faith, which is full of living “thank you notes!”
As we approach a time of year that is devoted to giving thanks, we all know it’s a season that comes with a lot of baggage and complications too. With this in, in this moment, could you take a moment to pause and pray? Wherever you are, take a deep breath, pause, and pray to God, giving thanks for the gift of this life together. Remember that you’re not alone. Dig deep, and imperfect and broken as everything in this world is, pray it with meaning: “Thank You.” Then, go and live your life as a “thank you note” to God.
Stephen Colbert, late-night comedian and dedicated Christian, was asked in an interview about his faith. The question was, “Why is your faith so important to you?” He replied, “It gives me somewhere to place my gratitude.”
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A big shoutout to First Pres church members and staff for donating 211 Thanksgiving bags to Community Crossroads this week! | |
We have one date left where we need a meal provided for the Room in the Inn winter session. If your group would like to fill this need on Monday, December 16, please contact Becky at | |
Supporting the Christmas Joy offering from December 1- 22, 2024 honors God's gift of Jesus Christ by providing assistance to current and retired church workers in their time of need and developing our future leaders at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. Give a gift via the provided envelopes in worship or by visiting | |
Help us stock up for First Presbyterian Church's 10th annual Christmas Toy Store on December 7. This outreach event provides parents and guardians the opportunity to "shop" through a donation-provided store of new children's toys. Each year, over 300 children are served! Items needed (suitable for ages 0–8 years, brand new items, maximum spend of $50 per toy): Remote-controlled vehicles, etc.; 18-inch dolls; Razor (or other brand) kick scooter; monetary donations (gift cards to toy retailers, or checks made payable to First Presbyterian Church Fort Worth with "Christmas Store" in the memo line). Please bring unwrapped donations to the tables outside the worship spaces or to the church office before Sunday, December 1. Thank you! | |
All are invited to celebrate Advent with a live nativity, followed by a fun grilled cheese and tomato soup come-and-go dinner under the Great Hall's covered entrance. December 15 at 5:30 p.m. | |
Join Circles of Christ for an evening of dinner, music, praise, and fellowship in the Moravian tradition! The Moravian denomination introduced the service of a "Lovefeast" in 1727, a simple meal with song and prayer, to encourage Christian fellowship and love. The event is free, but please RSVP at by December 8. | |
In other First Pres news... | |
Order Christmas Poinsettias in Honor and Memory of Loved Ones
The First Pres Worship & Music Committee will place live poinsettia plants in the worship spaces from December 13-25. You may purchase a plant in honor or memory of loved ones below or by contacting Deneice ( or 817.335.1231) in the church office. Deadline is December 2. Cost is $25 per plant. Plants may be taken home on Friday, December 27, or after worship on Sunday, December 29. Plants not picked up are delivered to the Fort Worth Botanic Garden for propagation.
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Mission Outreach: Thank you
A big thanks to Tom Swanson, George Morey, and Tommy Duniven for stepping in as substitute drivers for food pickups for Community Crossroads during November. Thank you!
Calendar Update
The Church offices, Community Crossroads Outreach Center, and the Early Education Center will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 28-29, for Thanksgiving.
All Church Lunch: December 1
The Stewardship Committee is hosting a thank you lunch on Sunday, December 1 at 11:30 a.m. in the Great Hall. Everyone is invited to celebrate the generosity expressed in 2024, and the commitments made for 2025. Come enjoy the fellowship, the food, and the faithfulness of our community of faith as we are woven together in God's love.
Community Crossroads: Clothing needs
The Clothed in Love Ministry at Community Crossroads are in need of men's winter coats, men's shoes and backpacks. Donations can be dropped off at 1516 Hemphill St. or at the First Pres office during working hours.
Help Support Worship as a Slide Operator
Would you like to help support worship but prefer to stay behind the scenes? Consider joining the team of volunteer slide operators! Every Sunday, a volunteer runs the slideshow that displays songs and service information during 9 a.m. worship in the Great Hall. No prior experience is needed and minimal training is required. Time commitment is approximately one Sunday per month, but we're flexible to your schedule. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Deneice Allen in the church office ( or 817.335.1231, ext. 261).
Party for the Blind, Sunday December 8 at 6 p.m.
If you or anyone you know is visually impaired, please invite them to rsvp by signing up with here:
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If you could help provide transportation for one of our guests, sign up below | |
The full prayer list can be found in the most recent Penn Street Letter. The following prayer concerns are those we have received as of November 20 and are in addition to the full list. In an effort to respect the privacy of those listed below, names are only printed once permission from the individual is obtained.
Are you in the hospital or dealing with an illness? Let us know by contacting Parish Associate for Pastoral Care Rev. Ashley Drake Mertz, Parish Visitor Rev. Lynda Dinsdale, or Parish Visitor Matt McGraw. Let us keep the following
With joy we celebrate…
The birth of Scottie Marie Snyder on October 24 to Erin and James Snyder. First Pres family members include grandparents Jon and Eleanor Snyder.
Our loving sympathy to…
Family and friends of Gwen Kelly following her death on November 9, 2024.
Family and friends of Lul Duop following his death in October 2024. Surviving First Pres family members include his wife, Buk Puk, and children, Michael, Nyehon, Jochua, Elijah, and Isaiah.
Family and friends of Patricia Villa following her death on October 28, 2024.
Family and friends of Ronald Massey following his death on October 22, 2024. Surviving First Pres family member includes his wife, Cheri Massey
Our loving thoughts and prayers are with…
Caro Jackson
Janie Hart
Michael Martin
Sandra Davis
Wil’lwin Chocola
Steve Brotherton
Everett King, brother of Barbara Holmes
Ron Feagins, father-in-law of Blake Hargrave
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This week, the Rev. Dr. Brian Coulter will be preaching from John 18.33-37. See you Sunday!
We livestream worship each Sunday. The service is also available during the week on our website, YouTube or Vimeo channels.
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