Pennell Families,
** Friday, October 18, is a full day teacher in-service. No school for students.
Related arts schedule days:
Monday is F
Tuesday is A
Wednesday is B
Thursday is C
Friday - No school for students
Arrival and Dismissal:
There have been some reports from residents and bus drivers about congestion and unsafe driving during drop-off and pick-up times. Please do not arrive to school too early, this causes back up due to the doors not being open yet. If you are the first car to arrive at Pennell please pull up as far as you possibly can, to avoid back-ups in the circle (including for chorus and band drop off, please pull up to the playground if you are the first car). Remain in your car as your child exits, to keep traffic moving. And, if your child is able to take the bus, please consider having them ride the bus to alleviate more cars during these times.
Anyone picking up your child at dismissal MUST have the gold card with your family's name on it, or they will be asked to go to the office and produce identification so that we can check it with our system.
Lock Down Drill:
We will be having a lock down drill in the next couple of weeks. Teachers will be talking to their classes about what to do in the case of an emergency where we would need to stay in the building instead of evacuating. Our students had their first evacuation drill this past month, and did fabulously. Feel free to reach out to your child's teacher if you would like to reinforce the same language he/she is using in the classroom. I understand these drills can be unsettling, let me know if your child may need a visit with the counselor to work through any big feelings.
Upcoming Dates for your Calendar:
- 10/17 Kindergarten Field Trip to Highland Orchards
- 10/18 Full-day In-service – No school for students
- 10/18 Fall Fest (rain date 10/25)
- 10/23 Cookies and Clearances 6:00 PM- 7:00 PM
- 10/25 Wear Pink Day
- 11/1 Cookie Election (oreo or chips ahoy?)
- 11/8 National STEM Day
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