Pennell Families,
Our fall food drive starts this week and ends November 21st. Please help us support our local families in need. Aston Township Neighbors Helping Neighbors is a fabulous organization that provides food insecurity assistance to families in our community.
We recognized our October Students of the Month this past week. See the picture below. Thank you to the PTO for bringing this oversight to my attention.
Related arts schedule days:
Monday is E
Tuesday is F
Wednesday is A
Thursday is B
Friday is C
Anyone picking up your child at dismissal MUST have the gold card with your family's name on it, or they will be asked to go to the office and produce identification so that we can check it with our system.
Upcoming Dates for your Calendar:
- 11/12 PTO Meeting
11/13 World Kindness Day and Pennell Pride Day - wear your shirts!
- 11/15 Picture Retakes (note revised date)
- 11/25 and 11/26 Fall Conferences (half-days for students)
- 11/27 Half-day
- 11/27 Trimester 1 Ends – 12/6 Reports Cards Posted
- 11/28 and 11/29 School Closed – Holiday
- 12/3 and 12/4 Holiday Shop
Follow us now on Instagram @PDSD_Pennell