Our first ever Special Person's Dance really was a Winter Wonderland! Everyone looked fantastic, the gym was beautiful & we think our little penguins had tons of fun! Thank you to the committee for all their hard work helping the night come together. Special thanks to Mr. Altin, Mrs. Palladino & even a guest appearance by Miss Ashley for helping us get over a few bumps to start the night! Photos will be available for download next week - we will share the Shutterfly link when they are ready. Please remember to send any photos you took to yearbookpennell@gmail.com!
Our annual Gertrude Hawk Fundraiser begins tomorrow & runs through February 26. Brochures came home last week. Orders will be ready for pick up the week of March 18 - when we have a specific date we will update. We will need a few volunteers that day!
The 5th Grade Committee is busy planning their biggest fundraiser of the year: the Family Glow Party. The fun begins at 6pm on March 1 at the Aston Community Center! This event is for Pennell families only (all grades) & replaces the Family Bingo we've done the past few years. We will have games, glow sticks, concessions & more! If you are able to donate items for a raffle basket, please reach out to pennell5thgrade@gmail.com
The Variety Show is April 5 at Northley. If your student is performing, please make sure you order their t-shirt here by February 16. Space is limited so only students in the show will receive tickets. We can't wait to see what these talented penguins can do!
5th Grade Families, please join the Facebook group to stay up to date on all the upcoming events. If you're not on Facebook, please send an email to pennell5thgrade@gmail.com. We always need volunteers to sell pretzels at lunch on Fridays, so please sign up to help!
Pretzel Sales continue every Friday at lunch. Remember your $1.
The PTO Directory is complete & available online for this year's PTO members. A link has been shared with all member email addresses on file & is also on our website. We'd love to hear what you think about this new format.
Mark your calendars for Pennell Night at the Phillies, April 20 at 6:05pm. Flyers will come home soon. Tickets will be $25 & a portion of the proceeds benefits PTO.
Yearbooks are now on sale online & flyers have been sent home. 5th graders will be gifted a yearbook courtesy of the 5th Grade Committee & do not need to order one. For all others, They are $18 until March 22, then $20 until April 12. Details are online