Pennell Elementary Families!
Spelling Bee Update:
Congratulations to our homeroom spelling bee winners form this past week! Every student gave it their best try and they should all be proud of themselves. However, two students from each homeroom will move on to the school-wide spelling bee, set to take place on January 31st. Good luck to all participants!
Friday is a half-day for students, dismissal will begin at 11:15.
Winter Benchmark Testing:
Our team is finishing up benchmark testing this week. Grade-level teams will be meeting at the end of the week to review the data and make adjustments to our MTSS groups for the following week. If your child will be receiving an intervention, you should receive a letter sometime next week with those details.
Related Arts Schedule:
Monday is D
Tuesday is E
Wednesday is F
Thursday is A
Friday is B
Seasonal Clothing Reminder:
As we embrace the joys of winter, we want to ensure that your children can fully enjoy their 25 minutes of recess each day. With this in mind, we kindly remind you to send them to school dressed in appropriate winter attire, including warm jackets, gloves, hats, and scarves. This small effort will not only keep them comfortable but also enhance their experience of fresh air and physical activity
during these chilly months. We appreciate your partnership in promoting your children's health and happiness during winter.
Upcoming Dates for your Calendar:
- 1/2-1/15 Winter Benchmarking Window
- 1/13 Mid-Year PBIS Expectations Assembly – this will be January’s Pennell Pride day – wear your Pennell shirts
- 1/14 PTO meeting 6:30
- 1/17 Half-day for students, 11:15 dismissal
- 1/20 MLK Holiday – no school
- 1/27 Wings whole-school assembly
- 1/31 School-wide Spelling Bee
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